What are our Elven Instincts and How do we use them in our Elfin Magic?


“. . . . we elven do not ignore our feelings, and instead seek to understand the difference in our emotions and instinctive feelings. In doing this, we embrace the instinctive feelings related to our true inner Nature (our “Elven Instincts”) and are then able to direct them toward the fulfillment of our dreams. And all that we desire and have missed comes to us at the right time following the radiant silver threads of our inner Nature.”


How do Elves Deal with our Emotions?

     First of all, we elves are not usually portrayed as particularly emotional people. We are most often seen to manifest the saying, ‘Still waters run deep.’ Most often, we are rather calm and serene with an icing of joy upon it. At the same time, we are not noted for being repressed individuals either. We are not hiding our emotions for the most part, we are not repressing them or suppressing them, although we have spent a bit of time, through the years, sublimating them.

     The difference in these activities is that those who repress their emotions often don’t even know or acknowledge the intense feelings that they are having. It all gets stuffed down into the unconscious and under pressure can explode outwardly and often unexpectedly into the world and quite frequently with terrible results. Repressed emotions are like a volcano that exists beneath the surface but no one realizes it is there until it forces its way to the surface.

     Suppression generally involves a more conscious effort to hold one’s emotions in check. In that sense, it is a superior psychological strategy to repression but still holds the possibility of just bursting out when one is under pressure. It’s more like a volcano you know exists, but it’s still there and quiet most of the time. You just don’t know when it might erupt and then cause havoc.

     Sublimation involves the transference of emotional energy, such as anger, into something more productive. One of the simplest examples is of those individuals who count to ten to calm thems’elves down. Some folks clean their house, others work out or play sports, we elves usually make magic. This, of course, does not take the place of truly dealing with our emotions. But if we can use our emotions to drive our magic in a positive way like wishing for what we truly need, then we may be at least making some movement toward a more healing environment or even toward contact with kindred that will help us. While doing magic to deal with our emotions may in some way be a distraction from feeling into our suffering, it can be a very important positive step.

What are our Elven Instincts?

     It is important not to run from our emptiness and aloneness as individuals. Denying our deepest feelings, that part of us connected to our soulful being, and pretending we don’t feel something is surely not natural and thus not really in accordance with the way elves tend to do things. Ours is the natural way, only not Nature running amok but Nature tended into a beautiful elfin garden. We are not only natural beings but supernatural beings. Nature perfecting itself.

     The elven spirit is oriented toward becoming as natural and evolved as possible in whatever form we take (in whatever dimension we inhabit). We elves, therefore, are oriented to accept our deepest inner Nature in the human form we have presently incarnated in and so have a propensity toward an awareness of our instinctual feelings and the goal of obtaining consciousness of body-mind unity. In that way, we are evolved in our consciousness from perhaps the majority of humans on Earth at this time. We could even say we are “Super Humans” or evolved Humans, not just human in form but ‘humane’ in consciousness and action. This does not mean that normal humans cannot evolve or that there are not already evolved Humans, as there surely are many and many more to come in the ancient future. Many elves feel we are incarnated in human bodies to help humans learn to accept who they truly are, to be in touch with their individual inner Nature and to evolve benevolently as a species. That is surely part of what drives us to incarnate among them. Our own development is another yet connected element in this.

     So, you may ask, what is this inner Nature that is connected and felt within our instinctive feelings, that cannot be changed by our thoughts and the conditioning of society? What is this inner Nature that the elven spirit is drawn to follow? This is most easily understood by the distinction between emotions and instinctive feelings. Emotions are most often mind based, which is to say they are a strong feeling energy aroused by some idea or notion (often a negative idea about our own inner being), quite often by an idea that has no truth, validity or actual connection to reality. These emotions are the feelings that can be triggered in our awareness, and are red flags that we still have some unresolved issues from our past to embrace and work out in our consciousness. We sometimes call these “emotional hauntings” (If you are interested in learning more about dealing with emotional hauntings and following your gut instincts to a higher awareness of your inner nature, see: http://instinctualgutfeelings.blogspot.com/2013/04/following-gut-instincts-to-awareness-of.html).

     On the otherhand, instinctive feelings are deeper and less mind involved than emotions. They originate from the gut or Hara, and on a purely intuitive and instinctive level they have little to do with thinking at all. Please be clear that we are not talking here about other animal instincts, but of Human instincts related to Human inner Nature. In a way, it would be more accurate to call them “elven instincts” as these Human or Humane (superhuman) instincts (pure gut feeling energy) are always calling us to be closer to our true Nature and in harmony with Nature all around us. This is why we Silver Elves say that if a person wishes to be an elf, they can become an elf by becoming more and more aware of their own inner nature, the instinctive feeling guide within them, and begin to follow the Elven Way quite naturally. Sadly, many humans choose to ignore their most Humane aspect, their inner instinctive Nature. But never the less, our Human or Humane (superhuman) instincts, our elven instincts, are never completely atrophied and are always sending us signals to guide us to find a balance between feeling loved and connected to others (acceptance through soul connection) and in being in control of our own responses to life (freedom of spirit). These two needs of the soul and spirit must be constantly in balance and too much of one without the other leaves us feeling empty. If they are in balance, then we feel full of life (just check your gut!) and our vitality flows freely, with body and mind united and in harmony with all of Nature. And instinctive feelings are generally quieter, even though deeper, purer and magically more powerful and enduring than emotions. Instinctive feelings are like planets and stars, while emotions are like comets and asteroids.

How can elves use our “Elven Instincts” in our Magic?

     We can empower our magic with emotion, but that is for very short term magics, usually. Instinctive feelings are for enduring magics — the deep magics that come from the center of our being and flow outwardly into the world. Emotional magic is more likely to cause a big stir in the short run but it is instinctive feeling magic that usually produces lasting results.

     When you run into conflict and feel very emotional about it, you can blast your opponent with emotion-based magic and that can be quite effective, but it is usually only effective for severing relationships, it is not very good for keeping them going. Although, passion can be a great way to start something, but in some ways, passion is really like burning rubber before you race off in your car. In the long run, it is true feeling that will keep a relationship going.

     And if you long and hunger for relationship, feel quite alone and empty, it is just those instinctive feelings that can be used to Call Your Others, for the feelings of aloneness and emptiness contain the possibility of togetherness and fulfillment. Pour that longing into your spell as you Sound the Call of Gathering and Union.

     We know, some people say that you should ignore those empty feelings and fake it till you make it. That is what most of the normal world does, and pretends everything is just fine right up to the point when it all goes sideways and then they get very emotional about it all. But we elven do not ignore our feelings, and instead our elven spirit calls us to seek to understand the difference in our emotions and instinctive feelings. In doing this, we embrace the instinctive feelings related to our true inner Nature (our “elven Instincts”) and are then able to direct them toward the fulfillment of our dreams. And all that we desire and have missed comes to us at the right time following the radiant silver threads of our inner Nature.

The Silver Elves


And, when you come to our website please enjoy reading sample pages and reader’s reviews of all our 45+ books (published prior to March 2019) on magic and enchantment, elven lifestyle, elven poetry, elven short stories, an elven novel, on elven philosophy and the Elven Way at: http://silverelves.angelfire.com/HAelfbooks.html. Also, our 6 newest Silver Elves books (beginning March 2019) may be found on this blog site at https://silverelves.wordpress.com/2019/03/20/magical-books-by-the-silver-elves-on-the-elven-way-magic-and-enchantment-elven-oracles-and-elven-lifestyle.

And you can find all 50+ of our The Silver Elves books to purchase on The Elven Way on Amazon here:
US Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/The-Silver-Elves/e/B0070R8ER2

UK Amazon: https://www.amazon.co.uk/The-Silver-Elves/e/B0070R8ER2

If you enjoyed this article above, then we Silver Elves recommend the following of our articles for you as well:

What is Elven Magic?
Do People Who Believe They Are Elves Suffer from Schizotypal Disorder?
Are Elves Human? Is an Elven Soul and Spirit Different from that of a Human?

“If you don’t get up in the morning, get up in the afternoon.”
Olde Elven Saying meaning if you don’t realize your dreams right away, don’t giveup on them.

Need an Elven Enchantment Spell as a Call of Gathering and Union?

Pour your feelings into the following enchantment spell, dear Kindred, repeat every day and as often as you feel a deep longing:

“Wishing, wishing fervently

All I wish will come to me

Success (or health or a friend or a lover, a home or a job, etc) is mine for all to see

Arriving now quite readily.”

(In Arvyndase, the magical language of The Silver Elves)

“Feljdas, feljdas alfevla

Wyl El felj yon koso va el

Reda da el’na fro wyl va ten

Komaldas mat ven anitla.”


Feel-j – dace, feel-j – dace ale – feev – lah

Will Eel feel-j yone co – so vah eel

Re – dah dah eel’nah fro will vah teen

Co – male – dace mate veen a – night – lah.

“The Elves say: Our lives are like ships at sea. We may not have control over the waves, tides and other circumstances we face, but we need to have mastery over the ship we are sailing.”
—The Silver Elves

If you would like to read more about the elven psyche and the evolutionary and esoteric purpose of mental disorders in a hopeful perspective, we suggest: Elven Psychology: Understanding the Elfin Psyche and the Evolutionary and Esoteric Purposes of Mental Disorders by The Silver Elves.

Elven Psychology:
Understanding the Elfin Psyche and the Evolutionary
and Esoteric Purposes of Mental Disorders

by The Silver Elves.

Here is an excerpt from Elven Psychology on instincts and evolutionary development:
“. . . .  this emphasis upon the symbolic and upon the significance of mind over feelings is an evolutionary development associated with the fifth root race and eventually evolves into a more intuitive (elven) approach to life. In other words, this and many of the other disorders are a natural (in their unnatural way) step toward a greater and more developed humanity. Once the new mental function for human beings with the emphasis on symbols is developed and expressed, mankind will see the necessity for once again bringing in the awareness of their feelings/instincts which have been repressed and will then unite the body and mind, opening the ability for higher intuition with a true evolutionary advance. That the elves tend to be a bit ahead of many other races in regards to this development is only to point out, as folklore and fiction have often done, that we are the Elder/Eldar race and thus a little bit ahead of the rest of humanity in the process of evolution. But they will catch up in time, although by that time, most of us will have moved on.”

Now for Some Elven Fun!


If you have not already done so, or would like to do so again to see if anything new comes up for you, it is time for some elven fun in our Magical Forest! We invite you to come to our website and enter our elven forest and go through the Elven Tree of Life Eternal to explore your magical nature (it’s free and completely private). It is set up somewhat like a choose your own adventure book and a fun way to explore your specific magic while all roads lead to Elfin. It will help one understand if one is a wizard or a sorcerer, a healer or a warrior, an elf of wood, snow, hill, ocean, starlight, or a sprite, a faerie, a gnome, a dwarf, a changeling, a dragon, or some other magical folk. If you wonder about your true magical nature, come explore the ever-flowering branches of The Tree of Life Eternal. If you find yourself circling in particular realm, then this is perhaps important to recognized as part of your magical Nature.

You may stop any time (as the game goes on forever). And, when you feel you would like to exit our magical elven forest, please do return to “the Eald of the Silver Elves home page” at any time you wish by clicking the “home page” link at the top of any page you happen to be on. You may enjoy other pages on our website including reading some of our Magical Elven Love Letters or taking our Elf, Fae or Otherkin Survey and we will happily gift you a beautiful narrative about your magical tribe (this is not an automatic response but instead is especially written for you based on your responses and our own elven intuition). Also we would be happy to gift you an elven name in Arvyndase (the magical language of The Silver Elves), just see our ‘Want an Elf’ name page on this website.

We also offer this same experience in book form: The Elven Tree of Life Eternal: A Magical Quest for Our True S’Elf. 


“Elfin doesn’t just await us, it also reaches out to us, sounding Its Call, which echoes in the hearts and minds of all true Elfae folk.”
—Ancient Elfin Knowledge

If you enjoyed the article above on using our feelings in elven magic and following the path of elfin, then we suggest that you might wish to look into some of our Silver Elves books on magic like The Keys to Enchantment: Mastery of the Faerie Light Through the Portals of Manifestation and also particularly Faerie Unfolding: The Cosmic Expression of the Divine Magic. Faerie Unfolding is an advanced book of elven philosophy concerning we Silver Elves’ views on the nature of the Divine and its expression and manifestation into the world as seen from those cultures that are most connected to and historically expressive of Elven Culture. It is a further development from our other books (which we also suggest if you have not already read them) — Through the Mists of Faerie: A Magical Guide to the Wisdom Teachings of the Ancient Elven;   The Elven Way: The Magical Path of the Shining Ones;  and Liber Aelph: Words of Guidance from the Silver Elves to our Magical Children — and opens the adept elfin enchanter to new understandings of the Unfolding of Faerie and its magic into the world and our part, as elfin beings, in its expression. We Silver Elves illuminate this with a new way of understanding traditional lore and mythology, as well as modern stories of our faerie peoples.

Faerie Unfolding: The Cosmic Expression of the Divine Magic

“We are not elves primarily because we think we are elves, but because we feel elven and thus know ours’elves to be elves and we express that feeling with our entire being, and in that way manifesting it into the world.”
—Old Elven Knowledge

And For Some Practical Elven Magic. . . .

And we are happy to announce the publication of our newest book on Elven Magic!
Elven Hedgewitchery and Found Magic: Using Art-Making for Evoking Elfin Magic and Living the Elven Way by The Silver Elves is a book of magic — very practical magic that involves the creation of one’s magical tools, which include wands, staffs, rattles, crowns, hoods, robes and many other instruments of magic and, in this case inHedgewitcheryBook particular, of elven magic and enchantment. In this book, we share with you many of our favorite magical elven art projects that we have enjoyed doing in the last 40+ years and give you guidance and detailed instructions for creating your own and using them in your magic, along with over 100 photos to demonstrate the art processes. Also, this is a book of elven spells and enchantment magic, with elven rhyming magical spells (200 spells in total written in both English and the magical language of the Silver Elves — Arvyndase, including Arvyndase pronunciation keys) that you may use in rituals to empower your art and magic with each magical item and creative project. We include our magical art processes from faerie altered clothing and making faerie houses to creating magical elf stones and ritual tools such as a Book of Shadows (or a Book of Twilight as we elves call them) and also a Scrapbook of Shadows, chalices, ally dolls, wands, canes, staffs, seaweed pod rattles, magic plates, elven warrior shields, wishing wheels, mojo bags, and elven witches brooms and magic spoons. We further have chapters in Elven Hedgewitchery and Found Magic on making elfin dream pillows, fairy dust and pixie powder, elven magical boxes or reliquaries, elven Mbuti, paintings, illuminated circles, magic soul cards, tarot decks, pan pipes, fantasy maps and even some of our favorite elven group-art games like elven notan and Elven Chess. We also have a chapter on spell crafting using the seven-pointed elven star. And in our final chapter, we share with you more about the Orb of Healing, which is a magical artifact that is at the center of our elven magick.
You may read a bit more about this book and a few examples of spells from it here.
Sold here on Amazon USA
and also sold here on Amazon UK


The Silver Elves invite you to come join us in some of our elven and magical otherkin Facebook groups where you will find our elven-faerie-fae otherkin community interacting and sharing The Elven Way:

The Magical Books of the Silver Elves https://www.facebook.com/groups/539205916250397 — And if you would like to find out more about our Silver Elves books on The Elven Way, please do join us! We have discussions about our Silver Elves books as well as about Elven and Otherkin philosophy, elven lifestyle and the Elven Way. If you have read our books and would like to discuss them with us, this is the place to come join in the discussions and ask questions.

Elven Life and Magic —

Elvish Magical Chat —

The Faerie Circle —

Elf Witches of the Mystic Moon — https://www.facebook.com/groups/806583242768352 — A place to share your magic and enchantment with other elf witches!

Faerie Craft —
This is a group to share your elven and fae creations, and yes you are welcome to advertise your elfish/faerie crafts.

I Heart Elven Magic —

Feasting With the Elves (having fun sharing elven recipes and healthy eating) — https://www.facebook.com/groups/597948240617006

United Otherkin Alliance —
This is an alliance for Otherkin/ Therians, where elves, faeries, dragons, kitsune, gnomes, hobbits, merkin, pixies, brownies, nymphs, driads, niaids, valkyrie, vampires, devas, fauns, unicorns, animal kin and all manner of Faerie Folk gather and come together! This group is open to anyone who wishes to be part of a congenial group of Otherkin.

The Elven Way and Friends —

Nature & the Unseen Realms with the Elves & otherkin. A spiritual journey —

“The light of Elfin shines in the hearts
of all who know that love is the path everlasting
and also the eternal goal.”

—The Silver Elves

A Gift For You!!!!!!
What Sort of Elf, Faerie or Other Are You?
What is Your Magical Tribe?

For years various kindred have asked us, the Silver Elves, to help them figure this out. Now we’ve created a questionnaire to help us do so and to help you learn about your people, your magical tribe. This is our gift to you (free). Simply follow this link below and the directions and we will help you with your own personal narrative about your magical tribe: https://silverelves.wordpress.com/2019/08/14/what-kind-of-elf-fae-or-otherkin-are-you-what-is-your-tribe

And for further reading on your elven, faerie, otherkin tribe:

ELF TRIBES: The Silver Elves’ Guide for Finding Your Magical Kind and Kin and  FAERIE, FAE AND OTHERKIN TRIBES: The Silver Elves’ Guidelftribese for Finding Your Magical Kind and Kin. Please click on the titles listed above to go to the pages on this blog that are dedicated to each book, where you can read more about them, view excerpts of sample magical narratives and also the table of contents from both books. Elf Tribes contains 150+ narratives of elven tribes, and Faerie, Fae and Otherkin Tribes contains another 150+ narratives of faerie and otherkin tribes. Be sure and click on the title links and read a few of these magical narratives. Perhaps, you otherkinstar_coverwill find your people as you read through these two books, or kindred quite like them. At any rate, you can always do the survey yours’elf, or do it again if you feel you have come to a greater understanding of yours’elf and our peoples in the meantime (or gentle-time as we elves often say).

“We are born of starlight woven into magic.”
—The Silver Elves

“Honor the ancestors, walk hand in hand with your kindred, bow gracefully to those who are yet unborn, for they come bearing the Runes of Elfin within them that shall cast a spell of healing upon the worlds.”
—The Silver Elves

And you can find all our the Silver Elves books on The Elven Way on Amazon here:
US Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/The-Silver-Elves/e/B0070R8ER2

UK Amazon: https://www.amazon.co.uk/The-Silver-Elves/e/B0070R8ER2



runestar copy

Touch anywhere in this Elven Star above, dear Kindred,
for an Elven Blessing!




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3 Responses to “What are our Elven Instincts and How do we use them in our Elfin Magic?”

  1. Donnalee of Kingston NY Says:

    I love this, and am so sad it’s all on evil-empire-facebook which I avoid. Maybe some day there will be a more wholesome online place to gather–

    Liked by 1 person

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