How Do I Find Out About my Elfae/Otherkin Tribe?


“. . . . in the long run the ultimate connection will be the feeling you have for each other — the sense of simpatico, the realization of kinship and kindreth. But there are other things that you can use to discover more about them.”

First, it always helps if you start with examining yours’elf. You are a member of that tribe so they are like you. So, begin by looking at yours’elf, particularly examine what you feel about yours’elf, what you imagine about yours’elf, for much of our elfin faerie natures are buried in our subconscious, in the Collective Unconscious that is shared by all our kindred, and which we inherited from the ancestors, and which can often be best accessed by trusting our own intuition about ours’elves.

If you like or are drawn to this or that, then, it is very likely that so will your people. It is not that you are all exactly the same, surely. For elfae sorts are eccentrics by our very natures, but still tribes of elves and packs of pixies, and flocks of faeries wearing frocks, and conspiracies of unseelie, surely have much in common with each other. Of course, it is true that you are unlikely to recognize your people merely by their appearance. Although, that can be an aid. You can see a particular folk wearing this and that style and think, hey, I love that style, and know by doing so that you are related to them somehow. Yet, in the long run the ultimate connection will be the feeling you have for each other — the sense of simpatico, the realization of kinship and kindreth. But there are other things that you can use to discover more about them.

You may very well ask: What is your magic? For it is likely you have some magic in common. In fact, magic is something nearly all elves and elfae have in common, although the particular types and forms of magic may vary from tribe to clan. We are nearly all of us enchanters of some sort, but some of us practice healing magic, while others emphasize sorcery, shamanism, druidism, witchcraft, wizardry, ceremonial magic, necromancy or necromagery or any one or number of numerous other magic technologies. In that way, we are somewhat like doctors and other professionals. Some doctors are general practitioners, others are pediatricians, optometrists, surgeons and so on. And even then, there is subdivision. Some are brain surgeons, some heart surgeons. While all doctors tend to get the general medical education, most tend to specialize in time. So do we, as elfae, tend to specialize in the types of magic we do. Which doesn’t mean there aren’t general practitioners out there, or individuals with several specialties, but merely that magic is so vast one can be a jack-of-all-trades, as the saying goes, or a true master of a few. Knowing our magic tells of something of our people.

You may also ask about your preferred element (water, fire, air, earth, spirit, metal. etc.) or where would you prefer to live, etc. Most elfae have fairly definite feelings about the environment they prefer to live in. Some are wood elves, some are mountain elves, river or ocean elves and so forth. In many ways, that will get you close to your tribe. If you would find them, certainly knowing where they might be or wish to reside can prove to be a great help. Likewise, you can examine your preferences for your favorite tree or flower, gems and crystals, or totem animals. It is also very helpful to imagine what fictional elf or fairy folk you might be most like. These preferences of your own are also all hints as to what others in your elfae or otherkin tribe might be drawn to and are part of the fabric of your magical narrative.

It can take years to find our people. Seeking here and there in the world, on the internet, ever hoping to encounter those with whom one will truly feel attuned. So use your magic. If you have not found your kin as yet, then it may help to create something you like, perhaps a bit of elfae art or music, and share it as widely as possible. If you like it then others of your tribe will most likely feel attuned to it as well and be drawn to it and you. By doing so you are using the essential skill of all elfae to use enchantment magic to find your kindred. Remember, they are as attracted to you as you are to them. And every moment that you spend searching for them, they are looking for you as well.

And If I feel that I’m some sort of Otherkin but don’t know what kind, what should I do?

First, you should trust your instincts, intuitions, imagination and really, in this instance, your desires. We Silver Elves have been asked from time to time by various folks what sort of elf or faerie or otherkin they might be and we have, as much as possible, resisted telling them what they are, because what they truly are depends almost entirely upon their own wishes. We have opinions, of course. But for the most part, unless someone really urges us to share our impressions and observations with them, we keep them among ours’elves. And no matter what our opinions may be, it is still up to the individual to decide and declare through action what they truly are. It is not our business to tell you who you are but your right to tell us who you are.

There was even an occasion a decade or so ago when someone wrote a post on the internet claiming we had said they were this or that (we don’t remember what), which was utterly untrue because, for the most part, we don’t tell people what sort of other they are. We just don’t. However, if someone is totally lost and wants our opinion, we may offer it as a suggestion that they may proceed upon until they discover within their own s’elves what sort of elfae they may be. Their own reaction to what we tell them, whether they embrace the suggestion or not, in itself will tell them a bit about thems’elves.

Note: “Elfae” is a word that we Silver Elves first created in the early 80s in writing and circulating The Magical Elven Love Letters to hundreds of elfin kindred, and then we also used the term elfae in writing on elven listservs in the 90s. We still use this term today to refer to the Elfin and Faerie folk in general, which is to say elves, pixies, faeries, brownies and so on. We use the term elfae in our books (first published in 2001) as a word to mean people who are elven or fae and covers all elven fairy people.

Although, here we rather come to the crux of the matter. The question involves the fact that the person doesn’t know what sort of elfae they are. But the reality of Elfin and Faerie isn’t a matter of what you are but what you wish to be. And if you support that wish with action, which is to say the magic of living, or manifestation, of making it real in your life and in the world, that is what you are and what you will be. We are not simply the products of Faerie and Elfin, we are its co-creators.

Most folks think in terms of their ancestors. They are elven or faerie or whatever in their minds because they were born that way, which is to say created that way by some outside force, god or power. But we are elfae folk, we are others, we are magicians, enchanters and spell weavers and we are whatever we wish to be. We are not what others have made us, but what we make of ours’elves.

Now, this is not to say that others don’t have influence in our lives. This is surely true of our earliest beginnings. So, if you are asking not what you are but what you were, that is a different question. A question really that has to do with previous lifetimes. But in elven philosophy, you don’t have to remain ever the same, as some authors have mistakenly written about us that we are eternal but never changing. What doesn’t change isn’t eternal. Change and transformation are part and parcel of the eternal. In a certain sense, all elfae are shapeshifters, not only changing our bodies from lifetime to lifetime and surely aging, usually gracefully, within a lifetime, but changing our minds, our attitudes and our sense of being, which we ever strive to improve, uplift and make better. We attune ours’elves to Nature within and without so that all that we do is natural and thus easy.

So, the question here isn’t really what sort of elfae am I but what sort of elfae do I wish to be. What sort of spirit do I wish to manifest in the world. Although, the answer is generally found in our own inner being. Who do you wish to be? What sort of elfae or other sings to your heart and soul? What kind of elfae arouses your imagination? This is Faerie. This is Elfin. You can be whomever you wish to be. But you must enliven this wish with magic if you wish it to be true. If you wish it to be real, you must make it real by living it. So, who are you? What sort of elfae? Only you know for sure and only you can realize it, which is to say only you can make it real for yours’elf and therefore for others.

And, if you haven’t already, or if you’d like to do so again, you are welcome to take our elfae/otherkin type quiz that is here ( and we will do our best to assist you in creating a magical narrative that will help you understand your elfae/otherkin type and tribe, a gift from us to you. For surely in understanding yours’elf and your others, you will grow closer still in the nether realms and drawn ever nearer in the world.

Fardas Lovur Tae Lan (Dancing toward the dawn),

The Silver Elves


And you can find all our the Silver Elves books on The Elven Way on Amazon here:



A Gift For You!!!!!!
What Sort of Elf, Faerie or Other Are You?
What is Your Magical Tribe?

For years various kindred have asked us, the Silver Elves, to help them figure this out. Now we’ve created a questionnaire to help us do so and to help you learn about your people, your magical tribe. This is our gift to you (free). Simply follow this link below and the directions and we will help you with your own personal narrative about your magical tribe:




“All of life is energy, everything’s a dream,
as our minds do weave it all into a dancing scheme,
make your life most beautiful that thrilling magic fills,
for life is what we make of it when elves combine our wills.”
—The Silver Elves


And for a bit of elven fun! Come enter our elven forest (this will not take you out of our website) and go through the Elven Tree of Life Eternal to explore your magical nature (it’s free and completely private). Then return to “The Eald of the Silver Elves home page” and enjoy other pages on our website including reading some of our Magical Elven Love Letters.

tree_blogEnter here the Elven Tree of Life Eternal 

You may also purchase it in a convenient book form, see below. Enjoy!


The Elven Tree of Life Eternal: A Magical Quest for One’s True S’Elf is set up like a choose your own adventure book for those who wish to undertake the challenge to discover their true magical s’elves. It will help one understand if one is a wyzard or a sorcerer, a healer or a warrior, an elf of wood, snow, hill, ocean, starlight, or a sprite, a faerie, a gnome, a dwarf, a changeling, a dragon, or some other magical folk. If you wonder about your true magical nature, explore the ever-flowering branches of The Tree of Life Eternal.

And to go with the Elven Tree of Life Eternal are our short stories:

ELVEN SILVER: The Irreverent Faery Tales of Zardoa Silverstar

The short stories in Elven Silver were originally written to go along with the Elven Tree of Life Eternal to explore your magical being. In the Elven Tree of Life Eternal, there are different types of elves and faeries that you can come out to be and the bottom has choices of what kind of magic you wield. So these stories in Elven Silver were originally written to go with those. But then we realized that it would be far too much to read on a website, so we made the stories into a book. We have also made the Elven Tree of Life Eternal into a book titled The Elven Tree of Life Eternal: A Magical Quest for One’s True S’Elf, much like a choose your own adventure book, to use to explore your magical nature.

Elven Silver contains a collection of short stories by Zardoa Silverstar, one of the Silver Elves. You will find within this book a western, a detective story, parodies of popular movie and television characters, and re-imaginings of traditional fairy tales all told from an elven point of view in Zardoa’s wry irreverent pixie style. We trust you will enjoy them as much as we do.



We welcome you to come join us on Facebook under Michael J. Love (Zardoa of The SilverElves) and Martha Char Love (SilverFlame of The Silver Elves).

We also invite you to come join us on Facebook in some of our Elven groups where you will find our elven-faerie-fae community interacting and sharing the Elven Way:

The Magical Books of the Silver Elves where we have discussions about our books as well as about Elven and Otherkin philosophy and lifestyle.

Elf Witches of the Mystic Moon

Elven Life and Magic

Elvish Magical Chat

The Faerie Circle

Devayana: Buddhism, Vedic, & Asian Spirituality for Elves and Fae


The Elven Way and Friends 


United Otherkin Alliance elves, faeries, dragons, kitsune, gnomes, hobbits, merkin, pixies, brownies, nymphs, driads, niaids, valkyrie, vampires, devas, and all manner of Faerie Folk gather!

In Elfin Stay . . . . . .

In a darkened twilight world

The voice of spirit ancient hears

A laugh, a whisper, and a jest

That calls you to the final test.

Come within, it seems to say

Do not fear we’re here to play

And if you wish

We’ll show the way

And you at last

Can come and stay.

—From Caressed by an Elfin Breeze: The Poems of Zardoa Silverstar by The Silver Elves

magicalRealms2THE MAGICAL REALMS OF ELFIN: Answers to Questions About Being an Elf and Following the Elven Path contains questions and answers about being elven that many people who are exploring the Elven Way have posed to The Silver Elves throughout the 40 + years that they have been living and sharing the Elven Way. The Silver Elves have put them all in this one book for all those who need a convenient, yet thorough and easy-to-read, resource to explore their questions about who the modern elves are and about the Elven Way or elven spiritual path — past, present and future. If you are curious about elves and want to learn more about modern elves and the Elven Path, then you will surely find this book to contain many of your questions answered and it will be a great comfort and help in finding your way home to the Magical Realms of Elfin.

Blessings3 copy

Èldata Elsordasli (Elven Blessings)!











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6 Responses to “How Do I Find Out About my Elfae/Otherkin Tribe?”

  1. Beverly Cotton Says:

    I have met another elffae. She is in my reiki group and I gave her the master attunement. Then I saw her name on this site. I notice she wears the elfen star. So I whispered to her one day that I had seen her name. We just connected.. Like me, she works with healing magic. Neither of us charges for our work. We are just called to do it, but we both see fairies and elementals. I also have a young man on faebook who is elven. He put me in touch with you. So I have 2 elven friends, and they are my tribe, and I hope it grows. Wonderful blog. Thank you.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. silverelves Says:

    We are so happy to be a part of your elven life and tribe, dear sister! May your elven tribe ever grow! Elven Blessings!


    • Beverly Cotton Says:

      I got a friend request from Ronald Golden, who is part of our tribe, and a friend of yours. He is going through a struggle with great grace and style. I have some similar health issues, and we became instant best friends. He sends chanting to me every night. And I send him reiki. We connect every day. So my family is growing. They say that as you become elderly, the only thing that continues to grow is your ears. And to my delight, mine are growing. One of my friends here, said I’m starting to look like an elf. Yay. This group brings me great joy.❤️

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Can Anyone Be An Elf and Why Don’t All Elves Choose Elven Bodies In Which To Reincarnate? | The Silver Elves Blog Says:

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  4. How Do We Know We Are Elven or Otherkin? And Why Do Elfae and Otherkin Not Always Know our Kin Type when Newly Awakened to Being Other? | The Silver Elves Blog Says:

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  5. From an Elven Perspective: Could One have been an Elemental in a Past Life? | The Silver Elves Blog Says:

    […] How Do I Find Out About my Elfae/Otherkin Tribe? And If I feel that I’m some sort of Otherkin but don’t know what kind, what should I do? […]


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