Manifesting Elfin: Answers to Questions About Being an Elf and Following the Elven Path, Volume 2


Answers to Questions About Being an Elf
and Following the Elven Path, Volume 2
by The Silver Elves


Manifesting Elfin is found here to purchase on Amazon USA
and also sold here on Amazon UK.

We Silver Elves are happy to announce today our latest book publication! In MANIFESTING ELFIN, we continue with a volume 2 of our question and answer series addressing the numerous questions about who the elves are and about the elven way that have been posed to us throughout the 40+ years of following the elven spiritual path and sharing with the world that we are elves in spirit incarnated in human bodies (also see volume 1 The Magical Realms of Elfin). In Manifesting Elfin, we explore further questions about elven tribes and relations; elven magic and healing; modern elven life; elven awakening and entering Elfin; the Shining Ones, past lives, and elven spiritual development; elves and gender; and some interesting elven perspectives.

Some of the specific questions answered in Manifesting Elfin are: Are Elfae human? Did all elves come from the stars? What do elves see as the difference between spirit and soul? What will elves be like in the future? What is Paltareon, the far memory of the Elves? What effect do our magical body parts (wings, elf ears, tails, scales etc.) in etheric form have upon otherkin?  Can we become elves? What is the difference between the Elven Way and the Fairy Faith? Who are the Shining Ones and how do we communicate with them? Are all otherkin fae?  How often do elves do magic? Do elves heal with crystals? What are the secrets of the elves? What do the Silver Elves think of Tolkien’s idea concerning the creation of the universe? What’s the difference between Seelie and Unseelie Fae? What’s the difference between Unseelie Elves and Dark Elves? Can an elf have a soul mate who is human? How do we elves deal with the discrepancy between the reality of our manifestation and the legends and lore about us? Do elves think that Magick has gone away? How do you gently awaken a sleeping elf kin? Are elves compatible to Druids? How do elves deal with our homesickness for Elfin? Do Elves meditate and, if they do, how? How do elves raise children? Are elves and faeries part of the deva kingdom? Who were the Elf Queen’s Daughters? And, Are elves a fiction-based religion or a spiritual path? See the Table of Contents of Manifesting Elfin listed below this introduction for a complete list of questions addressed in this book.

Most often, a person has questions as one tries: to decide if one is ones’elf an elf or is some otherkin; to understand what it means to be an elf and how one might know of one’s elfin nature; to understand one’s experience of having an Elven Awakening; to determine how elven magic is alike or different from that performed by other spiritual groups; to understand the keys to elven magic and enchantment; to explore more about being an elf in a human body and how this is possible; and to learn about how elves live and relate to mankind and otherkin. So if you are curious about modern elves, particularly about The Silver Elves and their philosophy and magick, then you will surely find many of your questions answered in both the first volume, The Magical Realms of Elfin, and also many more in this volume two, Manifesting Elfin.

Answers to Questions About Being an Elf and Following the Elven Path, Volume 2
Table of Contents


Chapter 1: Elven Tribes and Relations

If I feel that I’m some sort of Elfae/Otherkin but don’t know what kind, what should I do?
Did all elves come from the Stars?
How do I find out about my elfae tribe?
What do I do with the elfae narrative about my magical tribe that The Silver Elves gifted me?
What’s the difference between Seelie and Unseelie Fae?
What is the difference between Unseelie Elves and Dark Elves?
What are the Dark Elfae?
How do elves form families?
Why do we call ourselves The Silver Elves?
Why are elves sometimes called the fair folk?
Can an elf have a soul mate who is human?
What do you think of the idea that people can be part elven or half-elf?
Are elves compatible to druids?
Are elves and valkyries the same?
Are elves and faeries part of the deva kingdom?
How do the elves define Otherkin?
Can I be both an elf and a faerie?
Who were the Elf Queen’s Daughters?
What is the relationship of the elves to the trees?
Are Elfae human? Part One
Are Elfae human? Part Two
Are all otherkin fae? Part One
Are all otherkin fae? Part Two
What do we elves think of all those who say they
are elf, dragon, wolf, valkyrie and various other mixtures,
in other words, multiple kin types?
Do elves and dragons get along?

Chapter 2: Elven Magic and Healing

Can anyone do magic?
How often do elves do magic?
Does elven magic have to be as exact and precise as ceremonial magic supposedly must be?
Do elves heal with crystals?
Why is it that in movies super powers or magic are almost always activated by anger or pain and does this accord with reality?
Do elves do blood magic? Part One
Do elves do blood magic? Part Two
Do elves do blood magic? Part Three
Do elves think that Magick has gone away?
Is magic a privilege or a right?

Chapter 3: Modern Elven Life

Can we become elves?
Why do we call ours’elves the people of the ancient future?
Why are so many modern elves so into fashion?
How do you tell your family or friends that you’re an elfae without them getting upset?
How do elves raise children?
How do elves deal with our homesickness for Elfin?

Chapter 4: Elven Awakening, Entering and Manifesting Elfin, and the Secrets of the Elves

How do you gently awaken a sleeping elf kin?
Does one have to be brave and courageous to enter Elfin and Faerie?
Why do we call it Elfin and not Elfland?
How do the elves relate to other mythical lands like Shamballa, Agartha and so on?
What are the Secrets of the Elves? Part One
What are the Secrets of the Elves? Part Two
How do we elves deal with the discrepancy between the reality of our manifestation and the legends and lore about us?

Chapter 5: The Shining Ones, Past Lives, and Elven Spiritual Development

Who are the Shining Ones and how do we communicate with them?
What is the Elven View on whether we choose our lives before birth?
Do elves think animals are lesser beings than humans?
Do the elves believe that rocks have souls?
What do you do if you are vegetarian but your therian aspect is a carnivore? Part One
What do you do if you are a vegetarian but your therian aspect is a carnivore? Part Two
What say the elves about the question ‘Does one need to suffer to learn compassion?’
What is Paltareon, the far memory of the Elves?
Do elves pray?
What is the best way for elfae to deal with the shadow s’elf, your wild side?
Are elves a fiction-based religion or a spiritual path?
What is the difference between the Elven Way and the Fairy Faith?
How do you transition into a more elven life without carrying with you the enculturation of the world and one’s past life?
What effect do our magical body parts (wings, elf ears, tails, scales etc.) in etheric form have upon otherkin?
What do elves see as the difference between spirit and soul?
Part One: Are we elves bound to the material world by desire?
Part Two: Are we elves bound to the material world by desire?
Part Three: Are we elves bound to the material world by desire?
Part Four: Are we elves bound to the material world by desire?
Do Elves meditate and, if they do, how?
What will elves be like in the future?

Chapter 6: The Silver Elves on Gender and Sexuality

What is the Silver Elves’ position about transgender individuals?
Why do there seem to be more LGBT people among the elves, fae and otherkin than among the general population?
What is the elves view concerning nudity and sexuality?

Chapter 7: More on Elven Perspectives

What do the Silver Elves think of Tolkien’s idea concerning the creation of the universe?
What do Elves think of Psychiatry, Psychology and modern therapists?
How does it feel to write from the perspective of elves?
How do the Silver Elves deal with irrational people?
What’s with the bloody noses?
What do elves think about Artificial Intelligence?
What do elves think of demons and Satanism?
Are Mankind and the normal folk the problem?
What does the word Kyela mean?
How do we Silver Elves deal with people who think we are roleplaying being elves?
What do the Silver Elves think of people who are just roleplaying being elves?
What are the Silver Elves referring to when they speak about “Weldlingues”?


You may also enjoy reading excerpts from our two recent books on magical tribe narratives (over 150 tribes narratives in each book). Just click on the titles under the book photos to read a blog post on each book:

elftribesELF TRIBES:
The Silver Elves’ Guide for Finding Your Magical Kind Kin


The Silver Elves’ Guide for Finding Your Magical Kind and Kin.

And please, do come to our website and enjoy reading sample pages and reader’s reviews of all our 45+ books (published prior to March 2019) on magic and enchantment and the elven way at:

Also you can see all our The Silver Elves books on The Elven Way on Amazon here:



Fost Tae Lodver (Touch the truth),
The Silver Elves



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7 Responses to “Manifesting Elfin: Answers to Questions About Being an Elf and Following the Elven Path, Volume 2”

  1. Beverly Cotton Says:

    Looks like a fascinating book. Guess I’ll be putting one more on my list for the next Amazon order.


  2. Lisa H. Says:

    Noooo… I am seriously out of bookshelf space! I know ebook formatting isn’t trivial to do, but I bet I’m not the only one who would be glad if it were an option.


  3. Why Are Elves so Often Associated with Bows and Arrows? How does Archery Effect Elven Magic? | The Silver Elves Blog Says:

    […] Manifesting Elfin: Answers to Questions About Being an Elf and Following the Elven Path, Volume 2… […]


  4. Were the Celts Faerie Folk?” | The Silver Elves Blog Says:

    […] a narrative about their particular elfin, faerie or other tribe (see our four books Elf Tribes; Faerie, Fae and Otherkin Tribes; Elves, Faerie, Fae and Otherkin Tribes; and Elfae Tribes), we have found that at least a quarter […]


  5. Does rh Negative Blood Signify the Elven Bloodline and How Tall Are Elves? | The Silver Elves Blog Says:

    […] The Magical Realms of Elfin: Answers to Questions About Being an Elf and Following the Elven Path;Manifesting Elfin; The New Dawn of Elfin; Visions of Elfin; Elfin Rising; and Illuminating Faerie to all contain many […]


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