Archive for the ‘Elven awakening’ Category

Jesus Christ Elf Lord: The Faerie Foundations of Christianity, Book Two

January 5, 2023

jesus christ elf lord book 2cover
Jesus Christ Elf Lord:
The Faerie Foundations of Christianity, Book Two
by The Silver Elves

“When we Silver Elves speak of god, we are talking about the Divine Magic that is male and female and both and neither. It exists in all things and is found in all things and within ours’elves and our own inner nature.”

You may purchase Jesus Christ Elf Lord, Book Two here on US Amazon here (also available on all international Amazon sites):

And here on UK Amazon:

We Silver Elves are happy to announce that we just published our 67th book on the Elven Way, Elfin Life and Magic, titled Jesus Christ Elf Lord: The Faerie Foundations of Christianity, Book Two. First we would like to say that we respect everyone’s own decision as to what religion or no religion that they embrace, and being elven has nothing to do with one’s chosen religion, as the Elven Way is a spiritual path not a religion. We have written this book because many of our elfae people have asked us for an elven perspective on Jesus and Christianity. 

Book Dedication:
We dedicate this book to our beloved Elf Witch and Pagan kindred who endured through the ages despite the persecution you have suffered.

JESUS CHRIST ELF LORD, Book Two is the second book of our two book series about Jesus Christ who was/is, in our opinion as well as the opinion of other scholars, an Elven Lord. As we said in our first volume (see Jesus Christ Elf Lord, Book One here), we Silver Elves are not Christians ours’elves but we know of a number of elfin faerie folk who have expressed to us their wish to keep their Christian faith and yet integrate it with their elfin natures and fae understanding of thems’elves. These two books are an attempt upon our part to illuminate Jesus’ teachings with the Elven Way (see our book of that title) and the Faerie Faith and show them in a harmonious light. We also seek to demonstrate the way Christianity has been influenced by and adapted itself to the Faerie world as well as show, in some cases, how Christianity has influenced modern images of we elfin. These realms are not separate but intimately connected.

In this volume 2 of the series we continue to look closely from an elven perspective at Christianity to cover an elfin view of such topics as: Jesus and other sacrificed gods; Jesus and his coven; Mary Magdalene and Mother Mary; Christmas and Saturnalia; Christ Consciousness; St. Francis and St. Claire; Heaven and Hell; Valhalla and the Realm of Hel; Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ; Revelations, Osiris and Horus; Ragnarok; Gnostics and Gnomes; the Fairy Flag of the Clan MacLeod; prayers as spells; questioning why Christianity is against magic and witchcraft; self-flagellation; suicide; confession/atonement; Free Grace Theology; what Jesus would think about nudity and sexuality; protestantism; proselytizing; Fae as fallen angels; demons/daemons; body vs. spirit; Lord Elrond and Lord Jesus; the Four Horseman; the Seven Seals; Esoteric Christianity; Tolkien mythos; the Seven Deadly Sins; the Seven Virtues; the Seven Magical Virtues; and Christian Magic.

Fardas Lovur Tae Lan (Dancing toward the dawn),
The Silver Elves

And you can find all 65+ of The Silver Elves books on The Elven Way on our author Amazon international pages here:
US (USA) Amazon:

UK (United Kingdom) Amazon:

DE (Germany) Amazon:

CA (Canada) Amazon:

AU (Australia) Amazon:


Below is an excerpt from the book Jesus Christ Elf Lord, Book Two:

Another look at Hell

“Jesus is often shown as wearing a crown of thorns by which he was caused to suffer. At the same time, his crown of thorns is not utterly dissimilar to the Faerie Crown that Thranduil wears in the Hobbit movies. Only for Thranduil the twigs/thorns are turned outward. Which may suggest the crown Jesus will wear when it is prophesied that he will, like Horus the ancient Egyptian god, return to kick ass and set the world aright.”

“Jesus’ crown of thorns is meant to indicate that he suffered on our behalf. But really does spreading suffering relieve suffering? If you hit your thumb with a hammer and cry out in pain, will your suffering be lessened if we hit our thumbs with a hammer, too? If we are depressed and you become depressed as well, will that help us be less depressed? That seems to be the theme of the saying ‘misery loves company’, although we think really it is happiness that loves company and misery often just wishes to be alone. But to want other people to suffer because you are suffering is a common feeling, although it usually does nothing to relieve our suffering, it just masks it with a pathetic delight in the pain of others. We elves for our part prefer to ‘kiss it and make it better’.”

“Of course, Jesus’ suffering isn’t primarily about suffering, really. It is about enduring suffering and overcoming suffering. As we’ve said before, the fact that the cross is so commonly used as a symbol of Christianity instead of the image of Jesus ascending to heaven, is a mystery to we who are elven.”

“We elves and faerie folk have also suffered. Alas, this is often happened at the hands of Christians, or at least those who proclaimed they were Christian while not following Jesus’ teachings at all. Perhaps they were trying to relieve their own suffering by sharing it with us. But creating more suffering only adds to the suffering in the world and it is happiness and delight that we elves strive toward because those are truly magical and healing.”

“When one of us was at Catholic military school when he was a boy, a nun there told him and the other pixies in his school class that hell wasn’t really a place where demons tortured one forever. Hell was, according to her, the absence of god. It was not being able to be in the presence of god who is so very wonderful and amazing. We don’t know where she got that idea. When we researched it to get some notion where this point of view originated, we came across a fantasy novelette Hell Is the Absence of God by Ted Chiang published 2001. However, we have not read this story and so cannot recommend it one way or another. At the same time, we are pretty sure that our nun didn’t get her idea from this fantasy tale unless, of course, she was a time traveler or a psychic visionary for she had proclaimed that view nearly fifty years previous to the publication of that work.”

“Another thing we found on google was a pastor answering a question a woman had posed to him that more or less asked if god is everywhere, is he in hell? And, rather like an elf, the pastor responded yes and no. Yes, in the sense that god is aware of everything but no in the sense that his grace is absent from hell. And while this interchange also went on over 50 years, at least, after our nun expressed the idea that hell is the absence of god, the pastor’s response is similar, although we still got the idea that he thought spirits were being tortured in hell as vengeance for not obeying or believing in god.”

“What our nun meant, as we understand it, was that in sinning one separates oneself from god in an inner psychological and soulful way and that separation is torturous. However, it is actually self-imposed torture. Not something that someone does to you but something you have done to yourself.”

“God, in that sense, is a rock star, a rap star, a movie star that you so admire that you long to know them and be with them. God is your soulmate, god is your child that you would lay down your life to protect and who brings joy and delight into your life. God is the person you are in love with. God is the most wonderful person in the universe and when you are separated from that person, you feel tortured inside and long to be with them. Hell is the agony of love when one is apart from one’s beloved. And there is no reason for you not to be with him, unless you yours’elf make it impossible by your actions, like an alcoholic or drug addict that messes up their life so much that their own family who loves them just can’t have them around. Some call this ‘tough love’, but we elves merely think of it as being practical and realistic.”

“When we Silver Elves speak of god, we are talking about the Divine Magic that is male and female and both and neither. It exists in all things and is found in all things and within ours’elves and our own inner nature. The absence of the Divine Magic, which ultimately is so painful that it feels like hell, is due to our separation from each other (as well as from our own s’elves). And yet, some people by their behavior make it impossible to have them around.”

“And we, in harmony with each other and our others, are quite happy in our union and ever hopeful that those others who are suffering will put aside their bad habits and behaviors that are causing the rift between us so we may join in union once more. Alas, like alcoholics who insist that they don’t have a problem with drinking and that it is other people who have a problem with them drinking, some people are not quite ready to develop themselves to the point where they can live in harmony with others.”

“Hell is the absence of a connection to the Divine Magic in one’s life. It is not about believing in god or accepting Jesus as your lord and savior, although it may have something to do with believing in love. Although, there have been many through time who didn’t believe in love and yet Love found them anyway. The Divine Magic is Love.”

“Hell is the absence of those we adore and who, in turn, adore us. Hell is punishment but it is suffering we have insisted upon our own s’elves and as soon as we are ready to stop punishing ours’elves and to change and develop so we can be in the presence of the Divine, the Divine Magic will be waiting for us everywhere and is to be found in nearly everyone around us and within our own nature. This is the truth of Christianity. And this, whether you are Christian or not, is the truth of the Elven Way.”

End of excerpt from Jesus Christ Elf Lord: The Faerie Foundations of Christianity, Book Two by The Silver Elves

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“Men tell us they were made in the image and likeness of their god;
we elves say we were created from the spirit and soulfulness of the Divine Magic.”
— The Silver Elves

“Song of Awakening” from The Magical Elven Love Letters by The Silver Elves

August 8, 2022


“Song of Awakening” from 
The Magical Elven Love Letters, Volume 2 
by The Silver Elves

     So continuing with our series on The Magical Elven Love Letters. . . .

   The letters in Volume 2 were some of The Silver Elves’ most popular letters of the three volumes and give the reader an experiential understanding of what it is to be an elf and enter the realm of Faerie and Magick.  Today we Silver Elves are sharing a letter titled “Song of Awakening” from The Magical Elven Love Letters, Volume 2, which was initially sent out to our elfae kindred by snail mail prior to the onset of the internet in the 1990s. Enjoy!

“Letter 56 … Song of Awakening” 

“Compassion… Beloved Elfin,” 

“… is one the most difficult virtues for many elfin to learn and may very well be the reason a good many of us incarnated in fragile physicality. The most ancient of our kind came from a realm where we were immortal and our bodies etheric were nearly indestructible. When we first came in contact with man, it was somewhat hard for us to appreciate not only how fragile he was, particularly because he seemed such a big solid growing thing and also how very terrified he really was of the possibility of death and dying, i.e. pain. We hate to admit it but we were and sometimes still are rather callous to mankind’s plight… even, in our ignorant youth, at times laughing at the suffering and tragedy of man. It is sometimes only the stinging realization that we now are also subject to the possibility of such terrors that snaps us back to “reality”.”

“It is no wonder that human writers have often described our folk as being cold and soulless. But soulless we are not. We have feelings deep and true, we have visions, pure and farsighted, and we have memories of a life long past when we lived in the seemingly eternal grace of the DIVINE. We were drawn to man in time, they fascinated us. They were so strong and yet so weak, they were terrified of shadows yet inordinately brave and courageous in the face of incalculable odds. Life for them was a mixture of misery and ecstasy, drudgery and high fantastic adventure. We, perhaps, had become a little jaded by that time and seeing how man grasped life so… made us want it anew. Yet, it was compassion that ultimately brought us down into the physical plane. We thought that by mixing with men we could uplift them, which we did, but we did not calculate how very much we would enjoy this world, become, as it were, addicted to its pleasures and yes, for some, its pains.” 

“The great elven sage and seer Buddha proclaimed that in order to escape this realm we need only relinquish desire. And, yes, we have heard from many kin who wish to be free of this world… yet that very desire to be rid of it binds them to it. Oh, cruel world this that like a spider’s web wraps you tighter the more you struggle to be free. There are others of us, however, who wish not so much to be free of this world but to master it. Nurturing our magic until it grows here with the abandon it does Elsewhere. The irony is that in order to do that, we must ultimately also free ours’elves from the desire to have it so. We must work at it, of course, but then we must sit back and wait and allow Faerie to weave its wonders unobstructed. In this world effort is almost everything but the nature of Faerie is in many ways antithetical to this… for Faerie is ruled not by work but by play. Faerie is a realm powered not by hard cold logic but by fantastic imagination. To merge these two realms involves embracing the ETERNAL TAO, the GREAT PARADOX of manifestation. We must do without trying, we must be without doing. We must trust without knowing yet with an inner certainty that all will be fulfilled.”

“Faerie is and we become. As we struggle to create Faerie; it, like mist, remains forever beyond our grasp. But as we live Faerie, live our lives as elves and pixies, brownies and gnomes… Faerie manifests within us and in time around us affecting the SPACE/TIME continuum, shifting us from one parallel realm to another until we find one day the trees shimmering like stars… a light sparkling in the eyes of everyone we meet and the ecstatic joy of every breath. To man this seems a dream, a fantasy that will never or can never happen or be, or as he perceives time, will be so long from now as to be irrelevant to his life. But for the elfin, time moves differently, past, present and future all merges into one, the eternal possibility of every moment. We live our dreams and by doing so create that world man thinks does not even exist.”

“Yet, the more we become in tune with our true s’elves, the more we are manifesting living Elfin, the greater the power we have and the greater the effect upon everyone we come in contact with. Man and other races cannot help but be effected by our presence, our being, our magic, just as we, for our part cannot live in the world of Man and not be effected and take into account the power of his manifest being and outlook. There are those who would like to totally separate thems’elves from man and we can certainly understand their point of view but it is an occult truth that we cannot affect anyone unless we ourselves are ready and open to being influenced. Shall we become like the Amish, suspended in time? We think not. WE are here not simply to create our own world but to help transform this one, to ease mankind to a more gentle and ‘dancey’ approach to life and to awaken him to his own destiny, which is, like ours, Here among the Stars!” 

“As difficult as it is, we must open ours’elves to this world, not simply our minds for indeed having an open mind is a very elven trait, but also our hearts… we must feel the world and all its suffering in order to heal it. However, having an open heart does not mean simply allowing ours’elves to be overwhelmed by the madness of the world any more than having an open mind means that you have to agree with everything you hear or read. Having an open heart implies the power of discrimination and even more so the power to transform raw feeling into transcendental peace and bliss. Oh, we know that not all elfin are ready for this step. It demands true mastery over ones’elf and one’s feelings. But it is the direction we are headed toward. A place and a power where we do not simply react to the world in a tit for tat manner but infuse it with living transformative energy. But this we can only do if we, ours’elves are willing to transform.” 

“Oh, tis true we could wait for man to change on his own, How many millennia do you have? Or we could wait for our kin to come from outer space, but then, we are already here. No, while patience is something we are always striving to develop. We are long past waiting. We have come to awaken Elfin and with every breath we Sing the Song of Awakening.”

The Silver Elves 


(End of excerpt from The Magical Elven Love Letters, Volume 2 )

We Silver Elves have been living and sharing the Elven Way since 1975. In 1979, we began writing and circulating The Magical Elven Love Letters to our elven community through regular snail mail (no computers at the time). At the time of these letters, modern day elves were just beginning to awaken to their elven soulful nature and we wanted to share our letters at that time to support and encourage those that were beginning to awaken to be true to their individual destiny and to embrace their starry heritage. In time as the decades went on, we were sending them each month to hundreds of people and then to many more later by email as the internet was developed and became more common to use. We stopped writing them once we began writing and publishing books in 2011, but we did continue to a fashion to have them on our blog sites in a question and answer form about the elven way. We have put all of these letters in a three volume series of books on Amazon (The Magical Elven Love Letters, Volume 1, 2, & 3), and are sharing some of these letters in a short series here on this blog site.  

You can find all 60+ of our The Silver Elves books to purchase on The Elven Way on Amazon here:
US Amazon:

UK Amazon:

DE (Germany) Amazon:

CA (Canada) Amazon:

AU (Australia) Amazon:


A Gift for You from The Silver Elves  . . . .

. . . please do come to our Silver Elves website where you may ask to be gifted an elf name in our magical elven language Arvyndase. Just follow the simple directions on this page to email us a little about your magical self and we Silver Elves will be happy to gift you a beautiful elven name. We Silver Elves have been gifting elf names for decades now over 6,000 names to kindred. Enjoy!


Arvyndase is a complete, beautiful magical elven language of the Silver Elves with over 30,000 words (see our Arvyndase language book and complete dictionary of Arvyndase). Many of the words mean entire experiences in Nature. 

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We hope you will enjoy reading all three of our books of our Magical Elven Love Letters!


The Magical Elven Love Letters, Volume 1, is composed of the letters that were written by the Silver Elves and sent out via snail mail beginning in 1979 and until the mid nineties before the awakening of the internet. They were written to encourage elves to awaken to their Elfin nature, to be true to their individual destiny, and to embrace their starry heritage. They are filled with Elven Philosophy and observe the world from the point of view of the Elves, which is often quite unique from how most people view and experience the world; and their unique Elven Philosophy of Magic that is often similar and yet distinct from traditional theories and methods of magic. This is the second printing of these letters and they have been slightly modified to increase clarity. They are also interspaced with Elven quotes, axioms, koans and other ancient Elven sayings.

The Magical Elven Love Letters, Volume 1 on Amazon US:


The Magical Elven Love Letters, Volume 1 on Amazon UK: 



The Magical Elven Love Letters, Volume 2 is our second collection of our love letters, composed principally of 110 of letters sent out by snail mail and later some are our earliest internet letters in the 1990s. You can find samples of these letters on various sites all over the web, for they were some of our most popular letters and have been copied and spread around frequently. It is not necessary to read Volume 1 before reading and enjoying Volume 2. These letters give the reader an experiential understanding of what it is to be an elf and enter the realm of Faerie and Magick. Enjoy!

The Magical Elven Love Letters, Volume 2 on Amazon US: 

The Magical Elven Love Letters, Volume 2 on Amazon UK:


The Magical Elven Love Letters, Volume 3, is composed of some of our early letters that we wrote and sent out on the internet prior to the year 2000, as well as all of the letters sent out and/or published during our journey and relocation to Hawaii in 2008, with accounts of our encounters with the menehuni and the unfolding magic of the isles. These letters are filled with Elven Philosophy and observe the world from the point of view of the Elves, which is often quite unique from how most people view and experience the world; and their unique Elven Philosophy of Magic that is often similar and yet distinct from traditional theories and methods of magic. Like the first two volumes, volume 3 is interspaced with Elven quotes, axioms, koans and other ancient Elven sayings. This book is the completion of the trilogy of The Magical Elven Love Letters.

The Magical Elven Love Letters, Volume 3 on Amazon US:

The Magical Elven Love Letters, Volume 3 on Amazon UK:

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We invite you to join our elven and otherkin groups on Facebook, dear Kindred! 

For those wishing to join our many Silver Elves groups for Elfae and also friends of Elfae on Facebook, here is fairly complete list below of ones that we administer: You are all invited to any and all of them!

Elven Home — is an enchanting and private place for all elfae folk to share in cozy comfort. Feel free to share anything elfae related, and please do share (with images when you can) all about your own Eald (Elven Home) and the special aspects of it that make it your own enchanting elfin space.

Elfae Tree Folk— A place to share anything about the beloved trees that we elfae love so very dear and about life as a tree folk. This group is for you to spread your elven light through the day & the night and the forest.

The Magical Books of the Silver Elves This is our largest elfae group! And if you would like to find out more about our 60+ The Silver Elves books on The Elven Way, please do join us! We have discussions about our Silver Elves books as well as about Elven and Otherkin philosophy, elven lifestyle and the Elven Way. If you have read our books and would like to discuss them with us, this is the place to come join in the discussions and ask also questions. And please do come share here in this group your own creative elven works of art, music, writing, crafts, or whatever you do to manifest Elfin in your life in your own way, as well as your thoughts and feelings about living the life Elfin.

Elven Life and Magic — A group for fae folk of all kinds posting their magic and how they manifest living as an elfae.

Elvish Magical Chat — Posting and chatting all about elves, faeries, pixies, and magic!

The Faerie Circle — A group for the magical elfae folk. Be ever blest!

Elf Witches of the Mystic Moon — A place to share your magic and enchantment with other elf witches!

Faerie Craft —This is a group to share your elven and fae creations, and yes you are welcome to advertise your elfish/faerie crafts.

I Heart Elven Magic — For those who love Elfin Magic.

Feasting With the Elves (having fun sharing elven recipes and healthy eating) —

United Otherkin Alliance — This is an alliance for Otherkin/ Therians, where elves, faeries, dragons, kitsune, gnomes, hobbits, merkin, pixies, brownies, nymphs, driads, niaids, valkyrie, vampires, devas, fauns, unicorns, animal kin and all manner of Faerie Folk gather and come together! This group is open to anyone who wishes to be part of a congenial group of Otherkin. *

The Elven Way — This group creates a place for people to learn about the Elven Way and for Elves, Otherkin, and their friends to have a fun gathering place to enjoy each other’s company and share things on the path. It is open to anyone who wishes to learn about the Elven Way and friends of such.

Nature & the Unseen Realms with the Elves & otherkin. A spiritual journey — This is a very active elven and otherkin group posting those generally unnoticed realms and wonders of Nature.

Elfin Faerie Lore — For Faeries and Elfin Folk. This group is for sharing elfin faerie lore, magic and life as Fae.

Silver Elves Embassy — This is a place of rest and gathering together to relax and share our stories, dreams for the future, and magic of our elfin adventures. We Silver Elves share some of our magical tales and adventures in this group that have lead us to further embrace the Shining Ones.

We Adore Elves — This group is just a little hideaway for us to all come share our love for elves and elven and our elfin-faerie creativity as we manifest Elven in our lives.

New Group! 

The Elvish Shine of Danu — The Elvish Shrine of Danu group is a place to explore ancient elven and fae people and our culture of the past, as well as a place to join together for those elven living in the present who feel connected to the spirit of the elfin ancestors, and to share the dream of the elves of the ancient future. From our Silver Elves point of view we are essentially spiritual, energetic and thus magical races. If you have an elfin soulful spirit, then you are related to all those who came from Faerie in the past. We hope all of you will enjoy sharing about our eldars like the Tuatha Dé Danann and the Daoine Sidhe as well as others of our elven ancestors around the world of all cultures that stir our hearts and souls, and awaken our spirits to the realms of Faerie.

Also do look for our other elfae groups on Facebook: Elfae Spirituality Group, Elfae Tree Folk, Elven Oracles Group, Elfin Faerie Lore, and Danu Folk Elves.

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And Something for Diviners to check out!

The Silver Elves have several original Elven divination systems that have been created to be used  by Elfae and all other interested diviners, including The Elven Star Oracle, Elven Geomancy, and our most recent oracle system: STICKS AND STONES, FEATHERS, CHARMS AND BONES: An Original Oracle of the Elfin Peoples of the Ancient Future


An Original Oracle of the Elfin Peoples of the Ancient Future

by The Silver Elves

     This original oracle system uses the Sacred Magical Treasures of The Silver Elves as a base. There are ten of these Sacred Magical Treasures of The Silver Elves in all: The Orb of Healing, The Wand of Wishing, The Coin of the Realm, The Feather of Truth Telling, The Magic Mirror of Reflection, The Sack of Giving, The Philtre of True Love, The Phial of Eternal Youth, The Elf Horns of Calling and the The Torch of the Eternal Silver Flame.

     You may ask of the oracle to give you a general reading of what is to come in your life, in which case you will use all the tokens. Or you may wish to ask a very specific question, like, “What is my power in this situation?” In which case, you may wish to only use the Personal Charm. Or you may ask, “In what fashion will the spirits help me?” and then the Otherworldly Charm might be best. Or if you want to know what is behind the situation, what karma or fate has brought you to this circumstance, then the Small Stone might be the wisest choice. But for a balanced reading, it is perhaps best to throw all the magical objects, either together or one at a time to see the various aspects of the situation and get a full view of what is going on. To read an excerpt and more about this book,  please click here!



Many Elven Blessings dear Kindred and Friends

— The Silver Elves


“A Crystal is a Million Stars United,” an excerpt from The Magical Elven Love Letters by The Silver Elves

July 13, 2022

starry night

As many of you know, we Silver Elves have been living and sharing the Elven Way since 1975. In 1979, we began writing and circulating The Magical Elven Love Letters to our elven community through regular snail mail (no computers at the time). At this time, modern day elves were just beginning to awaken to their elven soulful nature and we wanted to share our letters at that time to support and encourage those that were beginning to awaken to be true to their individual destiny and to embrace their starry heritage. In time as the decades went on, we were sending them each month to hundreds of people and then many more later by email or on our website as the internet became common to use. We stopped writing the Magical Elven Love Letters in 2011 once we began writing and publishing books (see our 60+ The Silver Elves books here). We have put all of these letters (over 300 in all) in a three volume series of books that are published and available on Amazon (for more on these books see The Magical Elven Love Letters, Volume 1, Volume 2, & Volume 3), and we would like to share some of these here with you. So we will begin with a letter from volume 1, one of the first ones (#15) we sent around back in the late 70s. Hope you enjoy reading it!
Excerpt from A Crystal is a Million Stars United” from The Magical Elven Love Letters, Volume 1


“It is our way to look within to our own spirits for the harmony and peace from which the creative energy of the Great Mother Nature flows outward to perceive a new world of unity. So it is through this inward looking that we reflect in our words and actions clear vision of our s’elves. Our vision mirrors in all directions to the world its purest part… the s’elf in All.”
“We, through the ages, have striven to obtain a clearer vision of our s’elves. The world of conflicts remind us that we still have far to go, a journey long, long, long it is… a journey to the stars. A journey to the stars within us. We seek to transcend outer conflict by turning within to our own s’elves. Our true s’elves, our inner identity goes much deeper and yet is simpler far than the enculturated roles we play as we pass into and out of the worlds. By seeking Elfin within ours’elves and by striving to see “the elf” that is in everyone we obtain a clearer vision of the life we once knew… the unity of all.”
“We play the roles of society for the sake of preserving unity. Still the archetypical forms with which we do identify are far from the structured worlds of social standing and IQ ratings. No more of it. We have come to dance and sing and listen to birds… remembering ages long gone by enough to come again… come again.”
“Elfin is for us not so much a place we can go, as a place we can be. It is the energy we expend toward becoming more gentle and more loving… the effort to evolve and develop our inner natures, our modesty and adaptability and our unending purpose to respect and be fair to all creatures whatsoever… these are the real steps to Elfin and it is our wish that all the Elves might transform those steps into a dance of love that will be to the children a bright and radiant mandala whose center is the dawning of a gentle race.”
“Elfin is open to all people whatsoever, yet it is equally true to say that at the present time/space juncture there are very few who are open to Elfin and thus they could never enter it. These fine folk can never even see the elves even when we are sharing a space/time. We, by nature, strive for union… it is our way… with these folks as with all. We share the air, the swaying of the trees, the song of the bird… invisible magic vibrations emanate and we are all the better for the experience and it “lit the fire to the soul who never knew its friend”. It is not our purpose to impose elfinness upon anyone… an act impossible in its core and no true elf would try… yet for those who are open, whose inner heart remembers a tune half forgotten from long, long ago and far, far away, we move ever deeper into the Faerielands. Come along, elves. It is a long journey ahead but together it can be a great adventure. A new land, a new life, a new people and a brighter day.”
“There comes a moment in each elf’s life when standing on the border of twilight that lies between the world of normal reality and the elfin lands beyond… a realization comes of a sudden that the twilight is fading and that they must move of their own into the faerielands or remain in the world of the everyday. We are going, brothers and sisters, into the elfin realms and our hearts are alive with the memory of ancient lifetimes when we were all together. Our minds remember not but in our hearts dwell memories that cannot be obscured through the aeons of life and death. As we watch you, standing on the border hesitant, drifting, listening to the voice of the thousand misgivings, the lies, the rationalizations, we sing to you gently: Remember… Remember… Remember long ago, or… was it only yesterday or soon to be tomorrow. We are going and trust that our children’s children’s children will emerge in the vibrational reality of Arda reborn: a planet healed and paradise won.”
“Some people think that we elfin are re-emerging in the world in order to take control. We find this idea laughable. We have not come to control the world but to set it free.”
(end of excerpt from The Magical Elven Love Letters, Volume 1.)

You can find all 60+ of our The Silver Elves books to purchase on The Elven Way on Amazon here:
US Amazon:

UK Amazon:

DE (Germany) Amazon:

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The Magical Elven Love Letters, Volume 1, is composed of the letters that were written by the Silver Elves and sent out via snail mail beginning in 1979 and until the mid nineties before the awakening of the internet. They were written to encourage elves to awaken to their Elfin nature, to be true to their individual destiny, and to embrace their starry heritage. They are filled with Elven Philosophy and observe the world from the point of view of the Elves, which is often quite unique from how most people view and experience the world; and their unique Elven Philosophy of Magic that is often similar and yet distinct from traditional theories and methods of magic. This is the second printing of these letters and they have been slightly modified to increase clarity. They are also interspaced with Elven quotes, axioms, koans and other ancient Elven sayings.

The Magical Elven Love Letters, Volume 1 on Amazon US:

The Magical Elven Love Letters, Volume 1 on Amazon UK: 


The Magical Elven Love Letters, Volume 2 is our second collection of our love letters, composed principally of 110 of letters sent out by snail mail and later some are our earliest internet letters in the 1990s. You can find samples of these letters on various sites all over the web, for they were some of our most popular letters and have been copied and spread around frequently. It is not necessary to read Volume 1 before reading and enjoying Volume 2. These letters give the reader an experiential understanding of what it is to be an elf and enter the realm of Faerie and Magick. Enjoy!

The Magical Elven Love Letters, Volume 2 on Amazon US: 

The Magical Elven Love Letters, Volume 2 on Amazon UK:

Excerpt below from The Magical Elven Love Letters, Volume 2:

“. . . . As we struggle to create Faerie; it, like mist, remains forever beyond our grasp. But as we live Faerie, live our lives as elves and pixies, brownies and gnomes… Faerie manifests within us and in time around us affecting the SPACE/TIME continuum, shifting us from one parallel realm to another until we find one day the trees shimmering like stars… a light sparkling in the eyes of everyone we meet and the ecstatic joy of every breath. To man this seems a dream, a fantasy that will never or can never happen or be, or as he perceives time, will be so long from now as to be irrelevant to his life. But for the elfin, time moves differently, past, present and future all merges into one, the eternal possibility of every moment. We live our dreams and by doing so create that world man thinks does not even exist.”

“Yet, the more we become in tune with our true s’elves, the more we are manifesting living Elfin, the greater the power we have and the greater the effect upon everyone we come in contact with. Man and other races cannot help but be effected by our presence, our being, our magic, just as we, for our part cannot live in the world of Man and not be effected and take into account the power of his manifest being and outlook. There are those who would like to totally separate thems’elves from man and we can certainly understand their point of view but it is an occult truth that we cannot affect anyone unless we ourselves are ready and open to being influenced. Shall we become like the Amish, suspended in time? We think not. WE are here not simply to create our own world but to help transform this one, to ease mankind to a more gentle and ‘dancey’ approach to life and to awaken him to his own destiny, which is, like ours, Here among the Stars!” 


The Magical Elven Love Letters, Volume 3, is composed of some of our early letters that we wrote and sent out on the internet prior to the year 2000, as well as all of the letters sent out and/or published during our journey and relocation to Hawaii in 2008, with accounts of our encounters with the menehuni and the unfolding magic of the isles. These letters are filled with Elven Philosophy and observe the world from the point of view of the Elves, which is often quite unique from how most people view and experience the world; and their unique Elven Philosophy of Magic that is often similar and yet distinct from traditional theories and methods of magic. Like the first two volumes, volume 3 is interspaced with Elven quotes, axioms, koans and other ancient Elven sayings. This book is the completion of the trilogy of The Magical Elven Love Letters.

The Magical Elven Love Letters, Volume 3 on Amazon US:

The Magical Elven Love Letters, Volume 3 on Amazon UK:

“When the sun does set and the twilight rises strong,
you can quite certain that it will not be too long,
before the party starts and the dancing does as well
for Faerie shimmers in the night as all the stars do tell.”
—The Silver Elves

For those of you who are hoping to attract your elven tribe to you,
here is a magical spell for attracting Elf Friends: 




Announcing our Newest Published The Silver Elves book:

ILLUMINATING FAERIE: Answers to Questions About Being an Elf and Following the Elven Path, Volume 6 by The Silver Elves (You do not need to read this series in any particular order)

illuminating faerie cover2

We hope you enjoy reading this excerpt below from Illuminating Faerie (click here to read more about this book!)

“. . . . The Elven Way is ever changing but what one is learning is not the path itself but how to successfully travel on the path. It is, in its way, like learning to walk so one can stroll down unfamiliar lanes. Or learning to drive a car so one can travel unknown roads. The key is one’s own ability as a driver. There is no exact map for the way itself (for Faerie is ever changing) but there is a way to improve one’s skill at traveling upon it.”

     “Therefore, the emphasis in the Elven Way is ever on s’elf development. And as one develops ones’elf and grows more confident in one’s skills and abilities, without becoming arrogant and thus heedless about them, one naturally feels more at ease with ones’elf and one’s ability to successfully navigate the various worlds one encounters and travels through. And that confidence, along with a sense of purpose one obtains in sharing the Elven Way with others seeking the path, inevitably eases tensions in one’s life and one’s interactions with the world.”

    “Although, it is true that the world can be a stressful place. That is part of its dark magic and the web of spells it entangles one within. By its nature and design, the world of men creates tension and we who live within this modern Middle-earth cannot help but be affected by it in some ways. And yet, that is the adventure, too. What adventure doesn’t have its stresses? It is the nature of the quest.”

     “But again, as we become more adept within ours’elves and more accustomed and practiced in the ways, our Mastery makes easy what was once very difficult. Even those things that previously seemed as though they might overwhelm us, are now just challenges to overcome.”

     “And while the Elven Way is a very individual oriented way, we should remember that we are treading it together, each in our own way, and our frasority (fraternity/sorority) makes light and easy what would be difficult on one’s own. For as we Silver Elves say, “Together our magic is stronger by far.” And far easier and less stressful as well.”

The Way of the Elfin awakens our heart,
it quiets our mind and that
s just the start,
it stirs our spirit and deepens our soul
and weaves its magic to make our lives whole.


. . . . And we also invite you to read another of our newest published books. . . THE FAERIE SONG ORACLE: The Elven Way of Singing Down Magic of the Fae is so named because it is an original elfin oracle system based upon the solfège or solfeggio system, also called solfa, solfeo, which is used as a music education method in the West to teach aural skills, pitch and the sight-reading of the music scale. That scale is Do, Re, Me, Fa, Sol or So, La and Te, with another Do representing a higher octave, at the end. We have presented these notes in this oracle according to the way they would be spelled in Arvyndase, which is the Silver Elves magical elfin language. And, therefore, these musical sounds/notes would be spelled: DO, RAE, ME, FA, SOL, LA, and TE, which as you can see only differs in one instance. The pronunciation, however, is the same. The Faerie Song Oracle book is meant to be used as an oracle, but it is also a book of magic. Thus, the sounds can be sung together to create a particular magic that either heightens the power of a boon or dispels unwanted influences. The Silver Elves associate these notes with each of the points of the seven-pointed acute angled Elven Star that many people call the Faerie Star. For each oracle reading, you will be drawing two notes. So you might consider that in drawing the faerie song oracle you are dealing with the power of two of the points of the elven star combined (each point signified by a different note) or one of the points in its pure form (if both of the notes that you draw are the same, as say when you get Rae-Rae as a response). The second Rae can be sung on a higher octave evoking a raising or increase of that power.

THE FAERIE SONG ORACLE is found here for purchase on Amazon USA
and here for purchase on Amazon UK



A Gift for You from The Silver Elves  . . . .

. . . please do come to our Silver Elves website where you may ask to be gifted an elf name in our magical elven language Arvyndase. Just follow the simple directions on this page to email us a little about your magical self and we Silver Elves will be happy to gift you a beautiful elven name. We Silver Elves have been gifting elf names for decades now over 6,000 names to kindred. Enjoy!



And now for a bit of elven fun!

We also invite you to come to our website and enter our elven forest and go through the Elven Tree of Life Eternal to explore your magical nature (it’s free and completely private). It is set up somewhat like a choose your own adventure book and a fun way to explore your specific magic while all roads lead to Elfin. Then return to “the Eald of the Silver Elves home page” at any time you wish by clicking the “home page” link at the top of any page you happen to be on. You may enjoy other pages on our website including reading some of our Magical Elven Love Letters or taking our Elf, Fae or Otherkin Survey and we will happily gift you a beautiful narrative about your magical tribe (this is not an automatic response but instead is especially written for you based on your responses and our own elven intuition).

tree_blogEnter here the Elven Tree of Life Eternal

We also offer this same experience in book form: The Elven Tree of Life Eternal: A Magical Quest for Our True S’Elf.


“When we step on through the door,
we realize there’s so much more than we had ever thought before, 
for here in Elfin, we abide, together where we need not hide,
ready for the Faerie ride where everyone’s a true friend.”
— The Silver Elves 

If you have enjoyed reading our articles on our blog site, we think you may surely enjoy reading one of our most popular The Silver Elves books and one you will not wish to miss reading: Through The Mists of Faerie: A Magical Guide to the Wisdom Teachings of the Ancient Elven:

6throughmistswebThrough The Mists of Faerie:
A Magical Guide to the Wisdom Teachings of the Ancient Elven

“Elfin, Faerie, Elfland or the Sacred Realm or Dimension of Magic that lives at the heart of the Universe, is an incredibly attractive power. It draws all true souls to it. It calls to the Elfin nature in each and every soul. This is the power that arouses the imagination of those who see or read the Lord of the Rings and say, I’m an Elf or I’m a Dwarf, or even I’m an Orc. The power calls to us through Urban Fantasy stories and the fantasy novels of old, as well as, faery tales and movies of magic and enchantment. But it also calls to us from the trees, the wild places of Nature, and sometimes most of all from magic memories of our childhood, which is really our ancient past, our past incarnations, calling to us. It can also be aroused, and quite strongly, perhaps most strongly, by others of our kind manifesting in the world. There is something magical about these beings and they arouse our own hunger for magic in our own lives and souls. These Elfae radiate starlight. They glimmer with love, kindness and compassion; and they reach out and touch our souls. Some might suppose this to be a glamor, a magic they have wrapped thems’elves within to enchant us; but while they are truly enchanting, the magic arises from the fact that they are genuine and real. They don’t need to glamor us. They just need to be their very own s’elves, for that is the most impressive magic of all. They are not trying, they are simply being: being thems’elves, being elves.”
—Excerpt from page 26 of Through The Mists of Faerie by The Silver Elves.

And one more thing . . . . we would like to invite you to please enjoy viewing this an hour long YouTube video of The Silver Elves in a conversational presentation on The Modern Elven Movement and The Elven Way at Phoenix and Dragon Bookstore in Atlanta, GA, at:

runestar copy

Touch this Elven Star above, Dear Kindred,
with some of our Elven Runes drawn within it for an Elven Blessing!

To learn more about our original Silver Elves runes,
you may wish to read more here about  The Book of Elven Runes: A Passage Into Faerie

Why don’t all elfae know from very earliest life that they are elves, faeries or other fae beings?

September 16, 2021

“. . . .all of us elfae do remember who we are. However, we remember as spirits, in our Collective Unconscious, which is how we come to gravitate toward things elvish and fae and otherkin in the first place. We may not recognize our people consciously but we do recognize them instinctually.”


     One might think, and some apparently do, that we would know that we are elves or faeries or whatever we might be from our very earliest life. But, it is important to remember that being elven or faerie, as the world defines it, is merely an identity that most closely fits who we truly are. And what we are is pure spirit manifesting in our own unique and individual ways. The name elf or faerie is simply a means of indicating those tales, stories and peoples known by the world whose spirit most inspires us and, therefore, to which we most closely identify.

     We have also been known as Star Children, Space Gypsies, Flower Children and numerous other appellations. These appellations don’t change who we are but merely indicate the nature of our being. We may not remember a particular designation for us when we are quite young because, mostly, we don’t really remember anything of that sort unless we have achieved continuity of consciousness as spirits. This is to say that we would have, as adepts, developed the facility for remembering our previous incarnations through the Between state (see our book Beyond Death: The Elfin Book of the Dead. Ascending towards the Faerie Realms through Progressive Incarnations) and into our new life. Which is a very high state, indeed, which some might claim but very few have actually achieved. We Silver Elves, for instance, have a hard time remembering what we did last week or even yesterday let alone our previous lives, although we do have some sense of those lives, but that is another matter involving a different magical technique.

     At the same time, all of us elfae do remember who we are. However, we remember as spirits, in our Collective Unconscious, which is how we come to gravitate toward things elvish and fae and otherkin in the first place. We may not recognize our people consciously but we do recognize them instinctually. This, in fact, may be, in part, like deja vu. Our sense of being other is merely an inner recognition of those things and peoples that are like us, that we have known previously, which often manifests as an inner feeling that we wish to be like them or that we are like unto them.

     When we elfae folk do awaken, which is to say become conscious of the fact that we are elves or faeries, etc. or ascribe the title of elves or fae and so forth to ours’elves, there is often a sense that inwardly we always knew this was the case and we were ever awaiting that moment of awakening to occur. This is an event when what was primarily unconscious becomes conscious in a profound way and is usually highlighted by a profound sense of meaning, purpose and synchronicity.

     However, it should also be noted that most elfae folk always knew that they were elfae even when they had not as yet assigned the names of elf, faerie or some kind of otherkin to thems’elves. This is to say that they always were aware of being somehow different from the normal folk around them or felt out of synch with modern times, like they should be living or should be dwelling in another time, culture or world. The realization of being elfae merely makes the world that we really belong to clearer to us.

     Plus, it is important to realize that we are elvish spirits manifesting in humanoid form in the first place. Which means that we don’t always incarnate into the same genetic line that our previous body was a part of. In our previous incarnation, we may have been from a different worldly culture, with a different language and different stories about and names for we who are elfae and for our culture. Thus, remembering what we were called in another language would be problematic in our new one. Our new parents would most likely just think we were babbling babies and not realize we were trying to convey something really important to them.

     Which brings us to the fact that, being elfae folk, we probably start out by speaking some dialect of elvish or fairy talk in the first place. This also would just seem to our parents and other adults as though we were ‘speaking in tongues,’ in a sense, or stringing together meaningless sounds as happens in glossolalia. And like all children as we grow and learn the language of our new parents and society, we tend to forget or sublimate our true identities and our ancient languages, sometimes out of necessity, substituting the language commonly used by those around us at the time.

     So, why don’t we elfae remember who are from our very earliest lives? We do, actually, but for most of us just not consciously but rather in feeling and intuitively knowing we are unique and other. But our nature can be understood by observing our attractions and the nature of our spirit by those with elf sight and a true understanding, which is to say a wider understanding, of the nature of the world.

Kyela (the Silver Elves magical language Arvyndase word for ‘love’),
The Silver Elves


And you can find all the 55+ Silver Elves books on The Elven Way on our author Amazon international pages here:
US (USA) Amazon:

UK (United Kingdom) Amazon:

DE (Germany) Amazon:

CA (Canada) Amazon:

AU (Australia) Amazon:


If you enjoyed the article above, then you may well also enjoy:

How Do I Find Out About my Elfae/Otherkin Tribe? And If I feel that I’m some sort of Otherkin but don’t know what kind, what should I do?


What Kind of Elf, Fae, or Otherkin Are you? What is Your Elf Tribe? Take the Silver Elves Questionnaire (and we will Gift to you a Magical Narrative)!

How Do We Know We Are Elven or Otherkin? And Why Do Elfae and Otherkin Not Always Know our Kin Type when Newly Awakened to Being Other?


What Does it Mean to Awaken to Our True Elven Nature?

Heynasar Arvyndase quote


And please, when you come to our website do enjoy reading sample pages and reader’s reviews of all our books on magic and enchantment and the elven way at:

Through The Mists of Faerie:
A Magical Guide to the Wisdom Teachings of the Ancient Elven

“Elfin, Faerie, Elfland or the Sacred Realm or Dimension of Magic that lives at the heart of the Universe, is an incredibly attractive power. It draws all true souls to it. It calls to the Elfin nature in each and every soul. This is the power that arouses the imagination of those who see or read the Lord of the Rings and say, I’m an Elf or I’m a Dwarf, or even I’m an Orc. The power calls to us through Urban Fantasy stories and the fantasy novels of old, as well as, faery tales and movies of magic and enchantment. But it also calls to us from the trees, the wild places of Nature, and sometimes most of all from magic memories of our childhood, which is really our ancient past, our past incarnations, calling to us. It can also be aroused, and quite strongly, perhaps most strongly, by others of our kind manifesting in the world. There is something magical about these beings and they arouse our own hunger for magic in our own lives and souls. These Elfae radiate starlight. They glimmer with love, kindness and compassion; and they reach out and touch our souls. Some might suppose this to be a glamor, a magic they have wrapped thems’elves within to enchant us; but while they are truly enchanting, the magic arises from the fact that they are genuine and real. They don’t need to glamor us. They just need to be their very own s’elves, for that is the most impressive magic of all. They are not trying, they are simply being: being thems’elves, being elves.” —Excerpt from page 26 of Through The Mists of Faerie by The Silver Elves.



And to learn more about preparing for the Between states and developing continuity of consciousness, we suggest reading Beyond Death:

 BEYOND DEATH: The Elfin Book of the Dead

“WHEN SOMEONE PASSES FROM THEIR BODY, THE ELVES GUIDE THEM THROUGH THE GREAT FOREST TO ANEW LIFE IN FAERIE.”. . . . . . .This book is found here for purchase on Amazon USA and here on Amazon UK.

          BEYOND DEATH  by The Silver Elves is a guide for those who are dealing with the recently deceased or dying, as well as for anyone who would like to begin consciously preparing for their own demise. There are two parts to Beyond Death— the first part explores the theoretical aspects concerning death and the Between worlds from an elven perspective, and the second part of this book has practical admonitions and spells based on the Elven Star (7 pointed acute hexagram) that can help a person who is in the process of transitioning from one incarnation to another.


And for further reading on your elven, faerie, otherkin tribe:

ELF TRIBES: The Silver Elves’ Guide for Finding Your Magical Kind and Kinand  FAERIE, FAE AND OTHERKIN TRIBES: The Silver Elves’ Guidelftribese for Finding Your Magical Kind and Kin. Please click on the titles listed above to go to the pages on this blog that are dedicated to each book, where you can read more about them, view excerpts of sample magical narratives and also the table of contents from both books. Elf Tribescontains 150+ narratives of elven tribes, and Faerie, Fae and Otherkin Tribes contains another 150+ narratives of faerie and otherkin tribes. Be sure and click on the title links and read a few of these magical narratives. Perhaps, you otherkinstar_coverwill find your people as you read through these two books, or kindred quite like them. At any rate, you can always do the survey yours’elf, or do it again if you feel you have come to a greater understanding of yours’elf and our peoples in the meantime (or gentle-time as we elves often say).




Another Bit of Fun for Elfae!
What is Your Magic Wielder Title?

This is a game to play using random numbers that you choose to find your type of magic making. To play, choose 3 random numbers, the first between 1 and 13, the second between 1 and 19, and the third between 1 and 17. Then use the 3 numbers to find in the lists below: your kin type, elemental association, and style of magic. Read these together and this is your magic wielder title. For instance, if you had picked number 1 for all three random numbers, you would be an Elfin Moon Enchanter! Whatever you choose, “Congratulations!” 

And you can discover much more in depth about your magical nature as you make your way through the Elven Tree of Life Eternal on our Silver Elves website here:

whatkind of magic


We invite you to join our elven and otherkin groups on Facebook, dear Kindred! Here is our vision for the groups as a virtual community:

For those wishing to join our many Silver Elves groups for Elfae and also friends of Elfae on Facebook, here is fairly complete list below of ones that we administer: You are all invited to any and all of them!

Elven Home — is an enchanting and private place for all elfae folk to share in cozy comfort. Feel free to share anything elfae related, and please do share (with images when you can) all about your own Eald (Elven Home) and the special aspects of it that make it your own enchanting elfin space.

Elfae Tree Folk— A place to share anything about the beloved trees that we elfae love so very dear and about life as a tree folk. This group is for you to spread your elven light through the day & the night and the forest.

The Magical Books of the Silver Elves And if you would like to find out more about our 50+ The Silver Elves books on The Elven Way, please do join us! We have discussions about our Silver Elves books as well as about Elven and Otherkin philosophy, elven lifestyle and the Elven Way. If you have read our books and would like to discuss them with us, this is the place to come join in the discussions and ask also questions. And please do come share here in this group your own creative elven works of art, music, writing, crafts, or whatever you do to manifest Elfin in your life in your own way, as well as your thoughts and feelings about living the life Elfin.

Elven Life and Magic — A group for fae folk of all kinds posting their magic and how they manifest living as an elfae.

Elvish Magical Chat — Posting and chatting all about elves, faeries, pixies, and magic!

The Faerie Circle — A group for the magical elfae folk. Be ever blest!

Elf Witches of the Mystic Moon — A place to share your magic and enchantment with other elf witches!

Faerie Craft —This is a group to share your elven and fae creations, and yes you are welcome to advertise your elfish/faerie crafts.

I Heart Elven Magic — For those who love Elfin Magic.

Feasting With the Elves (having fun sharing elven recipes and healthy eating) —

United Otherkin Alliance — This is an alliance for Otherkin/ Therians, where elves, faeries, dragons, kitsune, gnomes, hobbits, merkin, pixies, brownies, nymphs, driads, niaids, valkyrie, vampires, devas, fauns, unicorns, animal kin and all manner of Faerie Folk gather and come together! This group is open to anyone who wishes to be part of a congenial group of Otherkin. 

The Elven Way — This group creates a place for people to learn about the Elven Way and for Elves, Otherkin, and their friends to have a fun gathering place to enjoy each other’s company and share things on the path. It is open to anyone who wishes to learn about the Elven Way and friends of such.

Nature & the Unseen Realms with the Elves & otherkin. A spiritual journey — This is a very active elven and otherkin group posting those generally unnoticed realms and wonders of Nature.

Elfin Faerie Lore — For Faeries and Elfin Folk. This group is for sharing elfin faerie lore, magic and life as Fae.

Silver Elves Embassy — This is a place of rest and gathering together to relax and share our stories, dreams for the future, and magic of our elfin adventures. We Silver Elves share some of our magical tales and adventures in this group that have lead us to further embrace the Shining Ones.

We Adore Elves — This group is just a little hideaway for us to all come share our love for elves and elven and our elfin-faerie creativity as we manifest Elven in our lives.


Blessings1 copy
Please touch the elfin star above to receive an elven blessing! 

What An Elf Would Do, Too: Book Two of a Magical Guide to the Manners and Etiquette of the Faerie Folk

July 25, 2021
What An Elf Would Do, Too:
Book Two of a Magical Guide to the
Manners and Etiquette of the Faerie Folk

This book is found here for purchase on Amazon USA
and here for purchase on Amazon UK

. . . a book to help elfae feel more at ease in the normal world!

We Silver Elves are happy to announce our newest book publication! WHAT AN ELF WOULD DO, TOO: Book Two of a Magical Guide to the Manners and Etiquette of the Faerie Folk is our second in a series of elfin manners books, the first one being What an Elf Would Do: A Magical Guide to the Manners and Etiquette of the Faerie Folk. You do not need to read the first volume before reading this one, although you would surely enjoy doing so as it is a wry, sly, often tongue in cheek view of how elves see and interact with the world of the Normal folk as well as with Otherkind of all sorts. This second volume continues to give and expand suggestions for elven etiquette in many of the same life situations as discussed in the first book, but this volume two also includes some modern social situations that were not really as prevalent at the time we published the first book. For instance, What An Elf Would Do, Too, includes an entire chapter on elven social skills in interacting successfully in social media. Also, in the last five years, mainly due to social media, the elven and otherkin communities have greatly expanded and have begun to awaken more and understand their unique and diverse kin types. This book two in the series further explores many situations that elven and faerie folk may find as they encounter a variety of elves and fae folk. This book includes chapters titled: Seven Basic Laws (Guidelines) of Elven Hospitality, Etiquette and Manners; Elven Social Skills in Social Media; Moving About in the Normal World; In Personal Life; Interacting with other Elves, Fae and Otherkin; More on Elven Social Manners; Dealing with Traditions and Taboos of the Fae; and Etiquette in Elven Magic.

     What An Elf Would Do, Too begins with a discussion of each of the Seven Basic Laws (Guidelines) of Elven Hospitality, Etiquette and Manners. This gives the elfae (a word we Silver Elves coined that combines elf and fae and so includes elves and all other folk of the Faerie realm) an etiquette philosophy to follow that can be applied to about any situation in life that we encounter. ” . . . while we call them laws, really, they are more like guidelines. The only real laws in our realms of Faerie and Elfin are the laws of Nature, the Universe and the laws that rule our individual hearts and souls. Calling them laws merely puts emphasis on the significance of these principles by which we may find some reference for the particular situations and circumstances that we may encounter in relation to others and how we may choose to interact with them. However, it is always up to the individual elfae to decide how much or how little energy they wish to invest in any situation or relationship and how they may wish to interact at a particular time.”

     Most of the discussions in this book come from people in our elfae community asking us questions about what they could do as they have encountered certain situations. Some of these questions of which there are 84 all total that we cover in this book are: 
What does an elf do if they are on social media and still feel lonely for their kindred?
How do you deal with elfae groups in social media as an administrator?
What does an elf do if they get put in ‘Facebook Jail’?
How do you deal with people who make fun of you when you are out in the world dressed as and expressing your elfae or otherkin s’elf?
What do we do if someone gives us the Evil Eye?
How do we deal with people who seek to attach themselves to us but come on way too strong?
Do elves ever ghost anyone?
What does an elf do when they feel depressed but don’t know whether they should express it or not?
What does an elf do if they have a job that they hate?
What do we do with people who refuse to eat our food because it is Faerie food?
How do we deal with the fact that individuals who we’ve nurtured and been kind to, then thanklessly desert us and go on their way?
What does an elf do if they meet someone who knows they are an elf but derives their sense of s’elf totally from Tolkien’s writings?
How does a dark elf deal with those who act like he or she is an Unseelie fae?
How do we elves deal with faeries who accuse us of thinking elves are better than faeries?
How do we interact with fae with different political beliefs from our own?
How does one address elven royalty? 
How do we deal with individuals who say they are High Fae and think they are superior to others?
Is it considered poor manners to tell someone what their kin type is?
What is our policy concerning those who seek to impose their self-assumed authority over us?
How do you rear a child to be elfin or faerie and respectfully deal with others in the world?
How do we deal with people who criticize our child rearing?
How do we deal with people who think we elfae steal children?
How do we deal with people who have gender-based customs?
How do we deal with those who seek to enforce their customs in our realms?
Is it rude (or dangerous) to step into a Faerie Ring?
Is it ok to do divination, energy work, spells, etc. on people without their permission?

     What An Elf Would Do, Too is designed to help the elfin everywhere to move through the often mysterious cultures of mankind with confidence and ease and to enjoy interacting in the Fae and Otherkin communities as well. You will find as you read along in this book that often we share what we Silver Elves have done in similar situations as being discussed, all to give at least our own experiences as examples of ways to deal with the world in what we have found to be both effective in our own life and as courteous as possible. And if you have experiences that lead you to understand other approaches that work for you, please do find us on Facebook or email us and share with us your experiences with elven etiquette and manners. 

Ver nesidas mellun vari te (In shimmering Starlight Ever Be),
The Silver Elves

And if you have not yet enjoyed reading volume one, we think you will truly enjoy it: 

What An Elf Would Do: A Magical Guide to the Manners and Etiquette of the Faerie Folk

WHAT AN ELF WOULD DO: A Magical Guide to the Manners and Etiquette of the Faerie Folk by The Silver Elves is a wry, sly, often tongue in cheek view of how elves see and interact with the world of the Normal folk as well as with Otherkind of all sorts. It is designed to help the elfin everywhere to move through the often mysterious cultures of mankind with confidence and ease.

Gaea de las Aguas writes on Amazon in her review of What An Elf Would Do:


“Think of 
this as “Ms. Manners” for the Otherkin set. Ever wondered how to handle yourself with grace and style whilst traversing the mundane realms? Let this tome be your guide! Lessons on how to present oneself as a skilled and artful Noble are here in abundance. Insight into human behavior patterns and tips on how to deal with difficult personality quirks are found on just about every page. Delivered with a lovely sense of humour (I’ve laughed out loud many times), the Silver Elves bring us a reference guide to assist with polishing our manners and bringing etiquette back to our daily lives.”

And you can find all the 55+ Silver Elves books on The Elven Way on our author Amazon international pages here:
US (USA) Amazon:

UK (United Kingdom) Amazon:

DE (Germany) Amazon:

CA (Canada) Amazon:

AU (Australia) Amazon:

If you are looking for answers about being Elven or Otherkin? About Finding your Elfae Tribe? More on the Elven Way and Following the Elfin path? We Silver Elves invite you to come read more about our 9 newest books since 2019…/magical-books-by-the-si…. Information and excerpts on our first 45 Silver Elves books are all on our website (see our book page


Among our 8 newest The Silver Elves books, besides our most recently published book    BEYOND DEATH:: The Elfin Book of the Dead, you will also find: ELVES, FAERIES, FAE AND OTHERKIN TRIBES:: More Descriptions of Otherworldly Folk; ELF TRIBES:: The Silver Elves’ Guide for Finding Your Magical Kind and Kin; FAERIE, FAE AND OTHERKIN TRIBES; MANIFESTING ELFIN: Answers to questions about being an elf and following the Elven Path, volume 2; THE NEW DAWN OF ELFIN, Answers to Questions About Being an Elf and Following the Elven Path, Volume 3; AN ELFIN BOOK OF TREES FOR THE ELVEN DRUID: The Ogham of the Elves Using Elvish Wizard Script; ELVEN HEDGEWITCHERY AND FOUND MAGIC:: Using Art-Making for Evoking Elfin Magic and Living the Elven Way; and ELFIN SPIRIT TALK: Elven Sign Language for Magic and Spell Casting.

A bit of fun for you to discover the gift you are given from the Faerie Realms!

And if you would like to read more about the Sacred Magical Treasures of the Silver Elves, see our book
Sticks and Stones, Feathers, Charms and Bones on Amazon.

The Elves Believe: A Collection of Over 1000 Ancient Elven Sayings and Wise Elfin Koans by The Silver Elves About Magic and The Elven Way, Volume 3

April 11, 2021

The Elves Believe:
A Collection of Over 1000 Ancient Elven Sayings

and Wise Elfin Koans by The Silver Elves About Magic
and The Elven Way, Volume 3

You may purchase this book here on US Amazon:

And here on UK Amazon:

THE ELVES BELIEVE is volume three of our ‘Elf Quotes Book Series’ with our own original elfin koans, ancient elven sayings, and other quotes of wisdom on the Elven Way. Volume one titled Elf Quotes, contained all our elf sayings from the first 37 of our Silver Elves books (all of our side-quotes in our books that we had published throughout the years to that date). Volume two titled The Elves Say and this volume three titled The Elves Believe contain quotes from our latest Silver Elves books published since the time of the first volume (now 57 published to date), the daily quotes we publish on Facebook, with the largest majority of the quotes in these two books being shared and published for the first time. We hope you enjoy reading all of these quotes in The Elves Believe and sharing them with others. And if perhaps you take this book with you on a personal journey of your own, we wish you elven blessings and may your way be always illuminated by the Shining Ones.

Fardas Lovur Tae Lan (Dancing toward the dawn),
The Silver Elves

And you can find all the 55+ Silver Elves books on The Elven Way on our author Amazon international pages here:
US (USA) Amazon:

UK (United Kingdom) Amazon:

DE (Germany) Amazon:

CA (Canada) Amazon:

AU (Australia) Amazon:

A few elf quotes from inside THE ELVES BELIEVE:

“The Elves believe that enchantment is a sixth dimensional puzzle, to solve it you must have an open heart, an open mind, and a spirit a glow with the light of the elven stars.”

“The Elves say: Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should, just because you should, doesn’t mean you can, but if you can find what you should, you should do what you can.” 

“Elven Home is down Faerie Lane and just around the corner from Open Minded Avenue.”

“The history of the Elven is etched in starlight in the sanctuary of our elfin souls.”

“We elves don’t have Spelling Bees but Spelling Sees, in which we see who is most proficient at casting spells.” 

“When you enter Elfin, you’ll know it right away, 
for the light around you shimmers and smiling folk do say, 
‘You’re here at last, we’re very glad and all will be okay, 
for lucky stars do shine here all through the night and day.”

“You can search or you can wait;
Faerie may come early or it may just come late,
but when it comes you’ll certain see,
it arrives at the time that was ever meant to be.” 

“The mist upon the morning, the dew upon the grass, are set there to remind us that Faerie did just pass.” 

“Mountains may rise and stars may fall but Elfin endures through the dance of it all.”

“Elfin is eternal
It lives within our dreams
Is nurtured by our wishes
And gives to us the means
To make it real in all we say
And every act we do
And when we feel it deep within
Our Elfin doth come true.”

The Table of Contents for THE ELVES BELIEVE:

The Elves Believe

Olde Elven Sayings

The Way of The Elves

In Elfin

The Elves Day

Elven Home

Elfin Magic and Enchantment

Elfin Wisdom

On Elven Awakening

Elven Sayings on Elfin Kin, Family and Kinship

Of Elven and Men

Elf and Faery Cullture and Lifestyle

What Say the Elves about Religion, Holidays, and Prayer

On the Path to Elfin

Elf Quotes About the Moonlight and Starlight

Elven Lifestyle and Appearance

Finding Faerie

Elven Words to Remember

For the Modern Elf

More About Elves

What the Elves Know

Elven Beauty

What Elves Say About Being Serious,

Being Joyful and Being Playful

Elfin View of the Light and Dark

Special Elf Quotes

End of table of contents.

If you enjoy the Silver Elves elf quotes in this The Elves Believe, then may also enjoy our first two books in the elf quotes series:

A Collection of Over 1000 Ancient Elven Sayings and
Wise Elfin Koans by The Silver Elves About Magic

and The Elven Way 

And also Volume two in the series:


A Collection of Over 1000 Ancient Elven Sayings and
Wise Elfin Koans
by The Silver Elves About Magic
and The Elven Way, Volume 2

The books in this Elf Quotes Series do not need to be read in order. Many people say they enjoyed beginning reading our many Silver Elves books by first reading one in the Elf Quotes Series as it is light reading yet brings you closer to Elfin and understanding The Elven Way.

Please see our blog post: Magical Books by The Silver Elves on The Elven Way, Magic and Enchantment, Elven Oracles, Elven Language, and Elfin Lifestyle to view more about all our latest books and links to all 56+ of our Silver Elves books.

“Reservoirs of happiness trapped within the soul are tapped by every step we take toward Elfin.”

— The Silver Elves

The Sixth and Seventh Stages of Awakening upon The Elven Way: Acclimation and Actualization

March 23, 2021
“In the stage of Acclimation: We now live in Elfin as a part of Faerie even while we still travel the worlds of Men. For this is our quest. This is our mission. This is our duty sworn voluntarily. This is the adventure we imagined and hungered for and it is here. We may not have found the wardrobe when we were children or the genie’s lamp in a cave, nor did a wizard necessarily come to take us off on an adventure. But the elves came, and smiled and hugged us and embraced us as their own, because, beloved, we are one of them, as you are one of us. . . . And in the stage of Actualization: So, make your magic real, beloved. Live your elfin life either openly, if you dare, or in secret. But when we make it real in our life and therefore in the lives of those around us, then Elfin shall manifest upon the Earth just as much as we are able to Actualize it in our own lives and surroundings. And from there it will spread like ivy growing up the sides of the buildings of the world.”

The Sixth Step or Stage of Elven Awakening is Acclimation

The sixth stage or step upon the Elven Way is very similar to, one might even say a higher version of, the fourth stage of Attunement. We call this sixth step or stage “Acclimation” for here one becomes used to living in the Elfin and Faerie realms of one’s perceptual reality, while still seeing and understanding that the normal folk perceive the world differently. While in the stage of Attunement one stands between the worlds; in Acclimation one is living on the very edge and boundary of Elfin and the Faerie realms but still effected by and able to affect the world that has been created by the mental constructs, or magic, of the dominant race upon the planet. They no longer have any power over our magic, our consciousness and we have ceased to doubt and embrace our elfae lives completely. While they may harm us physically, their dark magics no longer hold any sway over us. We are not deceived by their insistence that the world be a certain way, and we see the world as it is as energy taking various forms in order to experience life and to individuate. We see elves, faeries, pixies, brownies and all sorts of spirits all about us in living beings who may not be entirely awakened but are still fae from our point of view and experience.

     This is not to say that we insist others see the world as we do. We may see the fae-ness of others but, if they insist they are something else, usually of the race of Man, we are compelled by our own magics to accept that this is their desire for themselves. In our realms, you are whatever you wish to be, or become it in time; especially when you inform that belief and wish with action. And if they wish to be mundane men and women, who are we to say otherwise? Still, it doesn’t hurt to suggest their fae heritage to them from time-to-time. Usually, we do this very lightly, almost as if joking. “You look like an elf to us,” we might say. Or we may inform someone who seems like they are one of our kind, who appears in our elf sight as one of us, that, “We’re elves,” and see how they respond. Quite often they’ll reply, “I’m a faerie,” or gnome or whatever. Of course, they may just be playing along but then, that’s what elfae folk do, isn’t it! And they may not be ready to step completely upon the elven path, but all come to it, if they do, in their own time. 

     Some of these folks have had a light Awakening. They are at the place of Attunement, standing between the worlds, living in both realms at the same time and most likely still heavily affected by the world that surrounds them. When they come to the point of Acclimation, if they do so in this lifetime, the preponderance of magic will shift. Elfin and Faerie will hold sway in their lives and the world of the mundane will be but a somewhat necessary inconvenience … like cleaning the toilet.

     As we Acclimate to Faerie, the world opens up. The possibilities of our lives become wider but then the potential for what may happen is broader as well. Alas, the world is not less dangerous for having orcs and gremlins in it. But then, they were always there, just disguising themselves as men and women. And now we can see them for whom they truly are. We can see them coming usually, unless their glamor is very powerful, and we are not fooled, although we sometimes let them continue in their mistaken impression that we do not recognize them. 

     But, as we said, elfae folk of the Seelie sort are more evident as well and we have allies everywhere. Our magic goes forth and weaves its way into the warp and waft of the great tapestry of Elfin and is strengthened thereby. We now live in Elfin as a part of Faerie even while we still travel the worlds of Men. For this is our quest. This is our mission. This is our duty sworn voluntarily. This is the adventure we imagined and hungered for and it is here. We may not have found the wardrobe when we were children or the genie’s lamp in a cave, nor did a wizard necessarily come to take us off on an adventure. But the elves came, and smiled and hugged us and embraced us as their own, because, beloved, we are one of them, as you are one of us.

The Seventh Stage or Step in Elven Awakening is Actualization

The seventh step upon the Elven Way is Actualization and this stage includes all the other stages within it. We might call it the Master Stage, for it shows mastery of all the other stages functioning as one and it reveals Adeptship in one’s interaction with ones’elf, one’s others and the world around one. 

     While all elves are creative individuals, as are all elfae beings in general, at this stage one clearly and quite confidently steps into the role of the creator of elvish culture and even more than that takes part in the Actualization of Elfin upon the Earth. In this stage, you make Elfin real through your own life by an act, or really acts, of magic. It becomes ‘fait accompli.’ Elfin manifest through our lives and our beings. 

     One does not cease to follow the other steps upon achieving this stage. One continues to Awaken and to increase one’s understanding of one’s elfae being, becoming ever more conscious of the true protean nature of reality and the Universe and understanding that all form is transitory and thus, in that way, illusionary. But being the magic wielders that we are, being enchanters and increasingly becoming masters of glamorye, we understand now that we are free to create the world as we envision it to be and use our magic to make it so. We are no longer bound by the enculturation of the world. Nor do the threats and insinuations of those who preach this or that faith affect us. We know who we are and our elfae being is not dependent upon the beliefs of others but rather upon our own faith in ours’elves and our magic. 

     Naturally, we continue our Association with our kindred. Even more so now since, usually at this stage, one has one or more intimate kindred with whom one associates upon a regular basis. What is Elfin without our elfin friends? In fact, one could say that Elfin is all about friends and family. 

     Our efforts to refine ours’elves as individuals, to increase our power and abilities on all levels, to Activate our energies in every way, continues as well. There is no end to our inner potentiality and the more Activated we become, which is to say the more powerful we become, the more we are able to interact with others and the world in an effective fashion. We elves are, after all, enchanters first and foremost and our ability to enchant becomes greater and more subtle and elegant in our enchantments. We become Charmers, for sure. We develop charisma to a certain degree and again, this is a continuing process. One never ceases to improve when one makes a concerted effort to do so.

     And our ability to see the Faerie worlds around us increases as well. We are not only Attuned to the realms of Elfin and Faerie, but we are quite intentionally and willfully creating them. And yet, this willful activity comes quite naturally. It requires no effort from us save the daily effort to lead and improve our lives and the lives of those around us and we need to do nothing more than be our own true s’elves as best we may. We need not grunt and tense our bowels and furrow our brows as many young magicians do endeavoring to force their will upon the world. We need but be the wondrous elfae folk that we are and the world is enchanted by us and yields willingly to our wishes. The Faerie Circle spins about and we are part of the dance. Bright Elfin sings to us and we sing along with it and sometimes we find it is singing our song. 

     It is true that not all of us are drawn to the stage of Annunciation, at least as far as declaring one’s elfae being to the world and living it openly. And yet, at this seventh stage of Actualization, the way we live, even if we keep our elven nature secret from some folks, is an Annunciation of our elfae being. We are living our magic and making Elfin real in the normal world through our lives and while we may not announce we are elves or faerie folk to the normals around us, they will notice that there is something different about us. In a nice way really and, in fact, that is the great difference. While nearly everyone else in their world is complaining and jockeying for social position and secretly undermining each other while pretending to be best friends forever, we can be relied upon. Our word is our bond and we keep our promises and while we may seem crazy to some folks, it is a nice, eccentric and delightful crazy that interrupts their dull day-to-day lives with something different and sometimes mildly astonishing. We loosen their girdles just a bit and honestly, it is a relief to them, although they won’t always admit it. Although, they often tell us we are daring and dancing like they’d never dare to do, and we thank them and smile pleasantly and tell them they may be more daring than they realize. 

     In a sense, we are no longer Acclimating to Elfin at this stage. We now fit in perfectly and are not in conflict with Elfin at all. It is home. But Faerie? Well, Faerie is vast and can be dangerous. Even more dangerous than the normal world, for the possibilities are near endless and fantastic, so getting used to that fact can still take some time. It is ever surprising and there are always new things to learn. There is ever more to Faerie. More to learn, more to see, more to do and since we are manifesting Elfin in the material world, Faerie naturally starts to spill over into that world. Unusual things may happen, but then we are magic wielders and our wards are spinning, our sigils of protection hang upon our walls, our doors and windows are sealed with salt against wicked magics, including the dark magic of the normal world that seeks to absorb us into it and make us conform, and we are safe, relatively speaking from most of the dangers of those worlds. Since, it is good to be ever cautious and aware. 

     So, make your magic real, beloved. Live your elfin life either openly, if you dare, or in secret. But when we make it real in our life and therefore in the lives of those around us, then Elfin shall manifest upon the Earth just as much as we are able to Actualize it in our own lives and surroundings. And from there it will spread like ivy growing up the sides of the buildings of the world. 

Me tae Lun u tae M_lli Verat te ver le’na Born! 
(May the Light of the Stars Always Be in Your Heart!)

— The Silver Elves

If you would like to read about the first five stages/steps to Elven Awakening, here are our earlier blog articles on these stages:

Are There Any Steps Beyond Awakening on the Elven Path? First three stages are Awakening, Association and Activation:

Beyond Awakening — Further Steps on the Elven Path, Steps four and five are Attunement and Annunciation:

And if you would like to read a bit about our own Awakening as Silver Elves and our ancestors The Elf Queen’s Daughters who awakened us, please enjoy this article:

“The magic of Elfin flows through our veins like starlight flows through the night, awakening sigils inscribed in our souls that stirs our far elven sight and what we do see was said all along, it’s the Dawn of Faerie on Earth, for the enchantments we breed are the magical seed of our spirits as they’re given birth.”
The Silver Elves

And you can find all the 55+ Silver Elves books on The Elven Way on our author Amazon international pages here:

US (USA) Amazon:

UK (United Kingdom) Amazon:

DE (Germany) Amazon:

CA (Canada) Amazon:

AU (Australia) Amazon:

And for further reading. . . .
. . . . dear Kindred, if you enjoyed the article above, we think you may very much enjoy reading our most popularly read book on the wisdom teachings of the ancient Elven titled Through The Mists of Faerie: A Magical Guide to the Wisdom Teachings of the Ancient Elven by The Silver Elves:

Through The Mists of Faerie

And along with Through The Mists of Faerie we also suggest for further reading its companion book (and you may read them in any order you wish) The Elven Way: The Magical Path of The Shining Ones  by the Silver Elves.

On the cover of The Elven Way:
“The Elven Way passes beyond the fields of the known
into the forest of the unknown illuminated by the glow of the elves.”

And Now for a Bit of Elven Fun!

Enter here the Elven Tree of Life Eternal
We also offer this same experience in book form:
The Elven Tree of Life Eternal:
A Magical Quest for Our True S’Elf.

We invite you to come to our website and enter our elven forest and go through the Elven Tree of Life Eternal to explore your magical nature (it’s free and completely private). It is set up somewhat like a choose your own adventure book and a fun way to explore your specific magic while all roads lead to Elfin. If you find yourself circling in particular realm, then this is perhaps important to recognized as part of your magical Nature. Then, when you feel you would like to exit our elven forest, please do return to “the Eald of the Silver Elves home page” at any time you wish by clicking the “home page” link at the top of any page you happen to be on. You may enjoy other pages on our website including reading some of our Magical Elven Love Letters or taking our Elf, Fae or Otherkin Survey and we will happily gift you a beautiful narrative about your magical tribe (this is not an automatic response but instead is especially written for you based on your responses and our own elven intuition).

“The Way of the Elves winds through the trees, in time you relax and your tensions do ease, you sigh as the sun filters through leaves, and are helped on your way by a welcoming breeze.” 
—The Silver Elves

We invite you to join our elven and otherkin groups on Facebook, dear Kindred! Here is our vision for the groups as a virtual community:

For those wishing to join our many Silver Elves groups for Elfae and also friends of Elfae on Facebook, here is fairly complete list below of ones that we administer: You are all invited to any and all of them! We envision our 16+ Elfae Facebook groups as all connected (so in a way all one big elfae community group) and so going from one to the other is like meandering or flying around and being in a large elven community. It is like beautiful and enchanting large multi-story house that is inhabited by a number of elfae groups: (bottom floor has three private groups inside: The Elven Way and also Feasting with the Elves with a big kitchen and dining area for chatting, along with the Elven Homegroup); (second floor has the Faerie Craft group with a large display studio for elfae art); and (in the attic is the Elven Oracles Group where group oracle readings are always being shared). There are also lots of large enclosed or screened in porches off the main house (where you will find: Magical Books of the Silver Elves, Elfin Faerie Lore, Elven Life and Magic and We Adore Elves); there are also two gazebos, one is outside in the front lawn for Elvish Magical Chat and the other is in the back yard for I heart Elven Magic; an open circle outside around the bonfire to the side of the house for the Elf Witches of the Mystic Moon group; a quaint tree house out front for Elfae Tree Folk to meet; a faerie circle that is a bit beyond the back of the house in the forest for The Faerie Circle group to meet; and at the front gate is a cozy elfae cottage for those first entering to be greeting in the group Silver Elves Embassy. There is also a path from the house that wanders down to the creek and goes through where the group Nature and the Unseen Realms with the Elves and Otherkin meet and also that leads to meeting placesfor United Otherkin Alliance and its private sister group. So please do come join us in any and all of our groups:

Elven Home — This is an enchanting and private place for all elfae folk to share in cozy comfort. Feel free to share anything elfae related, and please do share (with images when you can) all about your own Eald (Elven Home) and the special aspects of it that make it your own enchanting elfin space.

Elfae Tree Folk— A place to share anything about the beloved trees that we elfae love so very dear and about life as a tree folk. This group is for you to spread your elven light through the day & the night and the forest.

The Magical Books of the Silver Elves And if you would like to find out more about our 50+ The Silver Elves books on The Elven Way, please do join us! We have discussions about our Silver Elves books as well as about Elven and Otherkin philosophy, elven lifestyle and the Elven Way. If you have read our books and would like to discuss them with us, this is the place to come join in the discussions and ask also questions. And please do come share here in this group your own creative elven works of art, music, writing, crafts, or whatever you do to manifest Elfin in your life in your own way, as well as your thoughts and feelings about living the life Elfin.

Elven Life and Magic — A group for fae folk of all kinds posting their magic and how they manifest living as an elfae.

Elvish Magical Chat — Posting and chatting all about elves, faeries, pixies, and magic!

The Faerie Circle — A group for the magical elfae folk. Be ever blest!

Elf Witches of the Mystic Moon — A place to share your magic and enchantment with other elf witches!

Faerie Craft —This is a group to share your elven and fae creations, and yes you are welcome to advertise your elfish/faerie crafts.

I Heart Elven Magic — For those who love Elfin Magic.

Feasting With the Elves (having fun sharing elven recipes and healthy eating) —

United Otherkin Alliance — This is an alliance for Otherkin/ Therians, where elves, faeries, dragons, kitsune, gnomes, hobbits, merkin, pixies, brownies, nymphs, driads, niaids, valkyrie, vampires, devas, fauns, unicorns, animal kin and all manner of Faerie Folk gather and come together! This group is open to anyone who wishes to be part of a congenial group of Otherkin. And its sister private group: *United Otherworld Friends

The Elven Way — This group creates a place for people to learn about the Elven Way and for Elves, Otherkin, and their friends to have a fun gathering place to enjoy each other’s company and share things on the path. It is open to anyone who wishes to learn about the Elven Way and friends of such.

Nature & the Unseen Realms with the Elves & otherkin. A spiritual journey — This is a very active elven and otherkin group posting those generally unnoticed realms and wonders of Nature.

Elfin Faerie Lore — For Faeries and Elfin Folk. This group is for sharing elfin faerie lore, magic and life as Fae.

Silver Elves Embassy — This is a place of rest and gathering together to relax and share our stories, dreams for the future, and magic of our elfin adventures. We Silver Elves share some of our magical tales and adventures in this group that have lead us to further embrace the Shining Ones.

We Adore Elves — This group is just a little hideaway for us to all come share our love for elves and elven and our elfin-faerie creativity as we manifest Elven in our lives.


You can find all our the Silver Elves books on The Elven Way on Amazon here:
US Amazon:
UK Amazon:

Many Elven Blessings, Dear Kindred,
and May All Your Wishes Be True!


Visions of Elfin: Answers to Questions About Being an Elf and Following the Elven Path, Volume 4

January 31, 2021

Visions of Elfin:
Answers to Questions About Being an Elf
and Following the Elven Path, Volume 4
by The Silver Elves

This book is found here for purchase on Amazon USA
and here for purchase on Amazon UK

In VISIONS OF ELFIN, we Silver Elves continue with a volume 4 of our question and answer series addressing the numerous questions about who the elves are and about The Elven Way. In this book we address questions that have been posed to us throughout our 40+ years of following the elven spiritual path and sharing with the world that we are elves in human bodies (also see The Magical Realms of Elfin, volume 1; Manifesting Elfin, volume 2; and The New Dawn of Elfin, volume 3).

Visions of Elfin explores further questions concerning awakening on the elven path; the discovery of your elfae kin type and being an elf or otherkin; elven magic; well known characters that might be elfae; the spiritual practices of the elves and contacting the Shining Ones; about elven lifestyle and elven home; and elven perceptions on subjects like death and karma, Faerie and fairies, the natural world, plants and animals.

Some of the specific questions answered in Visions of Elfin are: What do we elves mean when we talk about Awakening? What are the steps beyond awakening upon the Elven Way — Awakening, Association, Activation, Attunement, Annunciation, Acclimation, and Actualization? What is the final stage of the Elven Way? Are there any real dangers upon the Elven Path? Does drinking water from the Springs of Elfin have an effect upon one? Does the number 11 have a magical significance to the Elven? Why are elves so often associated with bows and arrows and how does it relate to our magic? Is there a difference between an elf witch and an elf wizard? How do I discover what sort of Elf/Kin type I am? Do you need to know your kin type to be an Otherkin? Can we be born as one type of Otherkin in one life and another type in a different incarnation? What is the difference between Elves and Druids, and are Druids Otherkin? Are we crazy for thinking we are Elves, Faeries and Otherkin? What is the difference between a Gnome and an Elf? How do we know we are elfae? Is Harley Quinn Fae? Is Batman Fae? Are the X-Men Fae? Is the character Poison Ivy, Fae? Is Daenerys Stormborn from the Game of Thrones book and Show, Fae? How do Elfae deal with spiritual practices? How does one effectively interact with the Shining Ones? Do the Shining Ones require offerings? What do the Elves view as the difference between the Piscean and Aquarian Ages? What are spiritual genetics? Are we in the Fifth Age of the planet and what is the role of elves in this Fifth Age? Are we Elves related to the Tuatha de Danaan and the Sidhe? How do I understand my gifts as an Elf? Why do elves have pointed ears? Do Elves get depressed? Are Elves and Faeries, Men and Women? How accurately does the ancient lore describe us elven? Do Elfae have souls? How do elves deal with death? What is enlightened education for elfae? How do elves deal with social distancing and quarantine? How do we live with integrity and still live a spontaneous Elfin life? What makes an elfin home? What are elven clothes? What is the difference between faerie and fairy? Is there a difference between Fae and Fey? Do Faeries reproduce? Do Elves think that horse riding is cruel? What do elves think of secret societies? Why is the elven-faerie star the “official symbol” for the otherkin community? And many more.

If you are curious about modern elves, particularly about The Silver Elves (as we do not speak for all elves as elves are quite a varied and independent folk), then you will surely find many of your questions answered in Visions of Elfin.

Ver nesidas mellun vari te (In shimmering Starlight Ever Be),
The Silver Elves


If you have questions about the Elven Way, Awakening, and Being an Elf, then you may also magicalRealms2 wish to read The Magical Realms of Elfin: Answers to Questions About Being an Elf and Following the Elven Path. We also suggest our volume 2 in this series of questions and answemanifesting_Elfinrs: Manifesting Elfin: Answers to Questions About Being an Elf and Following the Elven Path, Volume 2. And we now also have a recently published Volume 3, The New Dawn of Elfin: Answers to Questions About Being an Elf and Following the Elven Path, Volume 3. If you are curious about elves and want to learn more about modern elves, then you will surely find The Magical Realms of Elfin, Manifesting Elfin, and The New Dawn of Elfin to contain many of your questions answered and either or all three books will be a great comfort and help in finding your way home to abide in the magical realms of elfin and in manifesting elfin in your daily life.

New DawnCover

The New Dawn of Elfin:
Answers to Questions About Being an Elf and Following the Elven Path, Volume 3

“May star shine light your path even in the midst of day.”
—Olde Elven Saying wishing that one will be guided by the Shining Ones even when one is emmeshed in the hustle and bustle of the world.”

You can find all the Silver Elves books on The Elven Way on our author Amazon pages here:

And you can find all the 55+ Silver Elves books on The Elven Way on our author Amazon international pages here:
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runestar copy
(From The Book of Elven Runes by The Silver Elves)

Many Elven Blessings, dear Kindred!

Beyond Awakening — Further Steps on the Elven Path, Attunement and Annunciation

December 22, 2020

Merry Yule from the Silver Elves!

     We Silver Elves identify seven steps or stages on The Elven Way, and even though we could perceive them like steps, they may be both progressive and also simultaneous. As we have discussed previously, the first stage of The Elven Way is the Awakening (see our discussion of the first three stages in our article on this blog dated October 2, 2020: The second is Association for it involves seeking of one’s kindred upon the Path, which the Buddhists would call Right Company. This is the companionship of other seekers who reinforce one’s quest by sharing the endeavor to discover and develop each one’s true nature and greater awareness. We could call it the Fellowship of the Elves, but Fellowship seems to have the connotation of maleness and we elves are ever a gender equal society and thus we would be more likely to call it the Frasority of the Elfae. Frasority combines the words for fraternity and sorority and Elfae combines elves, fae and faerie folk and, in our minds, otherkin of all sorts.

     The third stage of the Elven Way is called Activation and involves the empower of ours’elves and our magic as elfae beings. It is the quest to know one’s true s’elf in all its fullness and power and is an ongoing process. One doesn’t move from the third stage to the fourth so much as one includes the fourth step into one’s repertoire, so to speak. As we pointed out in our discussions about the first three stages, all these events can be happening in any order really, or all at the same time, and they are all ongoing events. Although, the Awakening clearly sets them in motion toward otherworldly elfae realization in a dramatic and serious way and is rather like starting the engine of one’s vehicle. The vehicle exists in its entirety at that moment but until one starts it, it is unlikely to go anywhere.

So now let’s take a look at the next two stages of The Elven Way — Attunement and Annunciation.

The Fourth Stage of the Elven Way — Attunement

     Attunement is the fourth stage of the Elven Way, but for some people this was occurring before the Awakening as well as after. Certainly, if one has any intuitive and psychic abilities, which nearly all elfae folk do, then one had moments of Attunement long before that moment when one realized, with sudden clarity, that one didn’t merely see and interact with the otherworld of Faerie from time to time, but was actively a part of it and had always been so. Awakening casts off the spells of sleep and slumber in which the normal world entangled us up, as it wishes us to believe we are just another normal person and of no great significance, instead of the amazing elfae beings we truly are.

     After Awakening, we begin to see the otherworldly around us. This is partially true because we begin living our lives as elfae folk and this, by its nature, is a magic that attracts Elfin and Faerie energies to us. And as we take a concerted step toward Association, this becomes even stronger. For elfae together create a greater and more powerful aura, no matter how powerful one might be as an individual magic wielder. You might be the richest person in the world (or the most powerful magician), but if you join your resources with someone else who only has a little bit of wealth, you are still richer. Elfin takes notice of elves working in concert, whether two or more. We know this to be true from personal experience. And the result of this is stronger and more potent encounters with the otherworldly side of things.

     And because one is seeking to Activate one’s personal magic (stage three) this naturally enhances the effect of Attunement. Living one’s life as an elf, fae, faerie or other naturally increases the faerie magic that surrounds one’s aura. Otherworldly beings from both sides of the veil are draw to one. Even if they are miles away or continents apart from you, they will begin to gravitate in your direction and you in theirs, like magnets attracted to each other.

     This requires balance. Before one Awakens, most otherworldly encounters, while amazing, are usually quickly forgotten, especially since they tend to violate what one has been enculturated to believe is possible in the first place. One sometimes doubts one’s own senses and seeks mundane explanations for something that was truly phenomenal in one’s experience.

     After one Awakens, however, these events and encounters with what some call the Paranormal, are increased, especially those that involve signs and portents from the Faerie realms. And one begins to become Attuned to them, so one doesn’t dismiss them automatically, nor forget them quite so easily. Although, one might still be inclined to forget some of them merely because they are not so uncommon as they once were, and those of a lesser nature often fade from our memories while those of greater import, ones that have some major effect upon our lives, take their place.

     As this happens, we begin to Stand Between the Worlds, as the Witches say, for it is important that we keep both worlds in our mind’s eye. We need to be able to see Faerie and the elfae folk, without losing sight of what the normal folk believe to be real. We experience the world as radiant but we are not unaware that to others it is just as dull and mundane as it ever was, except perhaps, when they were very little children. We become Attuned to the world of Faerie, but we also are aware that others see the world differently, as less wondrous and less of an ongoing adventure, and we interact with each being of each world from their own point of view.

     This is rather like visiting a foreign country with friends and while you speak your language with your friends, you are also speaking the language of the country you are visiting with its inhabitants. So, we speak the language of magic and mysticism with those who understand and we speak quite plainly and often scientifically for those who prefer more mundane explanations. And yet, in doing this, our Attunement to the Otherworldly increases and we do not give up one world for another, as tempting as that may be at times, but increase the dimensions we can see and with which we can interact. It is like someone who is colorblind who suddenly overcomes that limitation. Or suddenly being about to see Ultraviolet or Infrared without any mechanical aid. As this happens, the worlds open up to us as well as the possibilities for our lives.


The Fifth Stage of The Elven Way – Annunciation    

     Once one has awakened to the realization of their true nature manifesting in the world of form as elves, fae, faeries, pixies, brownies or some other, or some combination of other, one sees the world in a new light. One continues to seek friends, lovers and family, only now one especially reaches out toward one’s elfae family, those who share the Path with ones’elf.

     And each of us still endeavors to make ours’elves stronger, more magical, more resilient and better in every possible way on every level of our being from our physical form through to our feelings, relationship interactions, minds, souls, spirits and all else, the whole of our being. This is vital to the Elven Way and something that most of us were doing before we awakened, only these efforts are now informed by the understanding of our otherkin nature. This understanding and realization expands and increases our awareness of ours’elves and the levels and dimensions that we can develop within and upon.

     This process puts us into contact with the energy and energetic beings of Faerie and Elfin and the Otherworldly in general. Psychic occurrences and the appearance of signs, omens and visions become more common, although still often amazing in their presentation. And we endeavor to become Attuned to this new, more magical, mystical and phenomenal realm in which we dwell, and which we now realize we’ve always lived within, without losing sight of the manifestation of the dominant world and its paradigms around us. As much as many of us would like to disconnect from that world, the world of Men and the normal folk, doing so at this point can have serious consequences that are not usually to our liking.

     And even more difficult, in its way, is being able to distinguish between what is really true concerning Faerie and Elfin and the other worlds and dimensions and what is merely the mental constructs of the normal world that have been painted over with glitter and a veneer of magic in order to look like they are of Faerie when, in fact, they are truly not.

     We simply can’t carry the prejudices, dogmas and doctrines of the world into the Faerie Realms. It is not that it is not allowed in the sense of it being against the rules, but it is simply not possible. Our baggage from the normal world just won’t pass through the portal and thresholds into Faerie. And if we cling to them desperately, as some elfae seem determined to do, we as individuals can’t enter Faerie either unless we let go of them. But then, there is no hurry really, except our own sense of urgency and feeling of wishing to escape from this mad world of Men, and when we do enter those realms we will realize that we arrived at the precise moment that was right for us to come and always destined to be.

     When we have traveled this far upon the Way, we then usually come to the stage of Annunciation. Not all folks enter this stage, although many do. Some may skip it altogether. It is not a necessary stage in an individual sense, although it is important to the elfae peoples overall, and not all who set out to fulfill this stage are, at first, adept at doing so, but then adeptship comes with time, effort and practice. The more we do it and the more we seek to improve what we do, the better we get.

     Annunciation has to do with Speaking One’s Truth, particularly when it concerns one’s otherworldly life and experiences. It is one of the ways that we connect with others of our kind and thus is an aspect or technique of Association. And it is one of the ways that we aid those who are as yet unaware of their true nature or afraid to even embrace the fact or notion that they are elfae of some sort. It helps our others to Awaken to their essential being and begin treading the Path, thems’elves.

     Some us, like we Silver Elves, Annunciate in magical elven tomes such as these writings here. But most elfae, beyond personal communication and posts and interactions on social media, seek to write Elven and Faerie and otherworldly stories of a fictional sort. Usually, they are inspired by Tolkien and his great works concerning us, but also by other writers as well and sometimes by video games or games such as Magic the Gathering or D&D type games.

     Our sisters of the Elf Queen’s Daughters use to say that if we elves had saints, in the manner of the Catholic church, Tolkien would surely be our primary one. While he was Catholic by faith, he was otherkin by manifestation as far as we elfin are concerned and will ever hold a place in our hearts and minds and the history of our peoples.

     Annunciation helps our kin to find each other. To Awaken to their true natures through the evocation of their minds and imaginations. For the imagination takes the mind and fills it with soulful feeling, just as music does, and lifts us up out of the everyday world to which the normal folk would like to bind us with their mundane magics, and sets us free to soar across the realms touching our kindred and uniting with them wherever we may. Speak Your Truth, kindred, if you dare, Speak Your Fae Truth.

(We will be discussing the last 2 steps in the Elven Way in a future blog article and more about these seven steps in our upcoming Silver Elves book Visions of Elfin, to be published in 2021.)

The Silver Elves

See all 50+ of the Silver Elves books on The Elven Way on Amazon US here:

and on Amazon UK here:

New DawnElfinQuote

To read more on Elven Awakening, you may enjoy some of these other articles on living the life elven by The Silver Elves:

Are There Any Steps to the Elven Path Beyond Awakening?

Do Elves Really Awake to being Elfin?

What Does it Mean to Awaken to Our True Elven Nature?

Once an Awakened Elf Are You Always an Awakened Elf?

On The Elven Way and Awakening

Are There Actually Portals to Elfin?



And Now for a Bit of Elven Fun!

We invite you to come to our website and enter our elven forest and go through the Elven Tree of Life Eternal to explore your magical nature (it’s free and completely private). It is set up somewhat like a choose your own adventure book and a fun way to explore your specific magic while all roads lead to Elfin. If you find yourself circling in particular realm, then this is perhaps important to recognized as part of your magical Nature. Then, when you feel you would like to exit our elven forest, please do return to “the Eald of the Silver Elves home page” at any time you wish by clicking the “home page” link at the top of any page you happen to be on. You may enjoy other pages on our website including reading some of our Magical Elven Love Letters or taking our Elf, Fae or Otherkin Survey and we will happily gift you a beautiful narrative about your magical tribe (this is not an automatic response but instead is especially written for you based on your responses and our own elven intuition).

tree_blogEnter here the Elven Tree of Life Eternal

We also offer this same experience in book form:
The Elven Tree of Life Eternal: A Magical Quest for Our True S’Elf.


“The Way of the Elves winds through the trees, in time you relax and your tensions do ease, you sigh as the sun filters through leaves, and are helped on your way by a welcoming breeze.”
—The Silver Elves


If you have questions about the Elven Way and being an elf, then you may magicalRealms2 wish to read The Magical Realms of Elfin: Answers to Questions About Being an Elf and Following the Elven Path. We also suggest our volume 2 in this series of questions and answemanifesting_Elfinrs: Manifesting Elfin: Answers to Questions About Being an Elf and Following the Elven Path, Volume 2. And we now also have a recently published Volume 3, The New Dawn of Elfin: Answers to Questions About Being an Elf and Following the Elven Path, Volume 3. If you are curious about elves and want to learn more about modern elves, then you will surely find The Magical Realms of Elfin, Manifesting Elfin, and The New Dawn of Elfin to contain many of your questions answered and either or all three books will be a great comfort and help in finding your way home to abide in the magical realms of elfin and in manifesting elfin in your daily life.

New DawnCover
The New Dawn of Elfin:
Answers to Questions About Being an Elf and Following the Elven Path, Volume 3


saying by Silver Elves


Would you like an Elf name in Arvyndase,
the Magical Language of the Silver Elves?

We Silver Elves have been gifting elf names for decades, now over 6,000 names, in our beautiful magical elven language, Arvyndase! If you are interested in having us gift you an elven name in Arvyndase, you are welcome to visit our website page Want An Elf Name.” There we give you suggestions for what to email us about yours’elf so we can give you a name that is magically fitting for you. 


Smiling Faces_Poem

Many people ask us which of our 55 Silver Elves books on Elven Philosophy and Magic and The Elven Way to begin reading first and so we say, which ever sounds right to you, follow your elven intuition, as there is really no right order! You may wish to visit our Sample Our Books page on our Silver Elves website. And as you read through the excerpts from each book, you will see that we have a rainbow of elfin books on Elven Philosophy, Elven Language, Elfin Life and Magic, Elfin Lifestyle, original Silver Elves Elven Oracles, as well as books on Elven Poetry and fiction.

Come read about The Silver Elves books


We hope you will also take a look at our newest Silver Elves book:  ELFAE TRIBES: The Peoples of Faerie . It is our fourth book in the series of elf, faerie, fae and otherkin tribes. Our first book is composed strictly of Elf tribes; the second book in the series describes Faerie, Fae and Otherkin tribes; the third book is comprised of Elves, Faerie, Fae, Otherkin, Otherworldly, and miscellaneous assorted fae tribes. Elfae Tribes includes a total of 115 tribes of elves, faerie, fae and otherkin, all of which are newly published and are not found in the first three volumes in this series.  

The Peoples of Faerie


And we say good bye to 2020 with some important Elven Wisdom of the Great Elf Santa . . . . .

“The principle of elven gifting is thus: when possible always reciprocate with a little bit more, this creates a cycle of giving that leads to great abundance shared by all.”


Merry Yule7StarsBright

Many Elven Blessing to All Kindred!

Are There Any Steps Beyond Awakening on the Elven Path?

October 9, 2020

“We elfae are soulful beings and the power of our souls increase with our growing and increasing relationships to each other. . . . after one’s Awakening as an elfae being, one’s life not only takes on a more spiritual dimension but a very otherworldly dimension is added, as well. All we do becomes overshadowed by our elfin natures and the world as we see it becomes gradually transformed so we are seeing it in a new way. . . . One certainly continues to perfect one’s skills as an artist, musician, writer, archer, auto mechanic or carpenter, etc., as one did before Awakening to one’s elfin nature but a spiritual dimension is added to one’s efforts. This is rather like the notion of Zen . . . Here a spiritual dimension is added to one’s material efforts, a greater consciousness that involves the worlds of energy and spirit and not merely the material realm.”

Note: The above photo of Silver Flame and Zardoa of the Silver Elves was graphically manipulated by Kimberly Saladin (Facebook page name CreativelyKim), for which we thank our sister for both her creativity and caring efforts.


In the article below, we speak about the first three out of seven steps on the elven path or as we Silver Elves call it, The Elven Way: Awakening, Association, and Activation.

Step One and Two of The Elven Way:


Awakening is the most commonly spoken of and probably the most noted aspect of The Elven Way. This is so principally because Awakening is the first movement on the path and it also tends to be life transforming for the individual, and therefore highly memorable, at least for a time. For it is often, but not always, accompanied by a profound sense of having finally discovered ones’elf, of having come home to one’s true home and family, in a sense, and frequently stirs one’s feelings and imagination powerfully and both at the same time, which makes it doubly effective.

     This powerful sense that those who awaken to the elfae nature sometimes get that which one has waited one’s entire life for this moment is psychologically profound. But at the same time, it is the very potency of this experience that makes it somewhat fragile. One expects, in a certain sense, that these powerful feelings will last forever, but in time the dull magics of the normal world that were created to lull us into a sleep so we no longer remember who we really are and to glamor us into thinking we are other than we are, works incessantly at us, projected by the normal folk around us. And few elves who are at that point and are elfae alone in the world, are able to resist these dark magics, although, it has been done, obviously, or none of us would be aware at all.

     Therefore, the next step upon the Elven Path is usually that of Association. In some ways, this is really the first step, because most of us become aware of our elfae and otherkin nature because of our association with others and it is this link to others who are already awakened that leads to our own awakening. And yet the Awakening is so powerful usually that it eclipses the relationships that led to it.

     At the same time, the truth is that Association is so important to most elfin beings that it not only comes before most awakenings, and directly after, but is the central pivot of our society ever onward throughout time. We elfae are soulful beings and the power of our souls increase with our growing and increasing relationships to each other.

     The reason Association is seen as the second step upon The Elven Way, rather than the first, is that prior to Awakening, while one might have elf friends and be an elf friend, one doesn’t actually realize that one is really an elf or fae or whatever and due to that one doesn’t usually understand that those elfae with whom one associates are really what they claim to be, which is elfin beings. Thus, although one may, and most likely did, know elfae folk prior to Awakening, one simply hasn’t taken that very important step and set ones’elf upon the Path, as yet, and, most likely, sworn an inner oath to ones’elf and one’s spirits to remain awakened thereafter throughout time till Elfin manifests in the material world and beyond.

     As we say, the event of Awakening is often due to one’s interaction with other Elfae, however, many relationships in the realms of the otherworldly can be quite fleeting. Often the ones that inspire one to awaken are actually living at a distance. One interacts with them through various social media, or one meets them at a gathering or other event and quite often they abide at such a distance that it is hard to see them often. And, as much as one would like to join with them immediately, practical reality and the needs of surviving in the world do not always allow this to occur. We are restrained by some dark spells of the world and it is these we strive to overcome.

     And, the fact is that elfae relationships can be quite fleeting anyway. We come and go interacting with each other, moving about upon the Great Faerie Rade, migrating here and there, and it can be hard to find a stable elfae community. Which is why, in part, the first movement in association is toward finding soulmates or starmates, our others with whom we can share an intimate relationship and share the Path together as well. Someone that we can count on, who can also count on us. Creating an elven or elfae community often depends upon a pair of elfae who are the central core of the association. It doesn’t have to be just two, of course, and the goal is to gather more, but a pair it often is.

     Still, elfae folk will come and go and this is important to understand. The inner frasority may remain, hopefully will, but those who obit around us sometimes fly off into space and others take their place. Some are very intensely devoted for a while. Usually, this is after they have recently awakened, but then they spin off elsewhere, frequently only to return again at a later time, a bit wiser for their experience and, in their way, really even more dedicated The Elven Way although less intense in their dedication. What they lose in emotion and fervor, they gain in stability.

     It would be nice if, as elfae folk, we all got along with each other perfectly. Alas, that is not the case. There are natural differences of personality for one thing. Not everyone is meant to be with every other elfae being. We get along better than most of those in the normal world, but still we have our differences.

     And surely there are issues of our own psyche and spirits and soulful natures to work out. We are not perfect beings, but rather spirits perfecting ours’elves. And the various things that plagued us in the world are still with us and need to be worked out. That is, in part, what the Path is all about, developing ours’elves as spirits.

     The need some of our kin feel for personal acknowledgement and recognition is understandable. Many wish to be seen as experts on Faerie lore and our culture, and present thems’elves as such, which as we say is perfectly understandable, but this needs to be done without diminishing others.    

Our job as prominent beings in the modern elfae community, if we dare take on that responsibility, is to empower our others rather than lift ours’elves above them. If we are to be uplifted, it will be done by our others, not by ours’elves. Association draws us to our others and sets us down equally together, sharing the love and magic of Elfin with all who dare to step upon and tread the Path with us.


Step Three of The Elven Way: ACTIVATION    

As we have explained above, there are seven primary steps or stages upon The Elven Way. The first of these is the Awakening and the second we Silver Elves call Association. As we have already pointed out, Association is really an ongoing activity and is occurring even before one’s Awakening happens. The difference is that after one’s Awakening, one begins to knowingly seek association with one’s kindred and others in light of one’s growing awareness of one’s Elfae or otherkin nature, where previously one sought one’s kindred without really knowing that it was elfae that one was seeking.

     So, while one puts out feelers toward association often hoping for a soulmate before one experiences one’s Awakening, the Awakening transforms the nature of the quest for Association, which is why it is seen as the second step upon the Elven Way. One’s field of search has narrowed but now one knows what one is really searching for.

     The third step upon The Elven Way is Activation. And once again, this is something that was happening prior to one’s awakening and continues afterward. In some ways, these steps upon the Path are not entirely sequential but simultaneous. Still, there seems to be an emphasis that aligns them in a seemingly sequential order. Yet, it is good to realize that almost all of these steps are really taken together. They are like a group, band, pack, covey or vortex of elves walking through the woods together. One may lead at one point, another at some other time. One may speak, then another will replay, and then another still. Yet, they are all moving together in reality. So, too, all these stages are happening at once and sequentially, also. We put the emphasis on one stage at one moment and another after that and back again.

     Activation has to do with the development of our powers as individuals. Surely, everyone who isn’t racked and incapacitated by the dark spells of depression hope to succeed as individuals in the world and in seeking to succeed endeavor to improve what they do and how they do it. Surely, this was happening before one’s Awakening and it certainly continues after one’s Awakening. In fact, in many ways, this is central to the Elven Way, for evolving as elven spirits and becoming more enlightened and powerful as individual beings is what the path is all about.

     The difference between Activation before the Awakening and afterwards is that we are not only aware of our various abilities and are striving to improve them but also we are increasingly aware that in being elves, fae and others that there are otherworldly powers that we can draw upon and wield as magicians, witches and enchanters. Or wizards, sorcerers, shamans or whatever combination of magics one might do. For many elfae folk explore nearly every sort of magic and are proficient in more than one technique or school of magical endeavor.

     One certainly continues to perfect one’s skills as an artist, musician, writer, archer, auto mechanic or carpenter as one did before Awakening to one’s elfin nature but a spiritual dimension is added to one’s efforts. This is rather like the notion of Zen and the Art of Auto Mechanics (see Robert Pirsig’s book Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance and Zen in the Art of Archery by Eugen Herrigel). Here a spiritual dimension is added to one’s material efforts, a greater consciousness that involves the worlds of energy and spirit and not merely the material realm.

     So, too, after one’s Awakening as an elfae being, one’s life not only takes on a more spiritual dimension but a very otherworldly dimension is added, as well. All we do becomes overshadowed by our elfin natures and the world as we see it becomes gradually transformed so we are seeing it in a new way. Along with being a musician, we are learning patience. Along with being a writer, we are developing our charms and enchantments. Along with our efforts to become better archers, we are aiming for the increase and development of our soulful natures and ability to focus our magical intentions. We seek to improve our various skills, but also our willpower, our intellect, our imagination, our capacity to feel and communicate clearly and truly, our ability to have faith in the magic when it is working in the unseen realms and our ability to see the subtle signs telling us that the magic is indeed spreading out and causing effects in the world, although the end and desired result of our efforts may not have entirely occurred as yet.

     Perseverance becomes vital at this point, because while the Awakening is often dramatic to the point of being astonishing, and Association has its “moments” that we share and sometimes its peak points when we meet one of our true kindred, Activation can be a long slow day-by-day slog toward our goals with little to show for our efforts but the occasional realization that we have somehow, seemingly magically, transformed for the better. We find our skills have improved on all levels but are not always sure when that occurred. And inevitably, especially as we increase our abilities, we will be better at some  things one day and seem to devolve in our ability later. Again, the difference is perseverance. If we don’t give up the path, our powers will increase upon all levels over time, just not all at once and not always consistently at first. Consistency comes with practice.

     And the consequence of this effort (which is energy, which is magic) will be that the spirits of Elfin and Faerie take notice of us. They will seek to improve us as well, lending their powers to our own until we realize that we are never elves or faeries alone but fae folk together through the ages and through the dimensions and throughout time, lifetime after lifetime now and forever more.

(We will be discussing the last 4 steps in the Elven Way in a future blog article and more about these seven steps in our upcoming Silver Elves book Visions of Elfin, to be published in early 2021.)

The Silver Elves

See all 50+ of the Silver Elves books on The Elven Way on Amazon US here:

and on Amazon UK here:


To read more on Elven Awakening, you may enjoy some of these other articles on living the life elven by The Silver Elves:

Do Elves Really Awake to being Elfin?

What Does it Mean to Awaken to Our True Elven Nature?

Once an Awakened Elf Are You Always an Awakened Elf?

On The Elven Way and Awakening

Are There Actually Portals to Elfin?


Want An Elf Name Gifted by The Silver Elves?

We Silver Elves have been gifting elf names for decades, now over 6,000 names, in our beautiful magical elven language, Arvyndase! If you are interested in having us gift you an elven name in Arvyndase, you are welcome to visit our website page Want An Elf Name.” There we give you suggestions for what to email us about yours’elf so we can give you a name that is magically fitting for you. 

The Silver Elves Books

Many people ask us which of our 54 Silver Elves books on Elven Philosophy and Magic and The Elven Way to begin reading first and so we say, which ever sounds right to you, follow your elven intuition, as there is really no right order! You may wish to visit our Sample Our Books page on our Silver Elves website and read through the excerpts on each book. But if you would like a suggestion, you may wish to begin with one or more of these four books:
1. Through The Mists Of Faerie: A Magical Guide to the Wisdom Teachings of the Ancient Elven This is our most popular book and one we highly recommend reading by anyone interested in elves, elven magic, elven lifestyle, elven awakening and the Elven Way.


2. The Elven Way: The Magical Path of the Shining Ones This is a companion book to Through the Mists of Faerie, but may be read in any order. It is also a very popular book and a good one to start with.


3. The Book of Elven Runes: A Passage Into Faerie
This is not the Norse Runes but our own original elven rune divination system. It consists of 40 runes. The book is 130 pages with photos and illustrations that feature each rune and explain the rune system, how to make your own set of runes (runestones not included), and the interpretation for each of the runes.

4. The Book of Elven Magick: The Philosophy and Enchantments of the Seelie Elves (see both Volume 1 & 2)

5. The Magical Realms of Elfin: Answers to Questions About Being an Elf and Following the Elven Path.

If you have questions about The Elven Way and being an elf, then you may also wish to read The Magical Realms of Elfin: Answers to Questions About Being an Elf and Following the Elven Path. If you are curious about elves and want to learn more about modern elves, then you will surely find The Magical Realms of Elfin to contain many of your questions answered and it will be a great comfort and help in finding your way home to the magical realms of Elfin.

And Now A Gift For You!!!!!!
What Sort of Elf, Faerie or Other Are You?
What is Your Magical Tribe?

For years various kindred have asked us, the Silver Elves, to help them figure this out. Now we’ve created a questionnaire to help us do so and to help you learn about your people, your magical tribe. This is our gift to you (free). Simply follow this link below and the directions and we will help you with your own personal narrative about your magical tribe. Each narrative is based on your answers to the questions and our intuition and is a unique narrative just for you. This is not a computer generated result and we Silver Elves concentrate on only one narrative a day to give you special consideration:


And for further reading . . . .

And if you would like to explore an elven perspective of esoteric lore, we suggest that you read our books on the Supra-dimensional and Elven Magic, the four Books of Correspondence Between the Silver Elves and the Founders of the Elf Queen’s Daughter (there is no particular order in which you need to read). Each of these four books are a collection of letters with dominate themes of sorcery, the Manu, the Shinning One who is the inspiration for the evolution of humanity in this age, Esoteric Buddhism, Elven magic and culture, Tolkien, the supra-dimensional and necromancy.


Please click on the titles below to read sample letters from and all about the ‘Books of Correspondence Between the Silver Elves and the Founders of the Elf Queen’s Daughters’:

  1. Magic Talks
  2. Sorcerers’ Dialogues
  3. Discourses on High Sorcery
  4. Ruminations on Necromancy

. . . . throughout the passing ages. Tens of thousands of years come to a peak in a visionary now-ness, allowing for insight-hindsight. The sage can gaze forward and backwards, making hope possible for the people. We share our revelations and before you know it, another culture is born.”
—Arwen and Elanor (Founders of the Elf Queen’s Daughters) in MAGIC TALKS, from the beginning of Letter No. 1 . . . . In the Stardust of The Akaskic Record (Read the entire Letter and commentary by The Silver Elves here!)


“Through all the ages of the world, the Voice of Elfin can be heard singing songs of love, and life and harmony.”
—The Silver Elves

You can find all 50+ of our the Silver Elves books on The Elven Way, elven life and elven enchantment magic to purchase on Amazon here:
US Amazon:
UK Amazon:



The Silver Elves invite you to come join us in some of our elven and magical otherkin Facebook groups where you will find our elven-faerie-fae otherkin community interacting and sharing The Elven Way:

The Magical Books of the Silver Elves — And if you would like to find out more about our 50+ The Silver Elves books on The Elven Way, please do join us! We have discussions about our Silver Elves books as well as about Elven and Otherkin philosophy, elven lifestyle and the Elven Way. If you have read our books and would like to discuss them with us, this is the place to come join in the discussions and ask also questions. And please do come share here in this group your own creative elven works of art, music, writing, crafts, or whatever you do to manifest Elfin in your life in your own way, as well as your thoughts and feelings about living the life Elfin.

Elven Home
This is an enchanting and private place for all elfae folk to share in cozy comfort. Feel free to share anything elfae related, and please do share (with images when you can) all about your own Eald (Elven Home) and the special aspects of it that make it your own enchanting elfin space.

Elven Life and Magic — A group for fae folk of all kinds.

Elvish Magical Chat — Posting and chatting all about elves, faeries, pixies, and magic!

The Faerie Circle — A group for the magical elfae folk. Be ever blest!

Elf Witches of the Mystic Moon — A place to share your magic and enchantment with other elf witches!

Faerie Craft —This is a group to share your elven and fae creations, and yes you are welcome to advertise your elfish/faerie crafts.

I Heart Elven Magic —For those who love Elfin Magic.

Feasting With the Elves (having fun sharing elven recipes and healthy eating) —

United Otherkin Alliance —
This is an alliance for Otherkin/ Therians, where elves, faeries, dragons, kitsune, gnomes, hobbits, merkin, pixies, brownies, nymphs, driads, niaids, valkyrie, vampires, devas, fauns, unicorns, animal kin and all manner of Faerie Folk gather and come together! This group is open to anyone who wishes to be part of a congenial group of Otherkin.

The Elven Way  — This group creates a place for people to learn about the Elven Way and for Elves, Otherkin, and their friends to have a fun gathering place to enjoy each other’s company and share things on the path. Although it is a private group, it is open to anyone who wishes to learn about the Elven Way and friends of such.

Nature & the Unseen Realms with the Elves & otherkin. A spiritual journey —A group to share together our occult experiences of Elfin-Faerie that are usually not shared and also to share about the wonders of Nature in the Unseen World.

Elfin Faerie Lore —  For Faeries and Elfin Folk. This group is for sharing elfin faerie lore, magic and life as Fae,

Silver Elves Embassy — This is a place of rest and gathering together to relax and share our stories, dreams for the future, and magic of our elfin adventures. We Silver Elves also share here in this group some of our own magical true tales and adventures that have lead us to further embrace the Shining Ones.


“Starlight brings us messages from long ago and far away, of Elfin that once was, and yet they ever seem to say, ‘Look ye to the future, for Elfin comes carried by our glimmerings’.”
—The Silver Elves

Blessings3 copy

Touch this star above, dear Kindred, for an Elven Blessing!