“A Crystal is a Million Stars United,” an excerpt from The Magical Elven Love Letters by The Silver Elves

starry night

As many of you know, we Silver Elves have been living and sharing the Elven Way since 1975. In 1979, we began writing and circulating The Magical Elven Love Letters to our elven community through regular snail mail (no computers at the time). At this time, modern day elves were just beginning to awaken to their elven soulful nature and we wanted to share our letters at that time to support and encourage those that were beginning to awaken to be true to their individual destiny and to embrace their starry heritage. In time as the decades went on, we were sending them each month to hundreds of people and then many more later by email or on our website as the internet became common to use. We stopped writing the Magical Elven Love Letters in 2011 once we began writing and publishing books (see our 60+ The Silver Elves books here). We have put all of these letters (over 300 in all) in a three volume series of books that are published and available on Amazon (for more on these books see The Magical Elven Love Letters, Volume 1, Volume 2, & Volume 3), and we would like to share some of these here with you. So we will begin with a letter from volume 1, one of the first ones (#15) we sent around back in the late 70s. Hope you enjoy reading it!
Excerpt from A Crystal is a Million Stars United” from The Magical Elven Love Letters, Volume 1


“It is our way to look within to our own spirits for the harmony and peace from which the creative energy of the Great Mother Nature flows outward to perceive a new world of unity. So it is through this inward looking that we reflect in our words and actions clear vision of our s’elves. Our vision mirrors in all directions to the world its purest part… the s’elf in All.”
“We, through the ages, have striven to obtain a clearer vision of our s’elves. The world of conflicts remind us that we still have far to go, a journey long, long, long it is… a journey to the stars. A journey to the stars within us. We seek to transcend outer conflict by turning within to our own s’elves. Our true s’elves, our inner identity goes much deeper and yet is simpler far than the enculturated roles we play as we pass into and out of the worlds. By seeking Elfin within ours’elves and by striving to see “the elf” that is in everyone we obtain a clearer vision of the life we once knew… the unity of all.”
“We play the roles of society for the sake of preserving unity. Still the archetypical forms with which we do identify are far from the structured worlds of social standing and IQ ratings. No more of it. We have come to dance and sing and listen to birds… remembering ages long gone by enough to come again… come again.”
“Elfin is for us not so much a place we can go, as a place we can be. It is the energy we expend toward becoming more gentle and more loving… the effort to evolve and develop our inner natures, our modesty and adaptability and our unending purpose to respect and be fair to all creatures whatsoever… these are the real steps to Elfin and it is our wish that all the Elves might transform those steps into a dance of love that will be to the children a bright and radiant mandala whose center is the dawning of a gentle race.”
“Elfin is open to all people whatsoever, yet it is equally true to say that at the present time/space juncture there are very few who are open to Elfin and thus they could never enter it. These fine folk can never even see the elves even when we are sharing a space/time. We, by nature, strive for union… it is our way… with these folks as with all. We share the air, the swaying of the trees, the song of the bird… invisible magic vibrations emanate and we are all the better for the experience and it “lit the fire to the soul who never knew its friend”. It is not our purpose to impose elfinness upon anyone… an act impossible in its core and no true elf would try… yet for those who are open, whose inner heart remembers a tune half forgotten from long, long ago and far, far away, we move ever deeper into the Faerielands. Come along, elves. It is a long journey ahead but together it can be a great adventure. A new land, a new life, a new people and a brighter day.”
“There comes a moment in each elf’s life when standing on the border of twilight that lies between the world of normal reality and the elfin lands beyond… a realization comes of a sudden that the twilight is fading and that they must move of their own into the faerielands or remain in the world of the everyday. We are going, brothers and sisters, into the elfin realms and our hearts are alive with the memory of ancient lifetimes when we were all together. Our minds remember not but in our hearts dwell memories that cannot be obscured through the aeons of life and death. As we watch you, standing on the border hesitant, drifting, listening to the voice of the thousand misgivings, the lies, the rationalizations, we sing to you gently: Remember… Remember… Remember long ago, or… was it only yesterday or soon to be tomorrow. We are going and trust that our children’s children’s children will emerge in the vibrational reality of Arda reborn: a planet healed and paradise won.”
“Some people think that we elfin are re-emerging in the world in order to take control. We find this idea laughable. We have not come to control the world but to set it free.”
(end of excerpt from The Magical Elven Love Letters, Volume 1.)

You can find all 60+ of our The Silver Elves books to purchase on The Elven Way on Amazon here:
US Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/The-Silver-Elves/e/B0070R8ER2

UK Amazon: https://www.amazon.co.uk/The-Silver-Elves/e/B0070R8ER2

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The Magical Elven Love Letters, Volume 1, is composed of the letters that were written by the Silver Elves and sent out via snail mail beginning in 1979 and until the mid nineties before the awakening of the internet. They were written to encourage elves to awaken to their Elfin nature, to be true to their individual destiny, and to embrace their starry heritage. They are filled with Elven Philosophy and observe the world from the point of view of the Elves, which is often quite unique from how most people view and experience the world; and their unique Elven Philosophy of Magic that is often similar and yet distinct from traditional theories and methods of magic. This is the second printing of these letters and they have been slightly modified to increase clarity. They are also interspaced with Elven quotes, axioms, koans and other ancient Elven sayings.

The Magical Elven Love Letters, Volume 1 on Amazon US:

The Magical Elven Love Letters, Volume 1 on Amazon UK: 


The Magical Elven Love Letters, Volume 2 is our second collection of our love letters, composed principally of 110 of letters sent out by snail mail and later some are our earliest internet letters in the 1990s. You can find samples of these letters on various sites all over the web, for they were some of our most popular letters and have been copied and spread around frequently. It is not necessary to read Volume 1 before reading and enjoying Volume 2. These letters give the reader an experiential understanding of what it is to be an elf and enter the realm of Faerie and Magick. Enjoy!

The Magical Elven Love Letters, Volume 2 on Amazon US:

The Magical Elven Love Letters, Volume 2 on Amazon UK:

Excerpt below from The Magical Elven Love Letters, Volume 2:

“. . . . As we struggle to create Faerie; it, like mist, remains forever beyond our grasp. But as we live Faerie, live our lives as elves and pixies, brownies and gnomes… Faerie manifests within us and in time around us affecting the SPACE/TIME continuum, shifting us from one parallel realm to another until we find one day the trees shimmering like stars… a light sparkling in the eyes of everyone we meet and the ecstatic joy of every breath. To man this seems a dream, a fantasy that will never or can never happen or be, or as he perceives time, will be so long from now as to be irrelevant to his life. But for the elfin, time moves differently, past, present and future all merges into one, the eternal possibility of every moment. We live our dreams and by doing so create that world man thinks does not even exist.”

“Yet, the more we become in tune with our true s’elves, the more we are manifesting living Elfin, the greater the power we have and the greater the effect upon everyone we come in contact with. Man and other races cannot help but be effected by our presence, our being, our magic, just as we, for our part cannot live in the world of Man and not be effected and take into account the power of his manifest being and outlook. There are those who would like to totally separate thems’elves from man and we can certainly understand their point of view but it is an occult truth that we cannot affect anyone unless we ourselves are ready and open to being influenced. Shall we become like the Amish, suspended in time? We think not. WE are here not simply to create our own world but to help transform this one, to ease mankind to a more gentle and ‘dancey’ approach to life and to awaken him to his own destiny, which is, like ours, Here among the Stars!” 


The Magical Elven Love Letters, Volume 3, is composed of some of our early letters that we wrote and sent out on the internet prior to the year 2000, as well as all of the letters sent out and/or published during our journey and relocation to Hawaii in 2008, with accounts of our encounters with the menehuni and the unfolding magic of the isles. These letters are filled with Elven Philosophy and observe the world from the point of view of the Elves, which is often quite unique from how most people view and experience the world; and their unique Elven Philosophy of Magic that is often similar and yet distinct from traditional theories and methods of magic. Like the first two volumes, volume 3 is interspaced with Elven quotes, axioms, koans and other ancient Elven sayings. This book is the completion of the trilogy of The Magical Elven Love Letters.

The Magical Elven Love Letters, Volume 3 on Amazon US: 

The Magical Elven Love Letters, Volume 3 on Amazon UK:

“When the sun does set and the twilight rises strong,
you can quite certain that it will not be too long,
before the party starts and the dancing does as well
for Faerie shimmers in the night as all the stars do tell.”
—The Silver Elves

For those of you who are hoping to attract your elven tribe to you,
here is a magical spell for attracting Elf Friends: 




Announcing our Newest Published The Silver Elves book:

ILLUMINATING FAERIE: Answers to Questions About Being an Elf and Following the Elven Path, Volume 6 by The Silver Elves (You do not need to read this series in any particular order)

illuminating faerie cover2

We hope you enjoy reading this excerpt below from Illuminating Faerie (click here to read more about this book!)

“. . . . The Elven Way is ever changing but what one is learning is not the path itself but how to successfully travel on the path. It is, in its way, like learning to walk so one can stroll down unfamiliar lanes. Or learning to drive a car so one can travel unknown roads. The key is one’s own ability as a driver. There is no exact map for the way itself (for Faerie is ever changing) but there is a way to improve one’s skill at traveling upon it.”

     “Therefore, the emphasis in the Elven Way is ever on s’elf development. And as one develops ones’elf and grows more confident in one’s skills and abilities, without becoming arrogant and thus heedless about them, one naturally feels more at ease with ones’elf and one’s ability to successfully navigate the various worlds one encounters and travels through. And that confidence, along with a sense of purpose one obtains in sharing the Elven Way with others seeking the path, inevitably eases tensions in one’s life and one’s interactions with the world.”

    “Although, it is true that the world can be a stressful place. That is part of its dark magic and the web of spells it entangles one within. By its nature and design, the world of men creates tension and we who live within this modern Middle-earth cannot help but be affected by it in some ways. And yet, that is the adventure, too. What adventure doesn’t have its stresses? It is the nature of the quest.”

     “But again, as we become more adept within ours’elves and more accustomed and practiced in the ways, our Mastery makes easy what was once very difficult. Even those things that previously seemed as though they might overwhelm us, are now just challenges to overcome.”

     “And while the Elven Way is a very individual oriented way, we should remember that we are treading it together, each in our own way, and our frasority (fraternity/sorority) makes light and easy what would be difficult on one’s own. For as we Silver Elves say, “Together our magic is stronger by far.” And far easier and less stressful as well.”

The Way of the Elfin awakens our heart,
it quiets our mind and that
s just the start,
it stirs our spirit and deepens our soul
and weaves its magic to make our lives whole.


. . . . And we also invite you to read another of our newest published books. . . THE FAERIE SONG ORACLE: The Elven Way of Singing Down Magic of the Fae is so named because it is an original elfin oracle system based upon the solfège or solfeggio system, also called solfa, solfeo, which is used as a music education method in the West to teach aural skills, pitch and the sight-reading of the music scale. That scale is Do, Re, Me, Fa, Sol or So, La and Te, with another Do representing a higher octave, at the end. We have presented these notes in this oracle according to the way they would be spelled in Arvyndase, which is the Silver Elves magical elfin language. And, therefore, these musical sounds/notes would be spelled: DO, RAE, ME, FA, SOL, LA, and TE, which as you can see only differs in one instance. The pronunciation, however, is the same. The Faerie Song Oracle book is meant to be used as an oracle, but it is also a book of magic. Thus, the sounds can be sung together to create a particular magic that either heightens the power of a boon or dispels unwanted influences. The Silver Elves associate these notes with each of the points of the seven-pointed acute angled Elven Star that many people call the Faerie Star. For each oracle reading, you will be drawing two notes. So you might consider that in drawing the faerie song oracle you are dealing with the power of two of the points of the elven star combined (each point signified by a different note) or one of the points in its pure form (if both of the notes that you draw are the same, as say when you get Rae-Rae as a response). The second Rae can be sung on a higher octave evoking a raising or increase of that power.

THE FAERIE SONG ORACLE is found here for purchase on Amazon USA
and here for purchase on Amazon UK



A Gift for You from The Silver Elves  . . . .

. . . please do come to our Silver Elves website where you may ask to be gifted an elf name in our magical elven language Arvyndase. https://silverelves.angelfire.com/HAelfname.html. Just follow the simple directions on this page to email us a little about your magical self and we Silver Elves will be happy to gift you a beautiful elven name. We Silver Elves have been gifting elf names for decades now over 6,000 names to kindred. Enjoy!



And now for a bit of elven fun!

We also invite you to come to our website and enter our elven forest and go through the Elven Tree of Life Eternal to explore your magical nature (it’s free and completely private). It is set up somewhat like a choose your own adventure book and a fun way to explore your specific magic while all roads lead to Elfin. Then return to “the Eald of the Silver Elves home page” at any time you wish by clicking the “home page” link at the top of any page you happen to be on. You may enjoy other pages on our website including reading some of our Magical Elven Love Letters or taking our Elf, Fae or Otherkin Survey and we will happily gift you a beautiful narrative about your magical tribe (this is not an automatic response but instead is especially written for you based on your responses and our own elven intuition).

tree_blogEnter here the Elven Tree of Life Eternal

We also offer this same experience in book form: The Elven Tree of Life Eternal: A Magical Quest for Our True S’Elf.


“When we step on through the door,
we realize there’s so much more than we had ever thought before, 
for here in Elfin, we abide, together where we need not hide,
ready for the Faerie ride where everyone’s a true friend.”
— The Silver Elves 

If you have enjoyed reading our articles on our blog site, we think you may surely enjoy reading one of our most popular The Silver Elves books and one you will not wish to miss reading: Through The Mists of Faerie: A Magical Guide to the Wisdom Teachings of the Ancient Elven:

6throughmistswebThrough The Mists of Faerie:
A Magical Guide to the Wisdom Teachings of the Ancient Elven

“Elfin, Faerie, Elfland or the Sacred Realm or Dimension of Magic that lives at the heart of the Universe, is an incredibly attractive power. It draws all true souls to it. It calls to the Elfin nature in each and every soul. This is the power that arouses the imagination of those who see or read the Lord of the Rings and say, I’m an Elf or I’m a Dwarf, or even I’m an Orc. The power calls to us through Urban Fantasy stories and the fantasy novels of old, as well as, faery tales and movies of magic and enchantment. But it also calls to us from the trees, the wild places of Nature, and sometimes most of all from magic memories of our childhood, which is really our ancient past, our past incarnations, calling to us. It can also be aroused, and quite strongly, perhaps most strongly, by others of our kind manifesting in the world. There is something magical about these beings and they arouse our own hunger for magic in our own lives and souls. These Elfae radiate starlight. They glimmer with love, kindness and compassion; and they reach out and touch our souls. Some might suppose this to be a glamor, a magic they have wrapped thems’elves within to enchant us; but while they are truly enchanting, the magic arises from the fact that they are genuine and real. They don’t need to glamor us. They just need to be their very own s’elves, for that is the most impressive magic of all. They are not trying, they are simply being: being thems’elves, being elves.”
—Excerpt from page 26 of Through The Mists of Faerie by The Silver Elves.

And one more thing . . . . we would like to invite you to please enjoy viewing this an hour long YouTube video of The Silver Elves in a conversational presentation on The Modern Elven Movement and The Elven Way at Phoenix and Dragon Bookstore in Atlanta, GA, at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p0sv3OHkjRw

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Touch this Elven Star above, Dear Kindred,
with some of our Elven Runes drawn within it for an Elven Blessing!

To learn more about our original Silver Elves runes,
you may wish to read more here about  The Book of Elven Runes: A Passage Into Faerie

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