How Do Elves Form Families?

“. . . .we have elven grandchildren, nieces, nephews, brothers, sisters, cousins and every other variation of familial relationship. You could describe this as an extended family, and it truly is, but it would be more accurate really to call it our spiritual family, our family of spirit, our elven, elfae family of related kin and kindred. There is no need to be alone in this world, for our spiritual kin are all around us and our elven family may flower with just the opening of one’s heart.”

In a certain sense, we do it the usual way. However, we elves are generally more aware and more attuned with the fact that we are beings of spirit and energy than many other folks and thus we don’t raise our children to be elves but to be their own s’elves however they wish to interpret that for thems’elves in the best, most vibrant and successful fashion they can be. In other words, we don’t offer them dogma and doctrine, we simply love and nurture them, their aspirations and goals, and encourage them to be the best they can be.

Most children in the world embrace whatever their parents raise them to be. In some cases, as in the reality of genetic distinctive racial types, they don’t always have a good deal of choice in that. However, most of what people are, comes from being born in a particular country or area and thus are raised with a particular political view, the religion or lack thereof of the parents and so on.

So we have it that Jewish people tend to raise their children to be Jewish, culturally if not religiously. Moslems raise their children to be Moslem; Christians to be Christian and so forth and every country raises their children to be patriotic citizens and to think that their culture, nation and people are the best in the world. Thus, we take on the religions and politics of our parents, although, there are those, usually just a few, who stray into other realms, depending upon their own evolutionary development and how liberal or fanatical their parents actually were. And with these various inherited enculturations, the children also usually get their parent’s—thus their country’s or religion’s—prejudices, slights, schemes for revenge for wrongs done in the past by some competing group and everything else that has led over the ages to myriad sectarian, religious, political, racial and cultural hate and conflict.

But, as we say, we elves are different in that way. Our genetic children are raised to make decisions about politics and religion and other things according to their own insights about life. Of course, we always hope they will see things rather like we do, but we support them in whatever path they do choose, and we trust that whatever they choose is the best path for them. We will always love and nurture them, whichever way they go, and always encourage them to do what is right and fair for everyone. We are not so interested in them calling thems’elves elves as in being the Good Folk that we know them to be.

And as elves, we also adopt various kin who come to us. Actually, it is more like we adopt each other. Thus we have elven grandchildren, nieces, nephews, brothers, sisters, cousins and every other variation of familial relationship. You could describe this as an extended family, and it truly is, but it would be more accurate really to call it our spiritual family, our family of spirit, our elven, elfae family of related kin and kindred. There is no need to be alone in this world, for our spiritual kin are all around us and our elven family may flower with just the opening of one’s heart.

We are aware that our genetic relationships, as much as we love and value our children are transitory. This is to say that they are our children now, but after we pass from this incarnation, they may very well become our parents or grandparents in another one. In fact, our daughter reminds us so much of one of our own grandmothers, is so much like her in so many ways, that we are fairly certain it is her reborn.

But the same is true of our elven kindred really. They may be coming to us for kinship and guidance in this life but in the next one we will probably be seeking them out to help remind us of the Way. This life is a spiral, after all, and we are rising together toward the light of Elfin, each of us helping our others who in time help us.

Ver nesidas mellun vari te (In shimmering starlight ever be),
The Silver Elves

If you enjoyed this blog article about elven family and lifestyle, you will surely also enjoy reading our book Eldafaryn: True Tales of Magic from the Lives of the Silver Elves. Eldafaryn (Elf Haven) contains a series of vignettes from the lives of the Silver Elves describing our lives, our magic, our philosophy, and our unique view of the world.

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Eldafaryn: True Tales of Magic from the Lives of the Silver Elves



What Kind of Elf or Otherkin Are You?
And What is Your Elfae or Otherkin Tribe?
For years various kindred have asked us, the Silver Elves, to help them figure this out. You probably know if you are an elf, faerie, or otherkin but now we’ve created a questionnaire in order to help us and you create a narrative about your specific people and your clan, their personal characteristics, magic, relationship to Nature, and interests. This is our gift to you, which we think will be a bit of fun for both of us. Give us five minutes of your time and we will give you a half hour to forty minutes of ours. Simply follow this link and the directions on that page:



Also, we invite you to enjoy reading samples of all our 40+ books on magic and enchantment and the Elven Way at:


We invite you to view the Table of Contents and an excerpt from one of our newest book, click below to go to The Silver Elves website page for this book:
The Magical Realms of Elfin: Answers to Questions About Being An Elf and Following the Elven Path

THE MAGICAL REALMS OF ELFIN: Answers to Questions About Being an Elf and Following the Elven Path contains questions and answers about being elven that many people who are exploring the Elven Way have posed to The Silver Elves throughout the 40 + years that they have been living and sharing The Elven Way. The Silver Elves have put them all in this one book for all those who need a convenient, yet thorough and easy-to-read, resource to explore their questions about who the modern elves are and about the Elven Way or elven spiritual path — past, present and future. If you are curious about elves and want to learn more about modern elves and the Elven Path, then you will surely find this book to contain many of your questions answered and it will be a great comfort and help in finding your way home to the Magical Realms of Elfin.


We invite you to come join us on Facebook in some of our Elven groups where you will find our elven-faerie-fae community interacting and sharing the Elven Way:

The Magical Books of the Silver Elves where we have discussions about our books as well as about Elven and Otherkin philosophy and lifestyle.

Elf Witches of the Mystic Moon

Elven Life and Magic

Elvish Magical Chat

The Faerie Circle

The Elven Way and Friends 

United Otherkin Alliance where elves, faeries, dragons, kitsune, gnomes, hobbits, merkin, pixies, brownies, nymphs, driads, niaids, valkyrie, vampires, devas, and all manner of Faerie Folk gather!

Also you are welcome to our other blog site with articles on Elven Lifestyle and the Elven Way.










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5 Responses to “How Do Elves Form Families?”

  1. Beverly Cotton Says:

    What a lovely blog. I never fit in my family of origin. They were evangelical Christians, and even though I did music in the church all my life, I just knew I wasn’t feeling what the others were feeling. When I finally left the church for good about 20 years ago, I found my tribe. It is very eclectic. Many I found on facebook that feel as I do. I have a sister now that I met l0 years ago, who makes life magical. My children are somewhat amused by their old mom being an elf-witch, but they are also tolerant of me. My daughter who is 55, said recently that most people my age were crabby and complaining about their various illnesses. But that I was always happy. So whatever I was doing was fine with her. I love being part of the Silver Elves.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. silverelves Says:

    We find very much the same in our lives. And even if one is close to those in the family of origin, extending the family to include the spiritual family or tribe is all the better. And surely the awareness that our spiritual family is all around us adds both happiness and longevity. We truly love having you as a sister!


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