Are We Elves in these Modern Times Related to the Tuatha de Danann and the Sidhe? And What Are Elven Spiritual Genetics?

“We are related by Faerie itself if nothing else. . . . we are still one people of one nation, so to speak and are thus related. It is in that sense, if no other, that we are related to the Daoine Sidhe and the Tuatha de Danann and all other denizens and citizens of the Faerie worlds. . . . We can’t always point out a material genetic connection to the Elfin and Faerie peoples, but we have an inner connection that tells us that of all the peoples and cultures of the world, the Elfae cultures are our very own for they stir our hearts and souls, awaken out spirits and lift us out of the mundane world and into the realms of the fantastic. . . . This is not to say that our connection to the realms of Elfin and Faerie are apart from physical genetics. We are quite ready to accept that within us and, perhaps in nearly every people and ethnic group around the world, that there is a gene that inclines certain individuals to relate toward the realms of the otherworldly.”

In a sense, all elfae folk are related. We are related by Faerie itself if nothing else. Some folk may be genetically descended from the Daoine Sidhe of Ireland and/or the Pict-Sidhe of Scotland or from the Tuatha de Danann, or the Fir Bolgs, or the Dökkálfar or Dark Elves and Ljósálfar or light elves of Norse lore. And they may be descended from them from ancestral roots in Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Brittany, Scandinavia or quite possibly from the region of the Eurasian Steppes where the Scythians, upon whom many Western fae tales are based, roamed freely or anywhere in between.

But it is important to understand that from our Silver Elves point of view we are essentially spiritual, energetic and thus magical races and our genetic bodies are like clothes and are chosen for a particular day or event. Only in this case, selected for a particular lifetime and mission we are upon and we may or may not be genetically descended from the Scythians, the Sidhe or the Danann. We know, most people have a difficult time thinking beyond the material realm and it is what mostly matters to them, but an elfin point of view is more ethereal and energetic in nature and not so confined by material perspectives that currently command the perspectives of Men. We elfae are not defined by our bodies but by our spirits. Not by the way we look but the way we act. It is not that the material world and our bodies and genetics are not important at all. They do affect us. But they do not define us as long as we do not allow them to do so.

One might think of it in terms of countries or nationalities. If we think of Faerie or Elfin as realms or countries, which many folk do, only of a sort of a more ephemeral type, then we might say that we elfae are all citizens of Faerie. And in that sense, we would be related to the Daoine Sidhe, the Tuatha de Danann but also to orcs, goblins, gremlins and every other sort and kind of faerie being. It is not that we like them all, or get along with them all (although we wish we did), or that we agree with them all about everything or sometimes anything, but we are still one people of one nation, so to speak and are thus related. It is in that sense, if no other, that we are related to the Doaine Sidhe and the Tuatha de Danaan and all other denizens and citizens of the Faerie worlds.

Some folks, at times, will claim direct descent from the Daoine Sidhe and the Tuatha de Danann or some other elfae peoples and whether their claim is accurate or not or merely wishful thinking, we do not know. And, honestly, we don’t really care. They usually back up such claims with charts of lineage they’ve drawn up, although they seldom seem to do it with DNA tests, but again, we don’t care. From our Silver Elves point of view, if they feel connected to this or that group then they are connected in spirit and mind and imagination if not also in body and that is good enough for us. You don’t have to prove anything to us. If you feel you are related to the ancient fae of Ireland, Scotland, Scandinavia or any other place or people Western or Eastern, that works for us. After all, we’re the people who wish upon stars. More than that, we’re the people who grant wishes made on stars. Also, the moon, breath blown dandelion fluff and dust devils whirling by.

All citizens of Faerie have not always gotten along among ourselves and this might be why some don’t feel related as one spiritual nation of people. It would, however, be nice from our Silver Elves’ point of view, if all sorts and types of elfae folk got along with each other. We certainly strive for unity with others or at least mutual tolerance. But alas our legends and lore, which must pass for our history, for our history is mostly prehistorical, as well as fictional accounts of our people all suggest that we tend to have squabbles over territory and other issues among us. One may find this in Tolkien’s works, in The Story of the Irish Race by Seumas MacManus, in Marie Brennan’s wonderful Onyx Court series, in Emma Bull’s delightful War for the Oaks, in Kingdoms of Elfin by Sylvia Townsend Warner and many other tales that speak of the conflict between the Winter and Summer Courts of Faerie or other divisions, clans and types of elfae folk.

We wish we could say that such conflicts among the elfae are total fantasy, but alas our experience in this world tells us differently. Not only are there those who strive for prominence in the modern elfae community by attempting to tarnish the reputation and distort the point of view of others whom they envy, but there are various squabbles between individuals who have variant political opinions, are vegans vs. carnivores, manifest differing personalities and thus a difficult time getting along with each other.

Most of this may be traced back to wicked spells cast by evil sorcerers out in the normal world that have washed over or been unknowingly carried into the outer reaches of Elfin and Faerie by those who have Awakened fairly recently. But as magic wielders it is we who must assume responsibility for all that we do and strive, as best we are able, to put aside envy and conflict (which doesn’t mean we always have to agree just that we need be tolerant of our others when we don’t do so) and strive for great union. For it is in this way that we shall truly leave the world of Men behind and ascend into the higher realms of manifestation where Faerie radiates its wonders upon us and Elfin shines brightly upon all of our kin.


What Are Elven Spiritual Genetics?

We understand, at least in part, the concept of material genetics, of DNA affecting the hair color, skin color and so forth that we acquire due to the genes we’ve inherited from our parents and ancestors. And many people when wishing to declare that they are elfae of whatever sort seek to trace a genetic lineage back to the Scythian folk or others upon which the so-called Elven Bloodline is based. Certainly, Nicholas De Vere was of this opinion and very strongly so and both he and Laurence Gardner did much to illuminate the link between the elfae folk, the Scythians, the Sidhe of Ireland and others in their books The Dragon Legacy (de Vere) and The Realm of the Ring Lords (Gardner).

While we Silver Elves don’t discount the viability of material genetics, we are also aware, in our own thinking and lives, in our experience and observations, of what we term Spiritual Genetics. This is the idea that as spirits, especially in our case as elfae spirits incarnating into humanoid form, we bring with us certain aspects of being that are essential to us as spirits and some others that we have acquired and developed through time and successive incarnations. This idea, as we’ve written elsewhere, helps explain why there are those who are born into male or female bodies but feel they are of the opposite gender, or in some cases, no real gender at all. And others, who are born and raised from ancestors who were Thai who relate heavily to being British (we know such a person) and others who were brought up and are genetically descended from the peoples of Mexico (we knew this one, also) but who feel strongly attached to the ancient Celts.

In fact, a lot of individuals who seem to have no real genetic connection to the ancient Celtic tribes, none-the-less, feel inspired, which is to say imaginally and spiritually connected to those ancient peoples. The same is clearly true of elfae folk. We can’t always point out a material genetic connection to the Elfin and Faerie peoples, but we have an inner connection that tells us that of all the peoples and cultures of the world, the Elfae cultures are our very own for they stir our hearts and souls, awaken out spirits and lift us out of the mundane world and into the realms of the fantastic.

This is not to say that our connection to the realms of Elfin and Faerie are apart from physical genetics. We are quite ready to accept that within us and, perhaps in nearly every people and ethnic group around the world, that there is a gene that inclines certain individuals to relate toward the realms of the otherworldly. There is, for instance a hypothesis concerning the God Gene. This hypothesis suggests that human spirituality is influenced by heredity and that there is a specific gene, that its proponents refer to as vesicular monoamine transporter 2 or VMAT2, which predisposes certain, perhaps most humans, towards religious, spiritual or mystical, thus otherworldly, experiences and beliefs (see Dean Hamer’s book The God Gene: How Faith is Hardwired into our Genes).

So, if there is such a gene as the God Gene, why would there not be a gene that predisposes certain spirits to awaken with the understanding of and feeling of relationship to our Elfae nature? It is just a wee step away from the more religious interpretation of the power of the VMAT2 gene, but it is definitely still in the spiritual, mystical categories and we would add magical side of things, as well.

Therefore, while there may be individuals who cannot demonstrate a direct lineage to those individuals and cultures from whom the myths and legends concerning Faerie and the Elfae (sounds like a band) are inspired, it should be clear that under this theory all of us who embrace Elfin and the Faerie cultures as our own do so because we are genetically inclined to do so. We may not physically look like those ancient folks who were accounted fae by the ancients, but we are surely genetically connected to them by our very own type of God Gene, or we Silver Elves might say, Elven Spirit Gene. And if such a gene doesn’t exist, then we are back to the fact that material genetics don’t determine everything but rather it is our elfin spirits that disposes us to be Elfae. Either way, it works for us.

The Silver Elves

If you enjoyed this article, then you may also like reading some of our other articles on elven spirituality:

Can Anyone Be An Elf and Why Don’t All Elves Choose Elven Bodies In Which To Reincarnate?

When Faerie Returns Will There Still be a Race of Men? And Are Elves Halflings, Part Mankind, due to Manifesting in Human Bodies?

What is Elven Spirit?

And for further reading on the Tuatha de Danann . . . .

While we write often in our Silver Elves books about the Tuatha de Danann and the Shining Ones, we suggest Faerie Unfolding: The Cosmic Expression of the Divine as we devote quite a bit of writing to them.

Faerie Unfolding: The Cosmic Expression of the Divine

You can find all 50+ of our the Silver Elves books on The Elven Way, elven life and elven enchantment magic to purchase on Amazon here:
US Amazon:
UK Amazon:

Many people ask us which Silver Elves books to begin reading first and so we say, which ever sounds right to you, follow your elven intuition, as there is really no right order! But if you would like a suggestion, you may wish to begin with one or more of these four books:
1. Through The Mists Of Faerie: A Magical Guide to the Wisdom Teachings of the Ancient Elven
This is our most popular book and one we highly recommend reading by anyone interested in elves and the elven way.
2. The Elven Way:The Magical Path of the Shining Ones This is a companion book to Through the Mists of Faerie, but may be read in any order. It is also a very popular book and a good one to start with.
3. The Book of Elven Runes: A Passage Into Faerie
4. The Book of Elven Magick: The Philosophy and Enchantments of the Seelie Elves
If you have questi
ons about the Elven Way and being an elf, then you may also wish to read The Magical Realms of Elfin: Answers to Questions About Being an Elf and Following the Elven Path. If you are curious about elves and want to learn more about modern elves, then you will surely find The Magical Realms of Elfin to contain many of your questions answered and it will be a great comfort and help in finding your way home to the magical realms of Elfin.

And please, when you come to our website please enjoy reading sample pages and reader’s reviews of all our 45+ books (published prior to March 2019) on magic and enchantment, elven lifestyle, elven poetry, elven short stories, an elven novel, on elven philosophy and the Elven Way at:

Also, our newest Silver Elves books (beginning March 2019) may be found on this blog site at


When people first begin to see us, it is usually out of the corner of their eyes or under the influence of some intoxicant. But the deeper they move into Elfin, the more they realize that the people they’ve always dismissed as eccentric or weird and sometimes those they’ve passed by without noticing because they’ve seemed so very plain have all the time been in actuality the fair folk, disguised by society’s determination to deny we could even exist.
—What the Elves Say

. . . . And for further reading on your Elven, Faerie, Otherkin tribe:


ELF TRIBES: The Silver Elves’ Guide for Finding Your Magical Kind and Kin and  FAERIE, FAE AND OTHERKIN TRIBES: The Silver Elves’ Guide for Finding Your Magical Kind and Kin.

Please click on the titles listed above to go to the pages on this blog that are dedicated to each book, where you can read more about them, view excerpts of sample magical narratives and also the table of contents from both books. Elf Tribes contains 150+ narratives of elven tribes, and Faerie, Fae and Otherkin Tribes contains another 150+ narratives of faerie and otherkin tribes. Be sure and click on the title links and read a few of these magical narratives. Perhaps, you will find your people as you read through these two books, or kindred quite like them.


The Silver Elves invite you to come join us in some of our elven and magical otherkin Facebook groups where you will find our elven-faerie-fae otherkin community interacting and sharing The Elven Way:

The Magical Books of the Silver Elves — And if you would like to find out more about our 50+ The Silver Elves books on The Elven Way, please do join us! We have discussions about our Silver Elves books as well as about Elven and Otherkin philosophy, elven lifestyle and the Elven Way. If you have read our books and would like to discuss them with us, this is the place to come join in the discussions and ask also questions. And please do come share here in this group your own creative elven works of art, music, writing, crafts, or whatever you do to manifest Elfin in your life in your own way, as well as your thoughts and feelings about living the life Elfin.

Elven Home
This is an enchanting and private place for all elfae folk to share in cozy comfort. Feel free to share anything elfae related, and please do share (with images when you can) all about your own Eald (Elven Home) and the special aspects of it that make it your own enchanting elfin space.

Elven Life and Magic — A group for fae folk of all kinds.

Elvish Magical Chat — Posting and chatting all about elves, faeries, pixies, and magic!

The Faerie Circle — A group for the magical elfae folk. Be ever blest!

Elf Witches of the Mystic Moon — A place to share your magic and enchantment with other elf witches!

Faerie Craft —This is a group to share your elven and fae creations, and yes you are welcome to advertise your elfish/faerie crafts.

I Heart Elven Magic —For those who love Elfin Magic.

Feasting With the Elves (having fun sharing elven recipes and healthy eating) —

United Otherkin Alliance —
This is an alliance for Otherkin/ Therians, where elves, faeries, dragons, kitsune, gnomes, hobbits, merkin, pixies, brownies, nymphs, driads, niaids, valkyrie, vampires, devas, fauns, unicorns, animal kin and all manner of Faerie Folk gather and come together! This group is open to anyone who wishes to be part of a congenial group of Otherkin.

The Elven Way  — This group creates a place for people to learn about the Elven Way and for Elves, Otherkin, and their friends to have a fun gathering place to enjoy each other’s company and share things on the path. Although it is a private group, it is open to anyone who wishes to learn about the Elven Way and friends of such.

Nature & the Unseen Realms with the Elves & otherkin. A spiritual journey —A group to share together our occult experiences of Elfin-Faerie that are usually not shared and also to share about the wonders of Nature in the Unseen World.

Elfin Faerie Lore —  For Faeries and Elfin Folk. This group is for sharing elfin faerie lore, magic and life as Fae,

Silver Elves Embassy — This is a place of rest and gathering together to relax and share our stories, dreams for the future, and magic of our elfin adventures. We Silver Elves also share here in this group some of our own magical true tales and adventures that have lead us to further embrace the Shining Ones.

Also do look for our other elfae groups on Facebook: Elfae Spirituality Group, Elfae Tree Folk, Elven Oracles Group, and Elfin Faerie Lore.


We also invite you to an hour long YouTube video conversational presentation with The Silver Elves on the Modern Elven Movement and The Elven Way at Phoenix and Dragon Bookstore in Atlanta, GA.

“There are many paths to Elfin and even more when you arrive.”
—Ancient Elven Knowledge


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One Response to “Are We Elves in these Modern Times Related to the Tuatha de Danann and the Sidhe? And What Are Elven Spiritual Genetics?”

  1. Were the Celts Faerie Folk?” | The Silver Elves Blog Says:

    […] Times Related to the Tuatha de Danann and the Sidhe? And What Are Elven Spiritual Genetics?…   Did the Tuatha de Danann live in a Mirror World? […]


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