The New Dawn of Elfin

New DawnCover

Announcing our newest The Silver Elves book release!
The New Dawn of Elfin:
Answers to Questions About Being an Elf and Following the Elven Path, Volume 3

The New Dawn of Elfin is found here to purchase on Amazon USA
and also sold here on Amazon UK.

         In The New Dawn of Elfin, we Silver Elves continue with a volume 3 of our question and answer series addressing the numerous questions about who the elves are and about the Elven Way. In this book series, we address questions that have been posed to us throughout our 40+ years of following the elven way and sharing with the world that we are elves in spirit inhabiting human bodies (also see The Magical Realms of Elfin volume 1, and Manifesting Elfin, volume 2).

     The New Dawn of Elfin explores further questions about elven tribes and relationships; elven magic and healing; the elven worldview and modern elven life; elven awakening and being on the path to Elfin; elfin spirit and soul and elven psychology; more about Arvyndase, the magical language of the Silver Elves; elves in myths and legends; elven awakening and entering Elfin; more about being otherkin; elven views on dreaming, astral travel, visualization, and death; and the New Dawn and Return of Faerie.

         Some of the specific questions answered in The New Dawn of Elfin are: Can anyone be an elf? Do elves really Awaken to being elfin? How does one begin on the Path to Elfin? Are elves immortal? Are the Silver Elves high elves or low elves? What is the elven worldview? Who are the elven rangers and the elf scouts? Are Vulcans elves? Do elves believe that true love exists? What is the elven spirit? Are elves and elfae human? What is the magic of being an elf? Do elves do weather working magic? How do elven witches differ from other witches? Can magicians summon elves? What is high elven magic? What is the elven worldview? What do the elves think about the modern world of humans straying from being united with Nature? Why do elves need money? How does one begin on the path to Elfin? What can we do to help manifest Elfin? Are there Elven priests, or monks, nuns, rabbis, etc.? Does the spiritual path of the Elven require vows? Is an elven soul different than a human soul? What is the elven spirit? How do elves deal with their emotions? Does Arvyndase (the magical language of the Silver Elves) have dialects? Do we elves exchange our own babies for those of the normal folk? Are Elves Nature Spirits? Was Merlin an Elf? Was Gandalf an elf? Do elves love wine as Tolkien seemed to indicate? What is the difference between a shapeshifter and someone who is an otherkin blend? Is it common for family members to share the same otherkin type? What is the importance of astral travel, lucid dreaming and out of the body experience? What do we elves think of death? When Faerie returns will there still be a race of Men? Are there actually portals to Elfin? (see the complete table of contents below)

          Most often, a person has questions as one tries: to decide if one is ones’elf an elf or is some otherkin; to understand what it means to be an elf and how one might know of one’s elfin nature; to understand one’s experience of having an Elven Awakening; to determine how elven magic is alike or different from that performed by other spiritual groups; and to learn about how elves live and relate to mankind and otherkin. In the first volume The Magical Realms of Elfin and also in our second volume Manifesting Elfin, we covered numerous questions on the above topics, including a section about which of our Silver Elves’ books to read on various interests about the Elven Way, our magic and about being elfin.

The Silver Elves

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Table of Contents for The New Dawn of Elfin:

Chapter 1: On Being an Elf and Elven Relationships

Can anyone be an elf? Part One

Can anyone be an elf? Part Two

Can anyone be an elf? Part Three

Can anyone be an elf? Part Four

Are elves immortal?

Are the Silver Elves high elves or low elves?

Who are the elven rangers and the elf scouts?

Are Vulcans elves?

If there are Silver Elves, are there also Golden Elves?

Do elves believe true love exists?

Are elves and elfae human?

What are elven personality traits?

Are elves arrogant by nature?

Is the average elf stronger and faster than normal humans?

Do elves feel an instinctive recognition for each other?

Chapter 2: On Elven Magic and Healing

Is magic always slow to manifest on the material plane?

Can you learn good magic from evil people?

What is the magic of being an elf?

Do elves do weather working magic?

How do the Silver Elves use their Elven Oracles?

How do the elves view the use of intoxicants in magic?

Do elven witches have covens?

How do elf witches differ from other witches?

Are magic, technology and science in conflict?

What is Elven Hedgewitchery?

Do elves do Breath magic?

Can magicians summon elves?

What is High Elven Magic?

Chapter 3: The Elven Worldview and Lifestyle

What is the elven worldview?

What do the elves think about the modern world of humans straying from being united with Nature?

Are there any fraternal self-development organizations for Elves?

Do the elves understand evil as a necessary or inevitable aspect of the world?

What do we elves think about the existence of extraterrestrials?

How does one live the elven lifestyle?

How do we Silver Elves react to the idea that someone is gender neutral or non-binary?

Why do elves need money?

Do elves own land?

If your magic is so powerful, why aren’t you rich?

Where can one find elven clothes styles and raiment?

Are elves amoral beings?

What about those who say they identify as elves or fae but don’t believe in global warming and say those who speak out against it are spreading propaganda?

Why are elves so few and far between?

How do we deal with being an Elf or Otherkin while living in the mundane world?

Chapter 4: Elven Awakening and Being on the Path to Elfin

Do elves really Awaken to being elfin?

How does one begin on the Path to Elfin?

What can we do to help manifest Elfin?

How do we manifest Elfin in a more organized fashion?

What is the difference between Elfin and Eldar?

Do you have to relate to the Seven Pointed Elven Star in order to be a Silver Elf?

Do elves use sigils and hyper-sigils to become more elf-like?

How do we elves deal with pride and ego on our spiritual path?

Are there Elven priests, or monks, nuns, rabbis, etc.?

Do elves have gurus?

Does the Elven Way require vows?

Chapter 5: The Elven Spirit and Soul and More on Elven Psychology 

Is an elven soul different than a human soul?

What is the elven spirit?

How do elves deal with their emotions?

How do the elves view the difference and distinguish between genuine happiness and manic episodes?

What do the Silver Elves means by the word Weldlinque?…………

Can we have more than one soul?

Can a person have more than one spirit?

If one “sells one’s soul to the Devil,” can one get it back?

Is it important to use one’s elven name?

Chapter 6: Arvyndase, the magical language of the Silver Elves, and “Living Books”

Does Arvyndase have dialects?

What do The Silver Elves mean by the term “Living Book?”

Chapter 7: Elves in Myths and Legends

Do we elves exchange our own babies for those of the normal folk?

Are Elves Nature Spirits?

Was Merlin an elf? Was Gandalf an Elf?

Was Merlin a perv?

Was Gandalf an elf?

Do elves love wine as Tolkien seemed to indicate?

How much were we Silver Elves influenced by Tolkien and the Silmarillion?

Why do so many elfae take pictures of thems’elves with weapons?

What do the elves think of Santa Claus?

Chapter 8: More about Otherkin

What is the difference between a shapeshifter and someone who is an otherkin blend?

Do all Trolls troll?

Are orcs, grimlins and goblins fae?

Is it common for family members to share the same otherkin type?

How do you deal with those who absolutely refuse to acknowledge one’s otherkin identity?

Chapter 9: Elven Dreaming, Astral Travel, Visualization, and Death

What is the importance of astral travel, lucid dreaming and out of the body experience?

What do we elves think of death?

What do we Silver Elves think of D&D, RPG, LARPing and Magic the Gathering?

What is the importance of fantasy, creative visualization and guided visualization?

Do the Silver Elves believe in time travel?

Chapter 10: The New Dawn of Elfin, The Return of Faerie

How do we find Faerie?

When Faerie returns will there still be a race of Men?

Are there actually portals to Elfin?

The New Dawn of Elfin is found here to purchase on Amazon USA
and also sold here on Amazon UK.

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You may also enjoy reading excerpts from two of our recent books on magical tribe narratives (over 150 tribes narratives in each book). Just click on the titles under the book photos to read a blog post on each book:

elftribesELF TRIBES:
The Silver Elves’ Guide for Finding Your Magical Kind Kin

The Silver Elves’ Guide for Finding Your Magical Kind and Kin.

And please, do come to our website and enjoy reading sample pages and reader’s reviews of all our 45+ books (published prior to March 2019) on magic and enchantment and the elven way at:

Also you can see all 51 of our The Silver Elves books on The Elven Way here:
On Amazon USA:

On Amazon UK:


Many Elven Blessings, dear Kindred!







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5 Responses to “The New Dawn of Elfin”

  1. Beverly Cotton Says:

    Now I know what I want for my birthday. Unless I can’t wait til May.

    Sent from my iPad


    Liked by 1 person

  2. Donnalee of Kingston NY Says:

    I especially love the cover on the new book. It looks like I haven’t gotten any of these yet and I forget where to buy them–thanks for help with it!

    Liked by 1 person

    • silverelves Says:

      Thank you and so glad that you like it, dear Donnalee! These are some of our favorite color combinations, ones we used to tie-dye clothes in for years. So we decided to use them on a book cover. And of course the elven star is always beautiful in any color.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Does rh Negative Blood Signify the Elven Bloodline and How Tall Are Elves? | The Silver Elves Blog Says:

    […] of Elfin: Answers to Questions About Being an Elf and Following the Elven Path;Manifesting Elfin; The New Dawn of Elfin; Visions of Elfin; Elfin Rising; and Illuminating Faerie to all contain many of your questions […]


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