What is Unique About Being An Elf?

zardoa elf sitting with feathers

Someone asked this question in one of our Facebook groups and really the answer is contained in the question. This is to say that we elfae folk are generally inclined by Nature to be eccentric individuals. So, being each unique is somewhat unique to elfae peoples. In contrast, that is to the normal folk in their various cultures, for there are different ideas of what is normal in different cultures all over the world yet they all seek to put peer pressure upon everyone in their society to conform and they feel content and rewarded when they do so. We elfae are the exception to their normalcy and so you could say that being unique and eccentric is rather normal for we elfae folk, which seems to be something of a contradiction but then we elfin folk usually are as Tolkien pointed out when he wrote that you shouldn’t go to us for advice for we will say both yes and no. There is hardly an elf anywhere who has read that and not thought, I guess he did know us.

Though Tolkien, we’re pretty sure, was a Hobbit, which from our Silver Elves point of view is really a type of brownie or gnome. And since he originally called the elves in his books, gnomes that does make him rather elvish, doesn’t it? It is rare that a person such as Tolkien would love Faerie so deeply and not be one of our elvish kindred. We are, we admit, a rather s’elf loving people. People might accuse us of being a rather s’elf centered people and we are. For the s’elf is the center.

In fact, the reality that the word self, a designation of a person’s individuality, contains the word elf, should tell us quite a bit just in itself. We elves promote individual development because it is our opinion and experience that a person cannot be really community oriented until they are strong as an individual. It is one’s secure sense of s’elf that enables the individual to join fully in union with others. When one doesn’t have that feeling of s’elf validation, they ever seek it even when they are part of a community and this leads to endless conflicts within a group and constant efforts by its member to jockey for position within the group.

The dominator societies present the idea of normalcy as a significant value and seek to force people to conform to their particular values. This is because dominators ever seek to dominate others and a group of strong individuals and individualistic elfae sorts are exceedingly hard to dominate. They want us all to be loyal and submission dogs, when we elfae are, at least metaphorically, cats. Although, we’d be cats who are like packs of wolves in many cases. Dominators seek union through uniformity. We elfae seek it through the promotion of the well being of each and every individual, which is to say tolerance of diversity. In dominator societies the individual is inculcated to sacrifice their individuality for the community. In elvish societies the community exists for the purpose of helping each individual develop to their fullest as a unique and individual person.

We wish we could say that we elfae are all uniquely beautiful as Tolkien indicated concerning us, but neither lore nor reality support that view. Unless you mean we are all uniquely beautiful as individual spirits, beautiful in our own s’elves, and then you are coming closer to the truth. Our beauty stems from our unique and individual natures.

We’d like to say that we are all wise individuals, as Tolkien also seems to indicate, but again it is just a fact that some of us are wiser than others. And we have ours’elves been quite foolish at times in our lives and expect that, unfortunately, we will be so again at some time, although we’d rather not.

We expect that you might say that we elfae are, for the most part, more inclined toward passive aggressive behavior than out and out aggression. And we are the folk who, overall, have a tendency to have our revenge served cold. Although, we have also found that in most cases by the time we are ready to serve out revenge, we don’t care that much anyway and we let Nature deal with the person and just sit back and watch their karma unfold. Or, more often, we just forget about the person who wronged us, because they didn’t prove to be all that important to us in the long run and we are too busy creating to be bothered with people who didn’t know a good thing when they had it and let opportunity for a great and lasting friendship pass. Or, in some cases, just incapable as yet of being a good and loyal elf friend.

So, what is unique about elves and elfae folk overall? Nothing and everything and mostly, it depends entirely upon the individual.

The Silver Elves

“The stories of our people are varied yet they remain the same. We are many and we are one Here and among the Stars.” — The Silver Elves

You can find all 65+ of our The Silver Elves books to purchase on The Elven Way on Amazon here:
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We Silver Elves invite you to come enjoy our 5 book series (you do not need to read them in order and all are published on Amazon internationally) of elf, faerie, fae and otherkin tribe narratives of the modern elfae community. These are narratives that we Silver Elves have written and they reflect the experiences of over 600 elfae and otherkin who have responded thus far to our tribal narrative questionnaire and so gives you a glimpse of the diversity of the modern elfae and otherkin community. The first book is composed strictly of Elf Tribes (of which there are over 150); the second book in the series describes Faerie, Fae and Otherkin Tribes; the third and fourth books are both comprised of Elves, Faerie, Fae and Otherkin tribes. The 5th book in the series is titled Elfin, Fae and Otherkin Tribes and includes 107 tribes of elves, faerie, fae and otherkin with a variety of tribes of elven kind, faeries, fae that are faerie blends, otherkin, otherworldlies, and miscellaneous assorted fae. The tribe narratives beautifully describe to you about the many tribes of the modern elfae and otherkin community including their history, their unique powers, their unique magics and spiritual beliefs and practices, their way of governing, their spell crafting and herbal adeptship, along with their lifestyle and special creative interests and abilities.

elftribes and all tribe books hands

“They write of Elven Kingdoms
And Elvish Queendoms, too
And clans and mobs
And bands that throb
And all of this we do.
But most of all we’re family
From littlest to big
From wee folk
To the very great
In shiny velvet rig.
And in that magic family
Love does ever reign
Not queen, nor king or mighty chief
But affection never fain.
For friendship ever rules us
And loyalty sincere
And most of all abiding love
For all whom we hold dear.”
—From The Elven Way: The Magical Path of The Shining Ones by The Silver Elves


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2 Responses to “What is Unique About Being An Elf?”

  1. Beverly Cotton Says:

    Wonderful article.  Suddenly being eccentric is a good thing.  Now th

    Liked by 1 person

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