Elfin, Fae and Otherkin Tribes: Varieties of Elfae Kin

Elfin, Fae and Otherkin Tribes: Varieties of Elfae Kin
by The Silver Elves

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We Silver Elves are happy to announce the publication on February 1, 2023, of our newest tribal narrative book!

ELFIN, FAE and OTHERKIN TRIBES: Varieties of Elfae Kin is the fifth book by The Silver Elves in the series of elf, faerie, fae and otherkin tribe narratives of the modern elfae community. Their first book is composed strictly of Elf tribes; the second book in the series describes Faerie, Fae and Otherkin tribes; and the third and fourth books are comprised of Elves, Faerie, Fae and Otherkin tribes. Elfin, Fae and Otherkin Tribes includes 107 tribes of elves, faerie, fae and otherkin, all of which are newly written and are not found in the first four volumes in this series. After publishing the first four books in this series, the Silver Elves continued writing and gifting tribe narratives for their kindred who filled out the kin type survey they had posted on their website and contacted them asking for a tribe narrative. So this fifth book in the series contains all of these new tribe narratives to this date and is dedicated to a variety of tribes of elven kind, faeries, fae that are faerie blends, otherkin, otherworldlies, and miscellaneous assorted fae. The tribe narratives in this volume are all newly published and are not found in the four previous books in the series. These tribe narratives will beautifully describe to you about their history, their unique powers, their unique magics and spiritual beliefs and practices, their way of governing, their spell crafting and herbal adeptship, along with their lifestyle and special creative interests and abilities.

You will find as you read through the many narratives in this book that the elfin, faerie, fae and otherkin are beautifully varied in their magic, healing abilities, lifestyle, art, ancient ways, governance, love of nature, relationship to mankind, preferences, symbols and skills. The book is divided into three main sections: The first section being 53 tribes of elves, some of these elves are found in oak groves, forests and woodlands along rivers or lakes, while others are near waterfalls or the ocean. Also, in this section there are narratives of forest traveling elves and of elves living on the forest edge, along with  some elven tribes in tropical rainforests, mountain valleys and within mountain caves, elves living in forests or the forest edge near towns and cities, as well as some coastal elves and river elves. The second section is composed of 21 tribes of faerie and of fae tribes, who abide in the hills and desert lands; are travelers or troopers; are of the rivers or live in woodland realms near lakes, rivers and waterfalls; sometimes live near caves and where rainbows occur due to mist; are of the deep forests; of the forest lakes; and of the forests near the oceans. Some other of these fae tribes are island forest folk; are those traveling through the forests and on its edges; are of the high mountain areas far away from the world of normal folk or are of mountain valleys; and some are of the lakes or live near springs. And the third section being 33 tribes of a variety of otherkin and various assorted other fae. Included are tribes of Sylphs, Shapeshifters, Pixies, Will-O-Wisps, Water Sprites, Shining Ones, Fauns, Gnomes Nymphs, Dragons, Kitsune, Nixies, Dwarves, Brownies, Bogies, Merfolk, Selkies, Giants, and some mixed Elfae.

In these modern times we now abide, it is most important that the faerie, fae and otherkin have a strong magical narrative of their own in a world that often likes to tell us who we are and who we are not, and mostly quite inaccurately so. It is the hope of The Silver Elves that in reading the magical narratives contained in this series and in this book Elfin, Fae and Otherkin Tribes that elfae kindred and otherkin will be inspired to begin if they have not already done so to create their own narrative or add to what they already remember and intuit.

So, here are the elf, faerie, fae and otherkin tribes that the Silver Elves discovered in this phase of the Tribal Kin Type project, gleaned from 107 respondents. Perhaps, you will find your people in here, or kindred quite like them. If not, then you may wish to consult other four volumes of this series by The Silver Elves of over 500 more tribes of a variety of elfae and otherkin.

The Silver Elves


Sample Narratives from ELFIN, FAE and OTHERKIN TRIBES: Varieties of Elfae Kin:

Here for you to enjoy reading are a few examples from the 107 kin type narratives found in Elfin, Fae and Otherkin Tribes.
An excerpt of a tribal narrative from Section One: The Elves

Lake Elves

Usually preferring to live in forests near lakes or the ocean, these elves are the Onaron (pronounced: oh – nair – rone) clan of the Sekartri (see – care – try) tribe and most of their kind have become lost from each other in the Great Elven Diaspora that occurred with the rise of the warrior and dominator tribes of Man. These elves are ever seeking to reunite with their lost kin in the modern world, which is not, alas, all that easy. They often live as ‘loners’ until they happen upon their own ancient peoples, although they still feel very drawn to living by lakes or near the ocean whenever that is possible.

These elfae folk had a consensus society, where everyone had a say in decisions and a general agreement was necessary for any large changes. And they had, and have, a dedication to leading a spiritual life. However, for them, that doesn’t mean following a particular religion or worshipping a certain god or goddess but being the best elf one may be in harmony with Nature and the Earth and all the creatures upon it. For them, each individual must decide matters concerning religion and worship for their own s’elf and may follow, or not, any deity that they feel drawn toward. Religion is a very private matter for them.

Interestingly, they are dedicated beekeepers and do all that they can to protect and nurture the Bee Folk, as they call them. In fact, their ancient banner shows a bee in the center of it, with a leafy Ash tree as the world tree (as the Yggdrasil was). Behind it, upon a silver field, are smaller bees flying about creating a border. Thus, you may see that they feel thems’elves to be one with and related to the Bee Folk and were often referred to as the Bee Elves in ancient days.

In modern times, you may very well find the remnants of their people having beehives. Although, in many cases, they just plant flowers that the bees love and do all that they can to help the bees, asking nothing in return. They are almost never stung by bees.

Their relationship to Mankind is also benevolent, despite the harm they have suffered at the hands of men over the ages. However, they understand that education, transformation and enlightenment are the keys to lift men out of the warrior cultures that they have been raised and inculcated into so they may give up war as a practice and policy in their lives and find more harmonious solutions to the problems of the world.

Magically, they are very much like the ancient Druids with their observation, interaction and understanding of Nature. And they are dedicated healers, in this case especially seeking to help and heal the bees but, also as we said, healing Mankind as well, for the healing and protection of bees and that of men are intimately connected. In their minds, men are like hornets and wasps and they seek to tame their natures and guide them toward a more successful way of Beeing in the world.

It is not easy for them to find each other in the modern world and that is certainly true for nearly all elfae. However, they often find their kind among others who share their interest in bees and frequently among those who are avid gardeners for bees and gardens go together. A shared interest in bees doesn’t guarantee that the other individual is also an elfin being and certainly doesn’t necessarily mean they would be a member of one’s ancient tribe but it does increase one’s chances for finding others of one’s kind, as well as making friends among those who share one’s interests, even if they are of a different kind.

Reuniting and recreating one’s ancient tribe is never an easy thing in the modern world, at least not yet. However, we elfae folk, overall, generally feel lost in the great sea of humanity until we find our own. We mostly feel like aliens in the world and thus while it is not easy to find our own kind, it is something we ever feel drawn toward doing. And for these bee elves especially, who among their own are like a colony of bees, this is especially the case. Although, you will note that, unlike bees, they don’t actually have a queen, nor do they have workers and drones, etc. so the analogy is not exact and yet, in their own minds they are like evolved bees. They see thems’elves as elfin bees of a higher order who no longer need a queen (or a king) to lead them. They lead thems’elves and that surely is ever the Elven Way. Also, just as bees buzz, you will often find these elves humming to thems’elves.


Excerpts of tribal narratives from Section Two: The Fae Tribes

The Waterfall Faeries

The Nuståre (pronounced: new – star – ree) clan of the Åliorfyn (Ah – lie – or – fin) tribe are usually to be found living around waterfalls, sometimes in caves or beneath under-hangs. But they are nearly always near where the mists of the falling waters create a rainbow. Thus, some people think of them as the Rainbow Faeries or the Waterfall Rainbow Fae. And if outsiders happen upon them, they usually see them surrounded by the misty rainbow of the waters and believe that they have a rainbow aura at all times. Perhaps, they do.

These faeries have an unusual society. Their basic social organization is essentially democratic and they vote about anything that needs to be decided among them. But as far as appearance goes, they are like many other faerie folk and unlike them at the same time. Theirs is a diverse society. This is due to the fact that these faeries adopt all stray faeries that they come across and include them into their tribe.

Their whole tribe is a sort of orphanage for fae who have lost their loved ones. They are also known to adopt lonely fae who grew up in the normal world and were raised by people who considered themselves normal but these fae children never quite felt they belonged there. Although, this feeling is shared by many elfae peoples in the modern world.

Thus, some people refer to these faeries as the Catch All Faeries. They even have a game among thems’elves that the young ones play called Catch the Faerie, where they all scurry around trying to catch each other while avoiding everyone else and then, if they do catch someone, they give them a hug. However, it’s against the rules to catch two faeries while they are hugging. You have to wait till they flit off again.

These faeries are a healing folk who use their faerie witch skills to make the world a better place and utilize Necromancy to speak with their ancestors who are currently disincarnate to honor them and seek guidance from them. To them, creating a more loving and kinder world is the key to nearly all the problems that plague modern societies.

While these faeries never wear fur of any kind, except perhaps faux fur, they often get tattoos and piercings and otherwise decorate their bodies with art. While some folks say that one’s body is the temple, these faeries say that their bodies are sanctuaries of art beaming love and wonder in the world and making it a more marvelous place to be by their doing so. They sometimes say their bodies are magic and they mean this literally.

Their banner, as one might expect, has a rainbow background with a shining yellow star in the center and purple fringe around its border. On the bottom, in black, are the words Yes, This Is True written in faerie script, which is a sort of serif font that looks like the ends of the letters have wings.

Like most elfae folk, the Åliorfyn faeries don’t worship any deities but they leave it to their individual members to decide what their spiritual views may be. Mostly, they believe in being kind to others and they feel that compassion and a pursuit of truth and healing should be religion enough for anyone.

These faeries are also famous among the elfae folk for making magical dolls, sort of like voodoo dolls, only of a positive magical variety used to uplift people, heal them and encourage them toward the light. They bless rather than curse. And their dolls are usually more developed than Voodoo dolls as far as their appearance and are often very life like and enchanted so that those who own them will be comforted and encouraged by their presence.

At night, it is said that some of these dolls come alive and do various chores about the house. Don’t we wish we had one. Although, mostly they whisper gentle things in the ears of children so they will have wondrous dreams and wake up feeling like the world has suddenly gotten so much better and their futures are filled with hope and possibility and that Faerie, which seems so much like a fantasy, is a reality waiting to come true.

The Jungle Fae

The Topaca (pronounced: toe – pay – cah) clan of the Byrdådae (bur – dah – day) tribe are fae folk who may be found (or often not) hiding in the deep tropical jungles and rainforests, frequently living beneath, among or up in the tropical fruit bearing trees, although we also include the banana tree in this even though, technically, the banana tree is not really a tree but a very large and tall plant (see our Silver Elves book An Elfin Book of Trees for the Elven Druid).

The Byrdådae fae are incredibly shy of normal humanity and while they intend Mankind no harm, they wish to have almost nothing to do with them. But then, these elfae folk are also known to be very shy and introverted with each other and while they have many clans, these clans tend to be quite small in the number of the members and usually consist of a single family or two. Therefore, their societal structure and government easily accommodates itself to decision making through consensus.

They do have a common banner that they share. This has an orange background with an eye in the center and from each side of the eye a spiral swirls outward going above the eye from the left side and below from the right side. They call this the Eye of True Seeing.

While we say that these are fae people, which they are, their own legends relate that they are descended from both dragons and fauns. This idea seems to be related to the fact, at least in part, that they frequently have very hairy legs even on to their upper feet, while their upper bodies have skin that looks very dragon like, although it is smooth like a snake’s skin. Also, their upper body seems to have a sort of florescence to it. It gathers light during the day and at night radiates a soft glow. They don’t need torches or flashlights for finding their way along the dark jungle paths for they illuminate the area around thems’elves as they go.

While these fae are a very loving and family-oriented people, they do seek to develop their personal powers as magic wielders. In keeping with that, individuals among them periodically go off on their own and live like hermits for a while as they meditate upon their inner s’elves, seek their personal visions and practice the magics that are born of their inner beings. Thus, some of them may seem to be loners, but this is a temporary, although periodic, aspect of living in their culture.

Spiritually, their practices are very much like those of the Feri Tradition and are generally wiccan in nature and are centered around the idea of the Earth as a goddess, although other deities may be evoked by particular individuals among them. Also, each individual usually has their own totem animal. The Byrdådae fae overall, however, have a strong association with tropical birds and one could easily say that those birds are the totem for their clans and tribe.

In fact, birds seem to love these fae and you may find them all over their villages, singing happily and often sitting on their shoulders as they sit or walk around. The Byrdådae say that the birds are their fae kindred and are family to them. And since many of the Byrdådae have their homes up in the trees and can move through the tree tops with great agility, often leaping from one to another as though they are birds, they do seem very bird-like in their way. And some of them are known to wear capes that they use, like flying squirrels, to soar for short distances from upper branches of one tree to the lower branches of another. Although, these capes are also used to hide their glow at night, if they need to do so.

If you were to ask these fae what is most precious in life, they would probably answer that it is the pure connection to one’s inner divinity. In that way, and in the fact that they have a soft glow about them, they are certainly related to the Shining Ones and they consistently and actively seek their own elevation and enlightenment as spiritual beings endeavoring to rise to the higher planes of illuminated being.


Excerpts of tribal narratives from Section Three: Otherkin


The Valita (pronounced: vay – light – tah) clan of the Soari (so – air – rye) tribe are wandering fauns who migrate from place to place, usually within forested areas but sometimes on the edge of towns or cities, and can even be found occasionally in city parks or among the trees down near the riverside. Although, they are very shy and reclusive individuals and are unlikely to be seen at all by outsiders. However, if they are seen they are usually mistaken for deer or some other creature of the woodlands.

And while they are a tribe, they spend a great deal of time on their own pursuing their personal interests, sometimes inventing things and often exploring the wonders of Nature as a highly intelligent and scientifically oriented folk are prone to do. If you were to ask them what they do in life, they’d likely answer that they observe Nature and learn therefrom.

Being essentially hermits, they are known to mumble to thems’elves as they wander from place to place, constantly thinking about their theories and how they may invent something that would be superior to what already exists or what they have previously invented. They are ever attempting to outdo thems’elves. This is not to say they never communicate with each other. In fact, as they travel, they are prone to share their ideas, reveal what they have discovered since their last migration and, in that way, they keep abreast of the latest discoveries and technical and scientific developments.

However, due to their tendency to work alone whenever they settle for a while, their society is essentially an anarchistic one where everyone takes care of thems’elves and their own little family and everyone minds their own business, which suits these fauns quite well.

It is interesting to note that they have a long running association with centaurs. In fact, you could say that their community is also composed of centaurs for it is centaurs that they ride on their periodic sojourns and also centaurs that carry whatever equipment they need or their personal belongings. It is even known that they occasionally must cross large bodies of water and, in those cases, they enlist the help of the merfolk who will carry them and their possessions across to wherever they may be heading.

Due to this, the banner of the Soari fauns shows a faun riding a centaur with an elven star, the acute angled seven-pointed star, shining above. This is upon a red background with a black border that has golden vines weaving around it in a Celtic knot pattern. However, the bottom of the banner has baby blue waves with the words, ‘From the Sea’ written in ancient elvish runic script, also in a wavy pattern. This suggests that the Soari fauns have some sense of having evolved from sea life. In fact, there is a legend among them that they were once selkies who came to land and stayed and, in time, evolved into fauns.

The attitude of these faun folk toward Mankind and the normal folk is basically one of wishing to help them. They are shy of them, of course, as they are shy in general. But they believe that their inventions may help uplift Men, help save the Earth and they also hope they will give the normal folk a better way to interact with the Earth.

Further, as a people, it is believed that they first arose out of the Mediterranean sea somewhere near Greece, perhaps in Arcadia, for they have a fond association with the ancient Greek demi-gods and when they ‘cuss’ they often say things like ‘By Zeus’ or ‘Holy Hermes’ and other such expressions that lead one to believe their people grew up there even though they have often wandered far from that region since ancient times.

Also, they seem very fond of pine trees and sometimes carry wizard staffs that have large pine cones on their end. The Pine was sacred to both Dionysius and to Cybele, which reinforces their association between these fauns and the Ancient Greeks and possibly the Phrygian peoples, also, who lived in the same general area. Some have hinted that Elon Musk is somehow related to their peoples but whether this is true or not we do not know.


     The Nåmåsa (pronounced: nah – mah – sah) dragons are a branch of the Sokolyn (so – co – lynn) dragon family. In their dragon form, they prefer to live in the high forested mountains away from the normal world as much as possible and in some cases away from nearly everyone else even their own kind. Except for the wolves. For these dragon folk long ago developed an enduring association with the wolf folk and they have been living together and protecting each other ever since.

And unlike the legends of traditional dragons who steal and hoard gold, these dragons are mostly interested in the healing arts, in wizardry, in minding their own business and pursuing their lives without interference from anyone, doing a bit of hedgewitchery and increasing their own knowledge and understanding of the Universe. The wolves, of course, help them do this for they drive off anyone who would dare intrude in the territory of these dragons or think it might be a good idea to go climbing in their mountains. They are a bit territorial in that way.

So, it is that their banner shows a night sky with a wolf standing beneath a mountain, which has a sword on either side of it, which indicates the hidden nature of their realms and their willingness to defend it with the help of their wolves. Some people have even referred to them as the wolf dragons and some have expressed the opinion that they are shape shifters who can take the form of wolves, just as they can take humanoid fae form in the world if they need to do so. But that is just supposition at this point.

And while hoarding gems, jewels, gold and other precious things is surely not their main focus in life, this is not to say that they don’t treasure things at all. They seem to hold a great fondness for ancient things. Thus, when they do interact with the world, it is often in the guise of antique dealers or curators of museums, especially history museums. Some can even be found working for auction houses that sell antiquities. Although, they are more into preserving and collecting these works of art than selling them. In their own minds, they are saving the most wondrous things in the world and protecting them from destruction from the incessant wars of Mankind and their ilk.

Socially, these dragon folk are anarchists. They have no leaders nor any sort of organization one could speak of other than family connections. They know their history, better than most folks in the world do, and they are well aware of who is related to whom and as far as they are concerned that’s all that matters really. They take care of their own and lead their lives as they desire and brook no interference from outsiders.

And as far as spiritual beliefs go, these dragons are much like many elfae folk in that they don’t really believe in gods and certainly don’t believe in worshiping gods. They, thems’elves, were sometimes worshiped in ancient times only to have those who adored them then abandon them for other ‘gods’ and sometimes turn on them and seek to kill them once the priests of those gods condemned them as demons.

These dragons want nothing to do with Mankind if they can help it. For the most part, you could say that they tend, as a people, to be scientists and thus agnostics. If you wish them to believe in your gods, you are going to have to show them hard, cold evidence of their existence and no amount of ‘you have to have faith’ is going to do the trick nor will they be moved by any intimations that if they don’t believe in god that they will burn in hell.

If evangelicals threaten these dragons with hellfire, they may just see what hellfire really is once these dragons breathe upon them. It is wise not to threaten dragons and much wiser to use logic and reason rather than faith in attempting to persuade them of anything.

But again, as we said, they mainly wish to pursue their own interests without interruption or disturbance and if you observe their privacy you will surely be safe from them. They are really just trying to survive in the world and continue their own traditions and families and leave others to do the same.

End of Excerpts from Elfin, Fae and Otherkin Tribes: Varieties of Elfae Kin


And please, when you come to our website do enjoy reading sample pages and reader’s reviews of all our 45+ books (published prior to March 2019) on magic and enchantment and the elven way at: http://silverelves.angelfire.com/HAelfbooks.html.You may also wish to visit our page here on this blog site where we have listed all the newest Silver Elves books beginning March, 2019, and look for new updated listings of books as the months and years roll on.

And for further reading on your Elven, Faerie, Otherkin tribe:


ELF TRIBES: The Silver Elves’ Guide for Finding Your Magical Kind and Kin and also  FAERIE, FAE AND OTHERKIN TRIBES: The Silver Elves’ Guide for Finding Your Magical Kind and Kin. Please click on the titles listed above to go to the pages on this blog that are dedicated to each book, where you can read more about them, view excerpts of sample magical narratives and also the table of contents from both books. Elf Tribes contains 150+ narratives of elven tribes, and Faerie, Fae and Otherkin Tribes contains another 150+ narratives of faerie and otherkin tribes. We also invite you to read ELVES, FAERIES, FAE, AND OTHERKIN TRIBES: More Descriptions of Otherworldly Folk. It is the third book in the series of Elf, Fae and Otherkin tribes by The Silver Elves. After publishing the first two books in this series, we Silver Elves continued to have many of our kindred fill out the kin type survey and contact us asking for a tribe narrative, so this third book in the series contains all of these new tribe narratives to this date and is dedicated to a variety of tribes of elven kind, faeries, fae that are faerie blends, otherkin, otherworldlies, and miscellaneous assorted fae. The 124 tribe narratives in this third volume are all newly published and are not found in the two previous books. Some of the narratives are a bit longer than those in the first two books. These tribe narratives will beautifully describe to you about their history, their unique powers, their unique magics and spiritual beliefs and practices, their way of governing, their spell crafting and herbal adeptship, along with their lifestyle and special creative interests and abilities. We also invite you to enjoy our fourth book in the series of tribal narratives: ELFAE TRIBES: The Peoples of Faerie.

And you can find all 65+ of our The Silver Elves books to purchase on The Elven Way on Amazon here:
US Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/The-Silver-Elves/e/B0070R8ER2

UK Amazon: https://www.amazon.co.uk/The-Silver-Elves/e/B0070R8ER2

DE (Germany) Amazon: https://www.amazon.de/The-Silver-Elves/e/B0070R8ER2/ref=dp_byline_cont_pop_book_1

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We hope you enjoy our group poem below by members of the Facebook Group “Magical Books of The Silver Elves” (and please do come join us)!


Many Elven Blessings, dear Kindred!

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One Response to “Elfin, Fae and Otherkin Tribes: Varieties of Elfae Kin”

  1. Magical Books by The Silver Elves on The Elven Way, Magic and Enchantment, Elven Oracles, Elven Language, and Elfin Lifestyle | The Silver Elves Blog Says:

    […] ELFIN, FAE and OTHERKIN TRIBES: Varieties of Elfae Kin is the fifth book by The Silver Elves in the series of elf, faerie, fae and otherkin tribe narratives of the modern elfae community. Elfin, Fae and Otherkin Tribes includes 107 tribes of elves, faerie, fae and otherkin, all of which are newly written and are not found in the first four volumes in this series. You may read this series in any order you wish and the first four volumes published are listed further down on this page. These tribe narratives will beautifully describe to you about their history, their unique powers, their unique magics and spiritual beliefs and practices, their way of governing, their spell crafting and herbal adeptship, along with their lifestyle and special creative interests and abilities. Please do click here to read more about Elfin, Fae and Otherkin Tribes and also to read some excerpts of sample narratives! […]


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