Posts Tagged ‘New Age’

What do the Elves View as the Difference Between the Piscean and Aquarian Ages?

January 16, 2021

“. . . . the tides keep coming in. The Age of Aquarius is slowly approaching. Not in one great tidal wave that will wash away the entire world, we hope, but in incremental steps that increase the number of those who are more tolerant in the world, more accepting of differences, and better able to harmonize in an effort to truly make the world more sustainable and enduring.”
— The Silver Elves

Back in the late 1960’s with the play Hair on Broadway and the popularity of the song The Age of Aquarius from that play, done in a medley with another song ‘Let the Sun Shine In’ (also from Hair) by the group the Fifth Dimension, the esoteric notion of spiritual and evolutionary Ages (see H. Blavatsky The Secret Doctrine) for the development of humanity, especially the coming transition from the Piscean Age to the Aquarian Age was thrust into popular culture.

That notion has faded into the background since then to the point it is hardly mentioned or acknowledged anymore. And that is to be expected. The evolution of a New Age comes not in a sudden change of humanity, like an alien invasion that arrives one day and takes over, but rather in a series of tides coming in and then receding again, after having left shells and sea weed and other things on the shore.

More mutants, which is to say increasing numbers of us elfae folk, are born, live and die and each wave brings even more of us and, for the most part, since we tend to live healthier, or more health conscious lives, we also are inclined to live longer (except for some of the Piscean Age thinking people seeking to kill us off) and eventually the mass of humanity will shift from normal folk to elfin folk over the course of time. Or, if you will, from Piscean Age thinkers, to Aquarian Age thinkers.

But what is the difference between the Piscean and Aquarian Ages?

The Piscean approach to life and all in it is essentially dualistic. Everything or most nearly all things are good or bad, black or white, true or false. It promotes the notion of thesis, antithesis and eventually synthesis but even more so the idea that the truth when contrasted to the false, will eventually win out. This is the basis of the present American Justice System and many others. It is the conflict of opposites. In some esoteric circles, it is the fourth ray of manifestation which rules beauty and harmony, which is said to create Harmony through Conflict. This is a Piscean way of viewing things.

The Aquarian view of the fourth ray is instead, Harmony Through Diversity. While the Piscean energy lends itself to the idea that there is one truth and thus that there is one true religion, as so many faiths claim to be, or our race is good and all others bad, also our country, ethnic group and even our generation are right and others wrong/evil. While Aquarian thought, on the other hand, presents the idea that all people have value, that every race, creed, culture and generation have something to contribute as long as they respect, cooperate and have tolerance for others. It is not good vs. bad, but good, bad and an enormous variety of possibilities in between. Doesn’t that sound elven to you!

We sometimes hear from some of the younger elves that all the problems that exist today are due to the Boomer Generation. We Boomers thought something similar when we were very young as well of the generations before us. What we learned, however, is that while we were quite liberal as individuals and as elfin beings, that many of our supposed generation were not. We may have been born around the same time, but we were very different individuals. The same holds true today. It is easy to fall into the trap of thinking that one’s entire generation shares one’s views, that my generation will set things straight (we surely thought that at one time) but observation of reality has revealed to us that there are spiritual and materialistic individuals in every generation. Some perhaps more than others, but still there.

It might be more accurate to say that some of those who are of the Boomers are responsible for the mess we are in today in the world, but they inherited that world from generations before them, and will pass it on to generations to come, some of whom will seek, as we did, to make the world a better place and others who will continue to put self interest over everything else, including the survival of humanity and the planet. The fact that their own survival is also endangered seems to be something that they put out of their minds (and they are often out of their minds while seemingly obsessed with their own opinions) and simply ignore in favor of their prejudices and avarice.

Yet, the tides keep coming in. The Age of Aquarius is slowly approaching. Not in one great tidal wave that will wash away the entire world, we hope, but in incremental steps that increase the number of those who are more tolerant in the world, more accepting of differences, and better able to harmonize in an effort to truly make the world more sustainable and enduring. In other words, individuals who are more truly elfin in nature who are wise to the traps of racism, sexism, ageism, classism and every other pigeon hole set to limit our minds, our understanding of our s’elves and others, and our ability to cooperate toward creating a more beautiful, harmonious and, thus for us, more elfin world.

Keldas Zet Ton Na Tarsalunin Sol (Running wild on a moonlit night),
The Silver Elves

You can find all 50+ of the Silver Elves books to purchase on The Elven Way on Amazon here:
US Amazon:

UK Amazon: 


“It is not so much that the elves will come back to save the Earth and humanity, so much as humanity must become more elven to save itself and the Earth.”
—The Silver Elves

If you enjoyed the article above, then you may well also enjoy:

How Do We Find Faerie? And How Do We Deal with Being an Elf or Otherkin While Living in the Mundane World?


Please enjoy viewing this an hour long YouTube video of The Silver Elves in a conversational presentation on The Modern Elven Movement and The Elven Way at Phoenix and Dragon Bookstore in Atlanta, GA, at:

“We really shouldn’t be surprised when we tell normal people we are elves and they don’t believe us. After all, we’ve spent ages casting a glamor upon them to convince them we don’t exist. Their disbelief is really just an affirmation of the power of our enchantments.”
—What the Elves Say

And to learn more about the Elven Way and magical path of the elves,
you may enjoy reading: The Elven Way: The Magical Path of The Shining Ones

“The Elven Way passes beyond the fields of the known
into the forest of the unknown
illuminated by the glow of the elves.”
(From the cover below)

elvenwaywebThe Elven Way: 
The Magical Path of The Shining Ones

Excerpt from Chapter One of —From The Elven Way: The Magical Path of The Shining Ones by The Silver Elves:

“While we’ve often written that faery tales, both ancient and modern, view the faery folk as being ruled by monarchs, this idea is more a reflection of the lives of men and of the world that was and is than a true indication of the Realms of Elfin. This is not to say that there doesn’t exist a Hierarchy in Faery, but that it is important to understand that this Hierarchy is a natural one based on real development and merit and not in the least arbitrary or artificially constructed. All hierarchies, organizations and bureaucracies in the world are a pale attempt to recreate, or in many cases bypass or supersede, this natural hierarchy.”

“The hierarchy of Elfin is a spiritual hierarchy—the hierarchy of illuminated being, of s’elf development of magical maturity—and thus it is the power, of awakened consciousness and expanded and enlightened awareness. Besides the attempts of many to construct this hierarchy in the world, it is also reflected in Nature, where there are hierarchies of intelligence, of knowledge, of personality, beauty, strength, and so forth. While artificial hierarchies tend to be rather strictly structured and unyielding, these natural hierarchies, reflective of the true spiritual hierarchy, are varied and yielding. For instance, while there are general tendencies, we don’t all agree about who is most beautiful or most attractive. It is rather like the question, what is your favorite color? It depends on the individual. So, too, the natural hierarchies are, like the true inner hierarchy, dependent greatly on the individual and their own position in the Universe, their individual tendencies.”

“There is another way that the spiritual hierarchy tends to differ from all artificial hierarchies and even from the hierarchy of Nature. Artificial hierarchies tend to be pyramid schemes with one or a few people on the top and increasing numbers of individuals in various levels below with the greatest number on the bottom. This formula does not tend to change. The one at the top may change. Sometimes, but rarely one’s position on the hierarchy may change, but the structure tends to stay the same. In fact, that is its purpose to reinforce itself and maintain this structure.”

“On the other hand, while the spiritual hierarchy may have more on the bottom than the top at any particular point, the goal and purpose of this hierarchy is to get everyone at the top, to have everyone progress further and further into the realms of Elfin, the realms of radiant enlightenment.”

“We might think of it as a game. In the game of the material world the first ones to reach home win; everyone else is considered a loser. In the spiritual game, we gain points when each one reaches home and our ultimate goal is to get everyone home. Then and only then have we truly won the game.”

—end of Excerpt from The Elven Way


“Among some elves the weavers of the Fates are viewed as an Ancient Witch known as the Necromancer who carries a crystal ball, removes disused cobwebs with her broom and rules the Past. The Present is dominated by a bald middle aged male who carries a staff and does martial arts katas while reciting spells. He is known as the Dancer. And the Future is created by an androgynous child who plays with figures in a sand box imagining the future into being. No one knows this one’s name, although some call Hir Starlight.”
—The Silver Elves

Some Important Further Reading for Elves . . . .

There are those that may ridicule you for saying that you are an elf, but the world is changing slowly and Elfin is manifesting here as we create it in our lives. We modern elves are in all professions and bring our elven perspectives with us! In 2005, Zardoa Silverstar of the Silver Elves received his Masters of Arts Degree in Depth Psychology from Sonoma State University based upon his thesis on his Depth Inquiry research study concerning his life and magic as an Elf. Living the Personal Myth: Making the Magic of Faerie Real in One’s Own Life is a Silver Elves book that is based on his thesis and his use of the personal myth as a process for exploring the magical world of the unconscious.

Living the Personal Myth:
Making the Magic of Faerie Real in One’s Own Life
Below is an excerpt from: Living the Personal Myth, Chapter 3: The Development of My Personal Myth, pages 53-56:

Welcome To My World

“James Hillman (1997), Jungian analyst and the originator of archetypal psychology, argues that the generally accepted opinion, which holds that the parents, particularly the mother, is the most formative power in a person’s life, is inaccurate. He offers instead the idea that there is the archetypal daimon who guides us and drives us toward fulfillment of our true nature and calling. This daimon is in the form of a guiding force or guardian angel who holds the image of what we are meant to be. Of this he writes: “Yet all along a little elf whispers another tale: ‘You are different; you’re not like anyone in the family; you don’t really belong.’ There is an unbeliever in the heart. It calls the family a fantasy, a fallacy.” I heard that elf. It whispered to me: You are one of us.”

“I am an elf. I realize that must sound strange to some readers, since from the popularly accepted point of view, elves are fictional beings who do not and, being a product of fiction/fantasy/fairy tales/folk lore, cannot exist. However, the intelligent reader, like yourself, will ask, what do you mean by that statement? And my reply is multifold. When I say I am an elf, I mean, in part, that I am a theorist and practitioner of what I call the Elven Way which is a spiritual practice. Therefore, when I say I am an elf, I’m using it in the same way someone might say, I’m a practitioner of Buddhism, or Hinduism, or Catholicism or Judaism.”

“However, as you will see, for mys’elf, I also use my identification as an elf in both a genetic sense and a cultural one. Thus I could say to you that I am a descendent of the Scottish, English, Welsh, French and Dutch, but as I trace the ancestry of those peoples further back, I find I am equally entitled to tell you I am a descendent of the Pixies, Elves, Brownies, and Fae or Faery Folk. Just as some modern Italians could say they are descended from the Romans and some might argue before that the Trojans, so I tell you I am descended from the folks who were once known as the Elves, Pixies. Brownies and Fae. And just as the stories of Troy where once thought to be purely fictional or mythological until the late 1870’s, so are the stories of my ancestors currently considered in just this way.”

“And I also use the term elf culturally. So when I say I am an elf, I also mean that I carry on many of the traditions and fashions that have been passed on through the ages by my people. However, I don’t ask you to believe I am an elf. I simply ask to you to understand and accept that this is the culture, people and tradition, with whom I identify. And it is this culture that is at the heart of my personal myth.”

Religion or Culture?

“If you tell someone that you are a Buddhist, a Catholic, Jewish or even an agnostic or atheist, while they might not agree with your choice, they at least, for the most part believe it to be a real one. If you tell someone your ancestors were Italian or Japanese or Cherokee or even some tribe from Africa that they’ve never heard of, they will accept what you say without question. Try telling someone you’re an Elf.”

If you tell someone you are descended from elves, they will, A. think you’re crazy, or B. think you are pulling their leg, or C. think that you have taken Dungeons and Dragons a mite too seriously which brings us back to A.”

“If you tell someone you are on the Elven Path rather than claiming any other religious affiliation they will think you are, A. crazy, B. pulling their leg, or C. part of a weird cult, which brings us back to A.”

“Because, in the minds of most people, elves do not and have never existed except in Faery Tales. The very words Fairy Tale is defined by the dictionary (Soukhanov, 1984) as a story that is fanciful or fictitious.”

“So are we, as elves, a religion and thus some form of new age cult, or are we a culture descended from a people who never existed except in the imagination of fanciful people, and in tales told to children before they are old enough to realize what the world is really like? The answer is neither. The Elven Path is animistic in nature. Nearly all tales about us say that we are the Elder Race (Evans-Wentz, 1966; Tolkien, 1977b), the original people. Our path is aboriginal and thus, as Frazer (1951/1922) points out, shamanistic and pre-religious. Ours is a spiritual path, not a religion. We have no dogma, doctrine nor specific rituals, although every elf is free to follow whatever religion or believe whatever they choose concerning religion, the Universe and the world.”

“Is it a path we’ve inherited or is it one we’ve created? To me that doesn’t matter; for all spiritual paths began somewhere, sometime. All things, all religions, all cultures, are created. So for the longest time I would tell people that if there never were a historical people called elves, there are now! Yet, I always felt, deep, deep within, that I was descended from elves. For who else but elves would even wish to claim to be an elf? “
— end of Excerpt
from Living the Personal Myth: Making the Magic of Faerie Real in One’s Own Life by the Silver Elves

You can find all our the Silver Elves books to purchase on The Elven Way on Amazon here:
US Amazon:
UK Amazon:

Please do come join us!


The Silver Elves invite you to come join us in some of our elven and magical otherkin Facebook groups where you will find our elven-faerie-fae otherkin community interacting and sharing The Elven Way:

The Magical Books of the Silver Elves — And if you would like to find out more about our 50+ The Silver Elves books on The Elven Way, please do join us! We have discussions about our Silver Elves books as well as about Elven and Otherkin philosophy, elven lifestyle and the Elven Way. If you have read our books and would like to discuss them with us, this is the place to come join in the discussions and ask also questions. And please do come share here in this group your own creative elven works of art, music, writing, crafts, or whatever you do to manifest Elfin in your life in your own way, as well as your thoughts and feelings about living the life Elfin.

Elven Home
This is an enchanting and private place for all elfae folk to share in cozy comfort. Feel free to share anything elfae related, and please do share (with images when you can) all about your own Eald (Elven Home) and the special aspects of it that make it your own enchanting elfin space.

Elven Life and Magic — A group for fae folk of all kinds.

Elvish Magical Chat — Posting and chatting all about elves, faeries, pixies, and magic!

The Faerie Circle — A group for the magical elfae folk. Be ever blest!

Elf Witches of the Mystic Moon — A place to share your magic and enchantment with other elf witches!

Faerie Craft —This is a group to share your elven and fae creations, and yes you are welcome to advertise your elfish/faerie crafts.

I Heart Elven Magic —For those who love Elfin Magic.

Feasting With the Elves (having fun sharing elven recipes and healthy eating) —

United Otherkin Alliance —
This is an alliance for Otherkin/ Therians, where elves, faeries, dragons, kitsune, gnomes, hobbits, merkin, pixies, brownies, nymphs, driads, niaids, valkyrie, vampires, devas, fauns, unicorns, animal kin and all manner of Faerie Folk gather and come together! This group is open to anyone who wishes to be part of a congenial group of Otherkin.

The Elven Way  — This group creates a place for people to learn about the Elven Way and for Elves, Otherkin, and their friends to have a fun gathering place to enjoy each other’s company and share things on the path. Although it is a private group, it is open to anyone who wishes to learn about the Elven Way and friends of such.

Nature & the Unseen Realms with the Elves & otherkin. A spiritual journey —A group to share together our occult experiences of Elfin-Faerie that are usually not shared and also to share about the wonders of Nature in the Unseen World.

Elfin Faerie Lore —  For Faeries and Elfin Folk. This group is for sharing elfin faerie lore, magic and life as Fae,

Silver Elves Embassy — This is a place of rest and gathering together to relax and share our stories, dreams for the future, and magic of our elfin adventures. We Silver Elves also share here in this group some of our own magical true tales and adventures that have lead us to further embrace the Shining Ones.

Also do look for our other elfae groups on Facebook: Elfae Spirituality Group, Elfae Tree Folk, Elven Oracles Group, and Elfin Faerie Lore.



“Evolution is like a relay race, we carry the baton of wisdom, power, and knowledge to those awaiting us in the future.”
—Ancient Elven Knowledge

What Will Elves Be Like in the Future?

December 1, 2018
“These will be more feeling oriented, psychic beings with telekinetic, telepathic and other abilities and these abilities which now exist in most elves in a very latent form expressing itself in small ways will flower in the future. So while humanity in general will become more psychic, so shall the elves grow far beyond our present abilities.”


What will elves be like in the future? Who knows? That’s one of the marvelous things about elves and elfin, we are ever changing and evolving. Our sisters of the Elf Queen’s Daughters (see our series Books of Correspondence Between The Silver Elves and the Founders of The Elf Queen’s Daughters, four volumes), a sisterhood we were part of back in the mid 1970’s, used to say that it was important for elves to be as adaptable as possible while letting go of most of one’s preferences and aversions. One of our sisters used to say that the difference between those who were truly elven and those who were attracted to us but just couldn’t make the leap to joining us and being a part of our culture was the ability to change.

     And surely whatever we might say about elves in the future would only be a projection on our part, based mostly upon our own experience, and the reality would be rather different. And that is one of the things that is most wonderful about Elfin and being Elven is that Elfin is full of surprises. And while we elves are generally hard to surprise since we often have The Sight, we love wondrous surprises and Elfin surprises us regularly and people, particularly elfae folk, always surprise us.

     Yet there are certain consistencies to elfin being that will most likely remain the same. We are enchanters by our natures and we love magic and the magic of our essential being is likely to grow stronger and more potent. In fact, it is likely that we will become ever more of what people have always imagined us to be. We will be changing but mostly by becoming more of our own true s’elves.

     We can assume that all of humanity (mankind and elfae alike) will be motivated to continue to develop preferred traits, i.e., those traits that are based on instinctual drives of attaining happiness and longevity. Since beauty is a preferred trait in human beings and is nearly always projected as an aspect of elven being, it is likely that we will become ever more handsome and beautiful as a elven people. Peter Jackson said that casting actors to play Tolkien’s elves in the Lord of the Rings movies was basically about finding fashion models.

     Since, longevity is a preferred trait, and since near immortality is also something that elves are almost always accorded in legend and lore, it is likely we will become healthier and more resilient, less prone to disease and longer lived altogether. Besides we tend to be happy people and happiness is a key to longevity. We delight in life, find purpose in life and are most often life artists. Our art is life.

     Since intelligence is a preferred trait, although you wouldn’t always know it by observing Mankind overall, we will surely be ever more intelligent as an elven people. We, after all, are ever seeking to learn and increase our knowledge as well as our ability to accurately think about the facts we encounter.

     According to elven esoteric lore with a more New Age concept, we elves of the current era are proto-types of the sixth sub race of the fifth root race of humanity, which in itself will be a proto-type of the coming sixth root race of humanity overall. These will be more feeling oriented, psychic beings with telekinetic, telepathic and other powers and these powers which now exist in most elves in a very latent form expressing itself in small ways will flower in the future. So while humanity in general will become more psychic, so shall the elves grow far beyond our present abilities. The Sight will become telescopic vision and we elves will sense nearly everything that is to come while retaining our basic delight in all that is wonderous in the world, the Universe and Nature.

     Despite the fact that we elves are, and are most often seen as, a mystically magical people, we are very scientifically oriented and most likely will increasingly continue to be so. To us, science is just another form of wizardry. Sorcery is Psychology. Astronomy is a branch of Astrology. Chemistry is a 101 class for Alchemy. Medicine is Herbalism and Shamanism. Every science you can name stems from magic (see Fraser The Golden Bough) and will eventually return to it to our elven way of thinking. We know that this is just semantics, but that’s the point of Grammarye, isn’t it? Weaving magic with words. It is just the elven way of perceiving the world. Others may wish to use other terminology for things, but we are elves and the whole world is magic to our eyes and our hearts.

     And that’s the point isn’t it? No matter what changes may occur in the world, in technology, in our own being, we will still be elves now and forever. Whether we live on the material plane or some other, we are soulful spirits evolving into greater and more vibrant being. We can only guess at the details of what we elves will be like in the future. As we can only guess at what fashions we might wear. But what is certain is that we are becoming ever more elven, which is to say more enchanting and that is what it has always been about. What will elves be like in the future? Marvelous, simply marvelous. Just as we are now only better.


The Silver Elves


And you can find all our the Silver Elves books on The Elven Way on Amazon here:

“Every vision of the morrow is rooted in a thousand yesterdays.”
Olde Elven Saying

—The Silver Elves



What Kind of Elf or Otherkin Are You?
And What is Your Elfae or Otherkin Tribe?

For years various kindred have asked us, the Silver Elves, to help them figure this out. You probably know if you are an elf, faerie, or otherkin but now we’ve created a questionnaire in order to help us and you create a narrative together about your specific people and your clan, their personal characteristics, magic, relationship to Nature, and interests. This is our gift to you (free), which we think will be a bit of fun for both of us. Give us five minutes of your time and we will give you a half hour to forty minutes of ours and send you your unique magical narrative. Simply follow this link and the directions on the page:



Also, we hope you will come to our website and enjoy reading samples of all our 40+ books on magic and enchantment and the Elven Way at:  We have many books  on being elves and the Elven Way to choose from, but for the best oracle to help guide you into your most enlightened future s’Elf, we suggest the I Ching:

The Elven Book of Changes: A Magical Interpretation of the I Ching is a magical interpretation of the I Ching or Book of Changes, and is for elves, magicians, otherkin, and magic wielders of all kinds. It is written without gender bias and serves both as an Oracle and as a book of instruction to help the magician find hir way through the maze of modern life, the mystical worlds of spirit, and the magical realms of Faerie.

ichingcovedThe Elven Book of Changes: A Magical Interpretation of the I Ching

If you want to hear the voice of the ancestors and get true guidance and sagely advice from them, the I Ching is a good way to go about it. The Elven Book Of Changes is a version of the I Ching that merely removes the patriarchal cultural bias and language that is in so many versions, as well as interpreting it from an Elven point of view, which also means with a magical outlook. We welcome you to come here to our website to read more about The Elven Book of Changes and to read the introduction and beginning of the Hexagram 1: Magic.

The above quote is from The Elven Book of Changes: A Magical Interpretation of the I Ching. We thank Ileådryn, Sara Isayama, for her beautiful graphic presentation of this quote.

“We elves are not trying to save the world
so much as to transform it into something much better.”
—The Silver Elves

We welcome you to come join us on Facebook under Michael J. Love (Zardoa of The SilverElves) and Martha Char Love (SilverFlame of The Silver Elves).


We also invite you to come join us on Facebook in some of our Elven groups where you will find our elven-faerie-fae community interacting and sharing the Elven Way:

The Magical Books of the Silver Elves where we have discussions about our books as well as about Elven and Otherkin philosophy and lifestyle.

Elf Witches of the Mystic Moon

Elven Life and Magic

Elvish Magical Chat

The Faerie Circle

Devayana: Buddhism, Vedic, & Asian Spirituality for Elves and Fae

The Elven Way and Friends 

United Otherkin Alliance  where elves, faeries, dragons, kitsune, gnomes, hobbits, merkin, pixies, brownies, nymphs, driads, niaids, valkyrie, vampires, devas, and all manner of Faerie Folk gather!

magicalRealms2THE MAGICAL REALMS OF ELFIN: Answers to Questions About Being an Elf and Following the Elven Path contains questions and answers about being elven that many people who are exploring the Elven Way have posed to The Silver Elves throughout the 40 + years that they have been living and sharing the Elven Way. The Silver Elves have put them all in this one book for all those who need a convenient, yet thorough and easy-to-read, resource to explore their questions about who the modern elves are and about the Elven Way or elven spiritual path — past, present and future. If you are curious about elves and want to learn more about modern elves and the Elven Path, then you will surely find this book to contain many of your questions answered and it will be a great comfort and help in finding your way home to the Magical Realms of Elfin.


Bright Doth Burn the Candle Light. . . . . .

Bright doth burn the candle light

That flickers through the trees

When darkened night obscures the way

Its glow still summons me

I ever keep it in my sight

As weary I do strive

To find my way to Elven Home

Where true magic comes alive.

And filtered now I hear a song

Of voices raised in cheer

And gladdened notes of happiness

To greet my eager ear

And stumbling onward

Toward the sound

Of laughter and of love

That through the leaves

Does call to me

From branches up above.

And peering round

My eyes do search

Until they hap to see

A staircase spiral wrapping round

An oak that’s near to me

With pounding heart

I toward these steps

In haste do lurch and dive

Till climbing up

Hands pull me forth

As I at last arrive.

And I am grasped

And deep embraced

And nectar offered me

But none so sweet

As the smiles I spy

At home high in this tree.

—The Silver Elves, from An Elven Game of Rhymes : Book Two of the Magical Poems of Zardoa Silverstar.


Come join ‘Elf Sayings from the Silver Elves’ on Facebook for a new inspiring and magical elf saying each day:


“Elfin is like the morning mist nestled among the trees
arousing an atavistic sense of mystery and wonder.”

—The Silver Elves


Blessings3 copy

Touch this star above for an Elven Blessing, dear Kindred!













What is the Rainbow Magic that the Silver Elves Often Speak About?

October 1, 2017
“Rainbow Magic is really the magic of the rainbow people,
which is to say all the Elfae (elven faerie folk) and
others that work together to create a better situation for all of us.”
(Photo of magical double rainbow taken
by The Silver Elves in Makaha, Hawaii, near their Eald.)

According to a Hopi Prophecy, the Rainbow People will come and save the peoples of the Earth. The Earth, itself, according to the elves, doesn’t need saving. It is humanity and the other creatures upon it that are truly in danger from man-unkinds’ and others’ predations. The Earth will do quite well without humanity. But we elves and fae folk would rather not have it that way. We’d much rather harmonize with Nature and find/create a place where all peoples, human and otherwise, may be successful.

Thus Rainbow Magic is really the magic of the Rainbow People, which is to say all the Elfae (elven faerie folk) and others that work together to create a better situation for all of us. A true elven civilization upon the Earth. A place where everyone is free to express hir own s’elf and hir own nature as long as they don’t interfere with others. This idea of the Rainbow People, the combined elven and fae folk along with all others, is essentially an Aquarian notion and befits the Aquarian Age that is still in the process of birthing. It is, as we’ve said elsewhere, the essential idea that we can all do our own thing together. It puts forth the notion that win-win situations are not only possible but preferable and that we are able not only to agree to disagree but we can also agree to let each other, as much as possible, pursue our own interests and development. There is room in Elfin for all sincere and willing folk that chose to be there.

These may seem in some ways like new ideas (some folks might even fluff them off as New Age, a term that is held in scorn by numerous folks, although these elves have never been precisely clear about why they do so, nor has anyone been able to tell us) but like the Hopi Prophecy and the notion of the Aquarian Age, these are actually something that have been handed down to us from the Ancestors. They foresaw our coming and rejoiced in the fact that it was so, as we rejoice and take heart in those who are yet to come.

Another way to look at this, however, is in the Seven Rays of Manifestation, which are each accorded a color associated with the Rainbow. The three primary colors being the first three rays and the blending of those colors (the secondary colors) being the last three rays and the fourth which is in the middle, by its nature, being a place of synthesis. For our own part we see the fourth ray as being of the tonal scale, thus white to black with all the grays in between, and thus also silver. We elves particularly associate with this fourth ray, although any individual elf may have another ray as hir dominant propensity.

But this brings us back to the Rainbow Magic and the fact that there is a blending occurring. Elves, while we tend to be, first and foremost, enchanters, are also wizards, witches, sorcerers, magicians, conjurors and healers, herbalists, shamans, and every other sort of magician that uses hir magic to manifest Elfin in a bright and positive way that is fulfilling and healing for all involved. This is the Rainbow Magic, uniting our powers to create something truly wondrous for everyone, a world of shining radiance where love rules, magic illuminates, and we dance together in joy forever in a world brilliant with color.

Ver nesidas mellun vari te (In shimmering starlight ever be),
The Silver Elves

Our other blog site with articles on Elven Lifestyle and the Elven Way.

“Some people think it never rains in Elfin but, of course, it does.
Where else would we get rainbows and the mists of Faerie?
Although, it is true, the rains in Elfin are healing and magical.”
—from Elf Quotes by The Silver Elves

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Also, we hope you will come to our website and enjoy reading samples of all our 41 books on magic and enchantment and the Elven Way at:

elvesWhat sort of elf, faerie or other are you?
For years various kindred have asked us, the Silver Elves, to help them figure this out. Now we’ve created a questionnaire to help us do so. This is our gift to you. Simply follow the link & the directions. 

September 28, 2017th: The Silver Elves are happy to introduce our newest book release:
Creating Miracles In the Modern World: The Way Of the Elfin Thaumaturge


Creating Miracles In the Modern World is a book of Elfin Thaumaturgy, of miracle working and wonder creation, although for these elves we much prefer the idea of wonder working and creation to the idea of miracles. We love wonders. We love creating them; we love encountering them. This simple tome will explore the means by which we may do so. By which we mean not only creating the wondrous but also developing our ability to see and appreciate the wonders that are all around us. These things are tied together. The ability to see wonders promotes the creation of wonders.
Some have written in popular books that there is no such thing as magic. We wonder then what they think miracles are if not magic. Of course, what they mean is that human beings are incapable of magic and that only the Divine, which they perceive of in the form of the Christian demi-god and his retinue, can do magic, which is to say create miracles. We elves, naturally, disagree. We are elves; we are magic by our very natures. We don’t so much have to do magic; we are magic. We exude magic from our pores. Our every movement is magic. Magic is an effect of our being.
Creating Miracles In the Modern World shows you, whoever you are—whether you are an elf or Otherkin or consider yourself a member of normal humanity—that the more we develop our own inner divine nature, the more wondrous we become, and therefore in consequence the more we are able to recognize the subtle wonders of the world and the Universe. Thus, s’elf development is ever a part of the progress of the elfin magician who seeks, first and foremost, to master hir (his/her) own s’elf in order to have influence upon the world at large and not the other way around. For mastery of ones’elf (also called s’elf discipline) is, in fact, a most wondrous thing creating awe in those who observe it, inspiring them with possibility. And possibility, which is the true nature of the Divine Magic, is at the root of the miraculous and the wondrous. Every wondrous thing flows from its being that expresses itself through us. Thus it is that in the act of sub-creation and in some cases, perhaps, co-creation, we, like the Divine Magic itself, do manifest wonders.
You may visit our website to read an excerpt from Chapter 3.

“Wondrous is Faerie
Radiant and fair
But most wondrous of all
Is the love we elven share.”
—The Silver Elves

Elven Blessings!

