Does Being Elven or Otherkin Make it Harder to Live in Human Bodies?  

Silver Flame of The Silver Elves

“Often for elves and faeries, we just miss our elf ears and our wings. Our differences with human incarnation are generally cultural rather than physical. . . . normal culture overall just seems peculiar, non-sensical and unnecessarily competitive and aggressive to us. We feel like aliens in their culture and, truly, we are. . . But for those who are born into humanoid bodies but are a dragon in their spirits, or some other non-humanoid form, the difficulties can be greater. There is a continuing sense of body dysmorphia and their human body always seems odd to them.”


     Does the fact that we are elfae (a word we Silver Elves use to mean elves and other magical beings of the Faerie Realm) and otherkin spirits incarnated into humanoid bodies make it harder for us, than say, for men and women? Well, yes and no, as is so often the case with we elfin folk. Naturally, having to incarnate into material bodies is just harder overall for nearly everyone. If we, as spirits, were living fully in our body of light, it would surely be easier for us as spirits. The material world is slow and ponderous and, by its nature, somewhat difficult due to its propensity to create friction between objects. Which is not even to mention how some folks just go around making things more difficult for nearly everyone when it could all be so much easier. But even without their determined folly, this is still a somewhat difficult world to live in at times.

     However, living in this material world does have its advantages. Perhaps, the most significant is that it allows us the opportunity to develop our other bodies: our astral bodies, our mental bodies, our bodies of light and pure energy and what we might call our psychological bodies, as well, as a mode of developing consciousness. Once we have fully built, you might say, all these bodies, we will be able to live in a material world that isn’t quite so material anymore, for them our consciousness will more fully appreciate the energetic world that underlies material form and we shall live, in a sense, as though we are existing in a lucid dream.

     Of course, this sense of disassociation from one’s body can vary from elf to elf, or from elf to faerie, or more particularly from elves to those who are dragons, werewolves, puccas, or some other sort of fae whose natural body isn’t humanoid in the first place. We elves are generally represented as being humanoid beings, so beyond the normal difficulties having to do with material existence, we do pretty well. We often miss our elf ears, and frequently feel rather estranged from the cultures we are raised within but otherwise we’re okay with human bodies. At least, those of us who are normally in humanoid bodies anyway. Since from an elvish point of view a tree could be an elf, or a bird might be an elf, or a hound might be an elf, or dragonflies, butterflies, moths and so forth are nearly all faeries, then it is possible that an elf or faerie could be born into a human body when they are used to living in a bird body and so on. That would make it more difficult.

     Often for elves and faeries, we just miss our elf ears and our wings. Our differences with human incarnation are generally cultural rather than physical. Sometimes the language we are raised using just seems strange to us. It is different than our ancient language and perhaps even different than the language we spoke in our last incarnation. And normal culture overall just seems peculiar, non-sensical and unnecessarily competitive and aggressive to us. We feel like aliens in their culture and, truly, we are.

     However, for those who are born into humanoid bodies but are a dragon in their spirits, or some other non-humanoid form, the difficulties can be greater. There is a continuing sense of body dysmorphia and their human body always seems odd to them. It can make them feel like they are going mad and if they tell anyone, other than adept elfae about it, they will think so, too. For these otherkin folk, getting used to the humanoid form can be much more difficult. And stress can have ill effects upon that body, their inner discontent sometimes displaying itself as disease or just a pervading sense of unhappiness and feelings of being out of place.

     One of the key aspects of elfae character is an ability to adapt to changing circumstances. This is not to say we are always happy about what is going on nor that we never experience stress, but rather that we ever seek to turn every situation to our advantage as best and as soon as we can. We do try to look for the bright side of every situation and use our magic to enhance its powers and effects upon us and our surroundings. But then again, we don’t usually face the sort of dilemma that say fauns and dragons face in feeling not only out of place in the world but not even in the right body.

     Still, the solution for all of us who are traversing the material realms is to do the best with what we have been given so we may master our various bodies that exist and interact with the different planes, levels and dimensions of energetic being until we obtain true adeptship and may manifest in any body we so choose. We would say, we can’t wait but, alas, we have no choice but to do so. Our only real choice is to increase our powers and abilities and this will give us the power to be who we truly are, which is ever the true goal and path of the Elven Way, anyway.

Keldas Zet Ton Na Tarsalunin Sol (Running wild on a moonlit night),
The Silver Elves

You can find all 55+ of the Silver Elves books to purchase on The Elven Way on Amazon here and also on all other

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“When elves awaken, the first thing we do is begin to search for each other, for we have an instinctive sense that we are like chemicals that when mixed together cause amazing things to happen.”
 —The Silver Elves

If you enjoyed the articles above, then you may well also enjoy:

Can Anyone Be An Elf and Why Don’t All Elves Choose Elven Bodies In Which To Reincarnate?

How Do We Find Faerie? And How Do We Deal with Being an Elf or Otherkin While Living in the Mundane World?

Can One Be Both an Elf and a Faerie?


Please enjoy viewing this an hour long YouTube video of The Silver Elves in a conversational presentation on The Modern Elven Movement and The Elven Way at Phoenix and Dragon Bookstore in Atlanta, GA, at:

And to learn more about the Elven Way and magical path of the elves,
you may enjoy reading: The Elven Way: The Magical Path of The Shining Ones

“The Elven Way passes beyond the fields of the known
into the forest of the unknown
illuminated by the glow of the elves.”
(From the cover below)

elvenwaywebThe Elven Way: 
The Magical Path of The Shining Ones



“Every sparkle in the world, every glimmering glow is a reminder from Faerie that we were born to shine.”
— The Silver Elves

And for further reading on your elven, faerie, otherkin tribe:

ELF TRIBES: The Silver Elves’ Guide for Finding Your Magical Kind and Kin and  FAERIE, FAE AND OTHERKIN TRIBES: The Silver Elves’ Guidelftribese for Finding Your Magical Kind and Kin. Please click on the titles listed above to go to the pages on this blog that are dedicated to each book, where you can read more about them, view excerpts of sample magical narratives and also the table of contents from both books. Elf Tribes contains 150+ narratives of elven tribes, and Faerie, Fae and Otherkin Tribes contains another 150+ narratives of faerie and otherkin tribes. Be sure and click on the title links and read a few of these magical narratives. Perhaps, you otherkinstar_coverwill find your people as you read through these two books, or kindred quite like them. At any rate, you can always do the survey yours’elf, or do it again if you feel you have come to a greater understanding of yours’elf and our peoples in the meantime (or gentle-time as we elves often say).







And now for a bit of elven fun!
We invite you to come to our website and enter our elven forest and go through the Elven Tree of Life Eternal to explore your magical nature (it’s free and completely private). It is set up somewhat like a choose your own adventure book and a fun way to explore your specific magic while all roads lead to Elfin. Then return to “the Eald of the Silver Elves home page” at any time you wish by clicking the “home page” link at the top of any page you happen to be on. You may enjoy other pages on our website including reading some of our Magical Elven Love Letters or taking our Elf, Fae or Otherkin Survey and we will happily gift you a beautiful narrative about your magical tribe (this is not an automatic response but instead is especially written for you based on your responses and our own elven intuition).

tree_blogEnter here the Elven Tree of Life Eternal

We also offer this same experience in book form: The Elven Tree of Life Eternal: A Magical Quest for Our True S’Elf.

You are also invited by The Silver Elves to come join them in some of their elven and magical otherkin Facebook groups where you will find the elven-faerie-fae otherkin community interacting and sharing the Elven Way:

The Magical Books of the Silver Elves —— And if you would like to find out more about our Silver Elves books on The Elven Way, please do join us! We have discussions about our Silver Elves books as well as about Elven and Otherkin philosophy, elven lifestyle and the Elven Way and everything Elfin. If you have read our books and would like to discuss them with us, this is the place to come join in the discussions and share with us your responses. Thank

Elf Witches of the Mystic Moon —   This is an elven group for help & support & to meet friends, to provide information, to teach, learn & grow! Please do bring your coven or as our elven ancestors the Elf Queen’s Daughter called it, your vortex. “Eldan elina eldon da mylthfa la uli” (Arvydase, the magical language of The Silver Elves, for “Together our Magic is Stronger By Far!”)

The Elven Way — A group for all our elven kin and friends to gather and share in discussions about The Elven Way and elvish life. This is one of our few private Facebook groups, although all elfae and friends of elfae are welcome.

Elven Home —  This is an enchanting and private place for all elfae folk to all share a bit inside our own elfae ealds (elfin homes), woods and gardens (with images please when you can). We suppose we could have called it “Elven Homes and Gardens,” but then an elfin home is where ever we are and so please feel free to share where ever you feel at home, upon a high mountain top, near a waterfall, deep in the woods, in a green valley, on the beach or sipping some tea in your own kitchen. Feel free to share anything elfae related, and please do share all about your own Eald and the special aspects of it that make it your own enchanting elfin space.

Elven Life and Magic —

Elvish Magical Chat —
Here we are posting and chatting all about elves, faeries, pixies, and magic!

The Faerie Circle — 

Faerie Craft — — This is a group to share and advertise your elven and fae artistic creations.

I Heart Elven Magic —

Silver Elves Embassy —
A place of rest and gathering together, dear Kindred. Time to relax together and share our stories, dreams for the future, and magic of our elfin adventures.

United Otherkin Alliance —
This is an alliance for Otherkin/ Therians, where elves, faeries, dragons, kitsune, gnomes, hobbits, merkin, pixies, brownies, nymphs, driads, niaids, valkyrie, vampires, devas, fauns, unicorns, animal kin and all manner of Faerie Folk gather and come together! This group is open to anyone who wishes to be part of a congenial group of Otherkin.

Feasting With the Elves —
Come join us, we are just having some fun sharing elven recipes and healthy eating.

Nature & the Unseen Realms with the Elves & otherkin. A spiritual journey —

Also do look for our other elven and Faerie realm groups on Facebook:
Elfae Spirituality Group,
Elfae Tree Folk,
Elven Oracles Group,
and Elfin Faerie Lore.


For some Magic in your Life from the Faerie Realms!

Magical treasures gameC

If you would like to read more about
the Sacred Magical Treasures of the Silver Elves,
see our book Sticks and Stones, Feathers, Charms and Bones.

“Faerie magic is hedge magic. It’s garden magic, too. It’s magic of the thickets and the misty morning dew. It springs up with the wild flowers and moss in forest vales and ivy climbing up the walls and ferns so light and frail. It’s found where morning coffee brews and teas in afternoon, and if it hasn’t found you yet it surely will so soon.”

— The Silver Elves

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