How do Elves Deal with our Homesickness for Elfin?

“We naturally are ever seeking for our kindred and we are perpetually seeking to manifest (or elfin-fest) Elfin upon the Earth, within our own lives and environment. It is best of course to do both, for they are intertwined, our kindred will help us create Elfin and by creating Elfin we find out kindred.”


The homesickness for Elfin tends to manifest in two different ways for the elves, and we expect that many faeries and others have a similar response to their own hunger for Faerie or their particular world. The first of these, especially for the elven folk, is an incredible feeling that we are out of place in this world. We sense we are ever different from most of those around us not only in our feelings but usually in the way they react to us. We feel like strangers in a strange land (a line from I Ching) and they also very frequently view us as being weirdos and those who are not quite normal.

     To our own minds, we are not really normal at all and, unlike those around us, we have no interest in being so. To us, normal appears to be a form of insanity and the urge to conform mindlessly and be to normal is like wanting to have cancer or tuberculosis or some other terrible disease. Why would anyone want that?

     And we have good reason for thinking that those who insist that they are normal and try to force their ideas of normal behavior on everyone around them are, at the very least, a little bit crazy and often quite seriously insane. You just have to look at the news each day telling us of wars, rapes, greed run rampant, and people actively destroying the very environment that is necessary for life on this planet to know that there is something seriously wrong with those people.

     We know there will be some who will object to this, saying that this is an us and them consciousness, but we are not the ones who have separated ours’elves from Nature but they. And when we say they, we mean those warmongering, raping, murdering greedy ones who not only do such things, but rationalize those things as though they are a positive value or at least that they have good reason for destroying the Earth and all of us on it. When we say ‘they’, we are not talking about a particular race or religion or nationality, we are speaking of behaviors that are clearly destructive to self and others, and that involve short term thinking and those who regularly and obstinately practice those behaviors.

     When we declare that we are elves, faeries or others, part of what we are doing is saying to the Shining Ones, it’s not us, it’s those crazy people over there destroying the Earth. We don’t wish to be held responsible for their lunacy.  We would heal them if we could. The Spirits know that we have tried and continue to do so. But they don’t even acknowledge that what they do is a problem (and they, of course, think we are crazy for calling ours’elves elves, fae and others) and that hate and prejudice against those who are simply different from them, but no real threat at all, is perfectly normal and acceptable behavior.

     The other aspect of homesickness for the elfin and elfae is the fact we elves, in particular, seem to hunger for our kindred. We are ever searching for our elfin families and hoping to find other elves near us or within easy moving or traveling distance. Often, of course, this desire is tied up with our romantic and sensual desires. We wish to find our kin who are our soul mates. We seek romance which will, at the same time, fulfill our need and longing to be our own true s’elves in the world and to express our s’elves freely.

     We expect that many fae and others feel the same way, although we have encountered many elfae who simply have given up, in a sense, and perpetually refer to thems’elves as loners, feeling that they will never find another of their kind that they can relate to and who will understand them as well. Our homesickness is not just about or primarily about Elfin or Faerie as a place, but is an eternal longing to be with our own kind and those who are similar or at least conducive to and sympathetic of our true natures. What good would it do to be in Elfin, if we were there all alone?

     Thus, most elves seek to overcome our homesickness in two primary ways. We naturally are ever seeking for our kindred and we are perpetually seeking to manifest (or elfin-fest) Elfin upon the Earth, within our own lives and environment. It is best of course to do both, for they are intertwined, our kindred will help us create Elfin and by creating Elfin we find out kindred. By creating Elfin here, its magic and enchantment vibrates outwardly attracting all those who are attuned to its magic. It is true that this is like being a small radio station in a world filled with huge stations ever broadcasting their wicked spells into the world, but what else is there to do but do our very best? And having done that, in time, here or in another dimension, we know that our enchantments will fulfill themselves and we will find ours’elves in Elfin, among our very own. And toward that day we ever strive.

Fost Tae Lodver (Touch the Truth),
The Silver Elves

“The Elves believe that time is not a line going from the past through the present and into the future, but a star radiating light in all directions. If you wish to time travel to the past, you must return to the center. If you desire to go to the future, you must expand outwardly sharing your light ever farther.”
—The Silver Elves

And you can find all our the Silver Elves books on The Elven Way on Amazon here:

Also, we welcome you to come join us on Facebook under Michael J. Love (Zardoa of the SilverElves) and Martha Char Love (SilverFlame of the SilverElves).

What Kind of Elf or Otherkin Are You?
And What is Your Elfae or Otherkin Tribe?

For years various kindred have asked us, the Silver Elves, to help them figure this out. You probably know if you are an elf, faerie, or otherkin but now we’ve created a questionnaire in order to help us and you create a narrative together about your specific people and your clan, their personal characteristics, magic, relationship to Nature, and interests. This is our gift to you (free), which we think will be a bit of fun for both of us. Give us five minutes of your time and we will give you a half hour to forty minutes of ours and send you your unique magical narrative. Simply follow this link and the directions on that page:


A book to help you feel more at ease in the normal world!

What An Elf Would Do:
A Magical Guide to the Manners and Etiquette of the Faerie Folk

WHAT AN ELF WOULD DO: A Magical Guide to the Manners and Etiquette of the Faerie Folk by The Silver Elves is a wry, sly, often tongue in cheek view of how elves see and interact with the world of the Normal folk as well as with Otherkind of all sorts. It is designed to help the elfin everywhere to move through the often mysterious cultures of mankind with confidence and ease.

Gaea de las Aguas writes on Amazon in her review of What An Elf Would Do:


“Think of
this as “Ms. Manners” for the Otherkin set. Ever wondered how to handle yourself with grace and style whilst traversing the mundane realms? Let this tome be your guide! Lessons on how to present oneself as a skilled and artful Noble are here in abundance.
Insight into human behavior patterns and tips on how to deal with difficult personality quirks are found on just about every page. Delivered with a lovely sense of humour (I’ve laughed out loud many times), the Silver Elves bring us a reference gu
ide to assist withpolishing our manners and bringing etiquette back to our daily lives.”

Zardoa Quote25

And for a bit of elven fun!

Come enter our elven forest and go through the Elven Tree of Life Eternal to explore your magical nature (it’s free and completely private). Then return to “The Eald of the Silver Elves home page” and enjoy other pages on our website including reading some of our Magical Elven Love Letters.

5tree-1Elven Tree of Life Eternal

And please, when you come to our website do enjoy reading sample pages and reader’s reviews of all our 40+ books on magic and enchantment and the elven way at:

Through The Mists of Faerie:
A Magical Guide to the Wisdom Teachings of the Ancient Elven

“Elfin, Faerie, Elfland or the Sacred Realm or Dimension of Magic that lives at the heart of the Universe, is an incredibly attractive power. It draws all true souls to it. It calls to the Elfin nature in each and every soul. This is the power that arouses the imagination of those who see or read the Lord of the Rings and say, I’m an Elf or I’m a Dwarf, or even I’m an Orc. The power calls to us through Urban Fantasy stories and the fantasy novels of old, as well as, faery tales and movies of magic and enchantment. But it also calls to us from the trees, the wild places of Nature, and sometimes most of all from magic memories of our childhood, which is really our ancient past, our past incarnations, calling to us. It can also be aroused, and quite strongly, perhaps most strongly, by others of our kind manifesting in the world. There is something magical about these beings and they arouse our own hunger for magic in our own lives and souls. These Elfae radiate starlight. They glimmer with love, kindness and compassion; and they reach out and touch our souls. Some might suppose this to be a glamor, a magic they have wrapped thems’elves within to enchant us; but while they are truly enchanting, the magic arises from the fact that they are genuine and real. They don’t need to glamor us. They just need to be their very own s’elves, for that is the most impressive magic of all. They are not trying, they are simply being: being thems’elves, being elves.” —Excerpt from page 26 of Through The Mists of Faerie by The Silver Elves.


We also invite you to come join us on Facebook in some of our Elven groups where you will find our elven-faerie-fae community interacting and sharing the Elven Way:

The Magical Books of the Silver Elves— we have discussions about our books as well as about Elven and Otherkin philosophy and lifestyle.

Elf Witches of the Mystic Moon—

Elven Life and Magic—

Elvish Magical Chat—

The Faerie Circle—

Devayana: Buddhism, Vedic, & Asian Spirituality for Elves and Fae—

The Elven Way and Friends— 

United Otherkin Alliance— elves, faeries, dragons, kitsune, gnomes, hobbits, merkin, pixies, brownies, nymphs, driads, niaids, valkyrie, vampires, devas, and all manner of Faerie Folk gather!


It seems, dear Kindred, that there just aren’t always words in English for concepts and deep meanings in life that we elfae experience, so we would like to share the word ‘Heynasar’ with you in Arvyndase, the magical language of the Silver Elves. If you are feeling homesick for Elfin, this word will have deep meaning for you and saying it may well bring you some sense of peace. 

Heynasar Arvyndase quote


THE MAGICAL REALMS OF ELFIN: Answers to Questions About Being an Elf and Following the Elven Path by The Silver Elves contains questions and answers about being elven that many people who are exploring the Elven Way have posed to The Silver Elves throughout the 40 + years that they have been living and sharing the Elven Way. The Silver Elves have put them all in this one book for all those who need a convenient, yet thorough and easy-to-read, resource to explore their questions about who the modern elves are and about the Elven Way or elven spiritual path — past, present and future. If you are curious about elves and want to learn more about modern elves and the Elven Path, then you will surely find this book to contain many of your questions answered and it will be a great comfort and help in finding your way home to the Magical Realms of Elfin.


Many Elven Blessings, Dear Kindred!















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9 Responses to “How do Elves Deal with our Homesickness for Elfin?”

  1. Beverly Cotton Says:

    I have been searching for my kin since I was 7. Had a NDE then, and a group of small elves came and stayed with me til I recovered. I have had unusual experiences all my life, and no one to discuss them with. Belong to a small group now who get me, and also have some friends who are also into the elven way. Life is magical for us. I am so grateful to have connected with you.❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  2. magickmermaid Says:

    I was just pondering this last week. Beautifully expressed!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. AnElephantCant Says:

    AnElephantCant deny that this is fun
    He is laughing till he almost pops himself
    He loves a beauteous mermaid
    And little dudes who dance in a glade
    So he is happy to be friends with an elf

    Liked by 1 person

  4. silverelves Says:

    An elephant can’t, but surely it can
    If it does, the elf befriend,
    And then magic swirling,
    Does take that ‘apostrophe T,”
    and turn it into “possibility.”


  5. Can Anyone Be An Elf and Why Don’t All Elves Choose Elven Bodies In Which To Reincarnate? | The Silver Elves Blog Says:

    […] How do Elves Deal with Our Homesickness for Elfin? […]


  6. Have we Elven lost touch with our Faerie heritage? | The Silver Elves Blog Says:

    […] How do Elves Deal with Our Homesickness for Elfin? […]


  7. Are the Faeries All Now Gone Due to the Encroachment of Cities? | The Silver Elves Blog Says:

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