Does rh Negative Blood Signify the Elven Bloodline and How Tall Are Elves?


“. .  . not everyone who has rh negative blood think they are elfae beings or are even attracted to the ideas about and the culture of Faerie while others of different blood types very much are drawn to Elfin and Faerie. Which is why, in part, we say again that we elfae are a spiritual race of beings and see the world overall, unlike most of the normal folk, from an energetic rather than a material or biological viewpoint . . . . Rh negative blood doesn’t make us an elfae being, any more than having pointed ears would. Although, pointed ears would be very cool, no doubt about it . . . . As much as those who write stories project this or that look or feature for describing or classifying we elfae folk, there is actually no precise physical characteristic that actually defines us or indicates that we are Elfin. Even being descended from the ancient Scythians would not indicate that we were elfae either. It is because, dear kin, we’re spirits and magic spirits at that and can choose whatever body or racial type we desire as we pass from one incarnation to another seeking to manifest Elfin upon the Earth.”


Does rh Negative Blood Signify the Elven Bloodline?

by The Silver Elves

     Some individuals have put forth the idea that rh negative blood signifies the elven bloodline. We expect that the individuals who proclaim this are, in fact, elfae folk who have rh negative blood. We doubt that they would make this claim if they weren’t, for it is an attempt to certify their elfae nature in a material fashion.

     Alas, we are in the process of the passing from the fifth sub-race of the fifth root race, as Blavatsky saw things (see her book The Secret Doctrine), who are a very material and biological oriented people, to the sixth sub-race, who are more psychic, intuitive and spiritual, in the sense of energetic, in their understanding and view of life and thus more elfin in their manifestation. The whole idea that went around a few decades ago about the Indigo Children was a reflection of this transition in process, as was the idea before that concerning the Dawning of the Age of Aquarius… Aquarius… Aquar – ree – us. Harmony and understanding …

     The idea of being descended from the Scythians, who are seen as the ancestors of the Sidhe of Ireland and the Tuatha de Danann, also stems from an attempt to make our elfae nature real and acceptable to the world at large by attaching it to real historical people and thus demonstrating that we really exist. And this urge comes, of course, primarily from the fact that those of the fifth sub-race see anything that doesn’t have a historical or material source as being questionable and thus, in their words, ‘airy-fairy’ and not serious enough to be given genuine and respectful consideration by them.

     And surely it is understandable that some of our people would seek acceptance in the world of the normal folk and, in fact, it may help them (normals) become aware of our existence, even when they deny the actuality of our claims to being elfae beings. We Silver Elves, for our part, are not all that concerned about achieving the recognition of the normal folk, but that isn’t to say that some of our kin don’t have that desire or that it is wrong for them to do so.

     There is, alas, a tendency for many elfae folk (especially when they are young and newly awakened) to think that because they are this or that thing, such as having rh negative blood, that everyone who shares that particular manifestation or physiology, necessarily is also an elfae being and those who don’t have that particular aspect are not. However, it should be clear that, in fact, not everyone who has rh negative blood think they are elfae beings or are even attracted to the ideas about and the culture of Faerie while others of different blood types very much are drawn to Elfin and Faerie. Which is why, in part, we say again that we elfae are a spiritual race of being and see the world overall, unlike most of the normal folk, from an energetic rather than a material or biological viewpoint.

     What makes us elves or faeries or otherkin isn’t our material bodies but our spirits and our inherent attractions. We wish to be elves and faeries because that’s what we are. It would be nice if the normal folk accepted our identities but then we can hardly expect them to do so and although it would be somewhat convenient if they did, we don’t entirely care. We like being the weirdos, the freaks and the strange in comparison to them. Especially since the way they live and think just seems crazy to us as well as incredibly boring. Crazy we can take, but boring … not so much.

     Rh negative blood doesn’t make us an elfae being, any more than having pointed ears would. Although, pointed ears would be very cool, no doubt about it. But we have known individuals with pointed ears and they were quite intelligent beings but they didn’t have the least interest in our elfae culture and were quite happy, really, to be normal. Sort of a new-agey normal but normal nonetheless. We would have been quite happy to have them among us, actually, but they weren’t in the least interested. Faerie and Elfin lore and life was simply too ‘airy-fairy’ for their tastes.

     As much as those who write stories project this or that look or feature for describing or classifying we elfae folk, there is actually no precise physical characteristic that actually defines us or indicates that we are Elfin. Even being descended from the ancient Scythians would not indicate that we were elfae either. It is because, dear kin, we’re spirits and magic spirits at that and can choose whatever body or racial type we desire as we pass from one incarnation to another seeking to manifest Elfin upon the Earth. While we must admit that pointed ears are very lovely and we’d love to naturally have our ears be pointed, we’d still rather have the power to choose whatever body we wish in each incarnation. For that magical power, beloved, is even cooler than pointed ears as far as we are concerned.



How Tall are Elves?

By The Silver Elves

     In the Tolkien’s works, elves are generally seen as being somewhat tall. However, elves in Tolkien are not generally taller than men are for the most part and are usually seen as being relatively the same height with individual exceptions as is also the case among Mankind. In comparison to Hobbits and Dwarves, of course, we are portrayed as being quite a bit taller and compared to most trolls and some of the orc folk, quite a bit smaller and also, in comparison to Men overall, less bulky with a tendency to be thin people in general.

     But we should also point out that even the fae and faeries of Irish lore and the Sidhe were generally seen as human sized beings who had no wings in ancient times. Elves, in that sense, were merely the Norse equivalent of Irish and British fae.

     It wasn’t, for the most part, until the Victorian Age that faeries became diminished into little beings with wings, much like Tinkerbell of the Peter Pan story is seen to be. That story being written just a few years after Queen Victoria’s passing. This diminishment in size brought a mixture of notions concerning we elfae beings that can be seen reflected in the faerie tales that were collected in Barbara Rieti’s study Strange Terrain: The Fairy World in Newfoundland in which the faeries are seen sometimes as being small like children but still older looking like adults, sometimes even wizened and at other times seen as regular sized humanoids, depending upon the tale.

    But even if we go back in time, we can find that dwarves were sometimes said to be Dark Elves although, often, still viewed as short beings while the Fomorians of Irish tales were composed of a variety of fae beings from dwarf-sized, to troll-sized to giants. And we should also note that even in Scandinavian faerie lore, trolls are seen as being both very large beings but also at times, much smaller child-sized folk. We expect that the trolls were diminished in size just as the faeries were.

     Also, we should take heed of the fact that while we elves are often seen as being tall, our cousins the brownies, pixies (also called pict-sidhe, piskies and other names) and gnomes are often viewed as being smaller folk. Sometimes, they are seen as very small like faeries are viewed as being, but often the size of smaller children.

     The fact is that we elfae come in a variety of sizes overall and we elves come in various sizes as well. Few of us in modern times are as little as faeries are currently viewed as being, except when we are newborns or prior to that in the womb. But then not all those who relate to and aspire toward developing their elvish beings are all tall either. Neither are all of us svelte beings. Although, a woman the other day asked us Silver Elves if we ever ate anything since we were so skinny and we replied that we ate quite a lot, really, but we didn’t add that it was very healthy food. Also, we exercise every day.

     However, it is a simple fact that not all of us, nor very many of us really, are going to fit into the ideals that Men have created for our beings. Some of us will be tall, some short and many in between. Some of us will be thin, some heavier and again many in between. Since elfin-ness is more an aspect of spirit and personality than physicality, our only real concern as spirits is having our bodies be as healthy as possible and as lovely as we can make them, and all the other preconceptions about our bodies tend to fall to the wayside. We are varied folk by our very natures and that is not only true of our inner beings but our outer beings as well.

     We Silver Elves, for our own part, hold no expectations about what our people will look like. We do expect that they will be interesting people, however they may appear, and we are seldom disappointed in this regard. We are continually amazed by our elfae kindred and quite often inspired by them. We expect that they will be artists of some sort or other, often multimedia individuals or talented in a variety of fields and we are often inspired by their work.

     It is true that there is a lot of shapeshifting in our elfae communities. People think they are one kintype only to shift to another and another until they finally find what is truly right for them. However, that is to be expected. After all, we are all growing and transforming as spirits anyway. Some us transforming within our kintypes and others among the kintypes. Eventually, we all come to be who we truly are, which in the long run is who we truly wish to be. Ours is a world of magic after all.

“Me tae Lun u tae Mėlli Verat te ver le’na Born,”
(in Arvyndase, the magical language of the Silver Elves: May the Light of the Stars Always Be in Your Heart),

The Silver Elves


 Please, when you come to our website please enjoy reading sample pages and reader’s reviews of all our 45+ books (published prior to March 2019) on magic and enchantment, elven lifestyle, elven poetry, elven short stories, an elven novel, on elven philosophy and the Elven Way at:

Also, our newest Silver Elves books (beginning March 2019) may be found on this blog site at

And if you enjoyed the two articles above then you may also enjoy reading these articles as well by The Silver Elves:

What Effect Do Our Magical Body Parts (Elf Ears, Wings, Tails, Scales etc.) In Etheric Form Have Upon Elves and Otherkin?

Are All Elves Beautiful? And Are all elves thin?

Are Elves Always Androgynous?

Do Elves Have Enhanced Senses?

Are Elves Hypersexual?




And you can find all 65+ of our The Silver Elves books to purchase on The Elven Way on Amazon here: 
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And if you have questions about The Elven Way and being an elf, then you may also wish to read The Magical Realms of Elfin: Answers to Questions About Being an Elf and Following the Elven Path.


    We Silver Elves also suggest our other 5 volumes in this series of questions and answers about being an elf and the Elven Way. Just click on these book links to read more about them and a complete table of contents with all the topics and questions about elves and the Elven Way that they answer. You will surely find The Magical Realms of Elfin: Answers to Questions About Being an Elf and Following the Elven Path;Manifesting Elfin; The New Dawn of Elfin; Visions of Elfin; Elfin Rising; and Illuminating Faerie to all contain many of your questions answered and either or all six books will be a great comfort and help in finding your way home to abide in the magical realms of elfin and in manifesting elfin in your daily life.







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